Month: November 2021

AdKaora selected by L’Oréal Paris for the launch of its new make-up product

At the heart of the campaign, a drive to store strategy which combines proximity and trade marketing

AdKaora, the Mondadori Group digital agency specialised in user-centric mobile advertising and proximity marketing, has been chosen by L’Oréal Paris for the launch of Accord Parfait Nude, its first tinted serum with 1% Pure Hyaluronic Acid that fills out the skin like a serum and evens out the complexion like a foundation, and to promote some of the company’s best-selling skincare products

The campaigns Product Awareness and Drive to store objectives, developed together with Publicis Media and online since September, have been reached thanks to a combination of digital marketing tools with traditional trade marketing activities inside the stores involved. A strategy conceived to build awareness of the products and increase footfall.

Thanks to the cross-referencing of geo-behavioural and navigation data of interest, which are part of a user panel made up of 9 million device IDs and 26 million cookies, it was possible to precisely intercept the target audience, i.e. women between 25 and 54, interested in make-up, beauty and skincare.

Having identified the audience, a mix of standard mobile display formats was planned to present the new Accord Parfait Nude foundation and the Revitalift Filler to the target audience, who were close to the points of interest. This was accompanied by the use of Push Notifications, which also made it possible to take advantage of the touchpoints and micro-moments that can be activated thanks to smartphones.

All of the formats directed users to the proprietary Find & Go Now! technology, a branded interactive map designed to guide consumers to the nearest store where they can buy the product. In addition, cross-category displays were installed in more than 100 participating stores with the aim of promoting products in the make-up and skincare sectors.

A data analysis phase completed the strategy, which proved to be significant in validating the effectiveness of the levers used. First of all, a footfall analysis made it possible to measure the effect of the campaign on the increase in visits to stores and to meet the drive-to-store KPIs.

In addition, thanks to a series of marketing tools and a dedicated section of the CheckBonus app, L’Oréal Paris gained extra visibility. The survey carried out on a panel of CheckBonus subscribers and conducted during the campaign also allowed the clients to obtain valuable information on sales, consumers’ buying behaviour, the sales trends by outlet and perception of the products.

There were also very positive results in terms of product awareness, thanks to display formats and Push Notifications, which recorded 1% and 2% of CTR, respectively, An engagement rate of 23.5% from Find & Go Now! revealed a strong interest in action on the part of users, also confirmed by the analysis results, which recorded a +167% increase in visits to stores and therefore fully achieving the drive to store objectives.

Davide Tran, CEO of AdKaora: “Working with L’Oréal Paris on the launch of new products and having the possibility to use all the tools we have available, has allowed us to consolidate the circularity of proximity marketing, which has reached a tangible and replicable multi-channel level in a range of product sectors. In addition, for this project, the aim was to develop a strategy that, through activating digital elements, would bring users to points of sale and, in particular, reinforce a typical offline trade marketing initiative such as a cross-category display. Thanks to analysis, a crucial component of our advanced Proximity Suite offer, it is possible to measure the impact of advertising on sales, the effectiveness of the various channels involved, and gain important insights that become must-haves for future communication and strategies.”