Month: January 2014

Monradio: Mario Volanti and Marco Pontini to join the Board of Directors with powers to manage content and marketing at R101

Ernesto Mauri, CEO of Mondadori: “Radio strategic for the Group”

Mondadori is consolidating and strengthening its alliance with Radio Italia solomusicaitaliana following the positive results of the advertising sales begun last April.

Mario Volanti, president and publisher of the Radio Italia group, and Marco Pontini, general manager for marketing and sales at Radio Italia, are to join the board of directors of Monradio as directors with special powers for the management of R101 in terms of content and marketing.

“I am delighetd to accept this position along with Marco Pontini,” declared Mario Volanti. “It is a significant and prestigious challenge, that we take on with confidence that we will be able to make a contribution to the process of relaunching R101,” Volanti concluded.

“Radio is a strategic sector for our group and the decision to give this role to Mario Volanti – one of the founding fathers of commercial radio in Italy and a professional with established competence and knowledge of the medium – is a move that goes precisely in this direction,” underlined Ernesto Mauri, chief executive of the Mondadori Group.

Mario Volanti and Marco Pontini will work closely with Carlo Mandelli, managing director of Monradio, with the aim of providing significant support in consolidating and further enhancing the identity of R101 in the panorama of Italian commercial radio and launching a process for the strengthening and development of the musical and editorial content.

The 60th anniversary of INTERNI: 2014 begins with an international issue

A range of new features also online with the launch of the new apps: Design Guide Index and Design Guide Paris

INTERNI begins a year of celebrations for the title’s 60th anniversary – 60 years in which the magazine has explored the future of design – with an international issue (January/February) in both theme and content: an issue entirely in English with translations in Italian at the end of the magazine, which will be officially presented during two important international appointments for the sector: in Cologne, Germany during the IMM Cologne fair (from 13 to 19 January 2014) and in Paris, France during Maison & Objet (from 24 to 28 January 2014). The magazine will distributed at hotels, art galleries, design and fashion stores, with promotions at airports and railway stations in Milan, Paris, Cologne, Berlin and London, and with additional special distribution in the UK, Brazil and the United States.

The theme of this special issue of the magazine is “crossover”: a term borrowed from the automotive sector that indicates a mixture of types, the coming together of contexts and a capacity to absorb ideas from different worlds, both geographic and cultural.

The magazine will specifically take a closer look at crossover in contemporary design and examine products “that combine and express different languages,” declared Gilda Bojardi, editor of the magazine. “This is an area that INTERNI feels particularly drawn to for the specific role that it has taken on in recent years in encouraging creative alliances between designers, companies, representatives of the world of culture and professionals from the world of design in its broadest sense.”

The cover of this issue communicates a surprise and also toast to 60 years of Zanotta, a company that “for 60 years gives shape to the design,” in a career full of successes and three ‘Compassi d’Oro’.

INTERNI also begins the year by celebrating the 30th anniversary of the Design Guide Index (a supplement to the January/February issue). New features can be found in this, the 30th edition, in both the print and digital versions, the latter available both on the web and mobile, through the new web app that will be active during the whole of the year; a unique guide dedicated to the world of Italian design with more than 8,000 addresses: who produces and what, where you can buy and what, as well as the designers, photographers, promoters, publishers, teachers, organisers, exhibitors. You can also download a complete list of the showrooms and sales outlets of the companies listed in the Guide with their trademark.

INTERNI is also launching a new digital version of the Design Guide Paris, a web app that will be available from 20 January 2014 from the web site and optimised for desktops, tablets and smartphones. In a bilingual French/English version, it also includes an interactive map of Paris indicating the main landmarks, a selection of useful information and a detailed photo gallery. Now in its 15th edition, the guide is an essential source of information and orientation for visitors to Paris with additional indications regarding events, hotels, restaurants, exhibitions and museums, as well as all the news from Maison & Objet.

The Interni system, which has become established over time as the undisputed leader among architecture and design magazines with a share of the Italian market of over 50%, begins 2014 with an international edition that has also been a great success from an advertising point of view, with revenues up by 10% on 2013.

And over the year there will be other surprises for both readers of the magazine and the advertising market, thanks to special initiatives and an unmissable appointment with an issue wholly devoted to the history of design to be published in October.

CasaFacile, a new perspective on interiors

The Mondadori monthly changes look and strengthens its online presence with the launch of and a new app

For CasaFacile the new year starts with a bang. The monthly edited by Giusi Silighini is changing its look with an offer full of new features not only on newsstands, but also online and in digital: in fact the launch of the site and a new app, will contribute to the development of the brand across all media platforms.

CasaFacile will become a new point of reference for lovers of interior design and daily living at home,” claims the editor Giusi Silighini. “By maintaining a ‘beating heart’ characterised by simplicity, spontaneity and engagement, the title is also more authoritative and reliable with a fresh, engaging and lively language that aims to create a unique style in which women can recognise themselves and identify with.”

While staying faithful to the distinctive features that have led to its success over the years, CasaFacile is renewing its content, look and language.

The title now has a more contemporary feel and the first part of the magazine is devoted to news, trends and events, as in the new section “Dove, quando, perché: indirizzi, novità e trend da tenere sott’occhio” (Where, when, why: new products and trends to keep an eye on) that immediately projects the reader into the world of CasaFacile. Naturally, at the heart of the magazine are homes, each of them characterised by a “theme” (Home Inspiration, Home Décor, Home Ideas & Solutions, Home Before and After), while the second part of the magazine is more service-based, with thematic “how to” columns and features for example on décor and crafts and looking after plants and gardens. The layout is cleaner, easier to use and colourful, with weightier fonts, softer lines and a lively, but never gaudy use of colour in more extensive visual fields. Throughout the magazine there are graphic signals to guide the reader.

But what is really new is, a site that is totally in line with the CasaFacile style featuring news and anticipations, for example in the “Editor’s Blog”, or backstage coverage for “Before and After” on the video channel.

Moreover, with the new app (that can be downloaded for free from the App Store), as well as being able to flick through the magazine, users have access to all the content of the site laid out with an innovative design. As an expression of the new integrated print-digital organisation, offers extra multimedia background on the main features of the magazine, a wide range of practical advice and a special ‘how to’ tutorial section.

In recent years the magazine has also built up a community where readers have become authentic friends who share their hobbies and interests on the web: in fact CasaFacile has also form the start been very active on social networks and has more than 130,000 Facebook fans, as well as having a presence on Pinterest and YouTube.

But there have also been successes on the advertising side. Thanks also to the potential of the site and the new app, the new CasaFacile has been warmly received by advertisers, with the first issue after the relaunch recording a 60% increase – compared with January of last year – in advertising revenues.

The launch of CasaFacile will be supported by a significant communication campaign managed by Hi! and involving a range of media: TV, Mondadori magazines and websites, PoS, airports and railway stations. The new CasaFacile on newsstands from this week at the special price of €1. The magazine is also available from the iTunes Store where you can but a single copy or a subscription (3 months for just €4.49 or a year for just €15.99, with a free issue included).