Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors of 4 March 2021 (Italian) Adjustment of Bylaws
Bylaws (Italian)
Organization, management and control framework
Code of conduct for the Organisation, management and control framework
Code of Ethics
Corporate governance report 2020
Remuneration report 2020
Procedures for transactions with related parties
Operating provisions regarding sensitive information
Terms of reference of the manager in charge of financial reporting (italian version)
Regulations governing shareholders’ meeting
Merger by incorporation of Banzai Media S.r.l. Documentation of merger of Banzai Media (Italian)

Minutes of the BoD of 8 November 2016 (Italian)

Press release of 29 September 2016

Mondadori Group:

Annual Report 2013

Annual Report 2014

Annual Report 2015

Banzai Media:

Financial statements at 31 December 2013 (Italian)

Financial statements at 31 December 2014 (Italian)

Financial statements at 31 December 2015 (Italian)


Capital increase (17 June 2014) Notice pursuant to Article 87 of Consob Regulation no. 11971/1999 (Annex 3F) (italian)

Minutes of the meeting of the board of directors held on 17 June 2014 (Italian)

Updated Articles of Association 17 June 2014 (Italian)

Merger by incorporation of the wholly-owned subsidiary Mondadori International S.p.A. Documentation ex Art. 70, para. 7 of Consob regulation 11971/1999 (Italian)

Minutes of Board of Directors 30 July 2013 (Italian)

Annual information document (ex Art. 54 of Consob regulation 111971/1999) Annual information document 2011 (italian)

Annual information document 2010 (Italian)

Merger by incorporation of the wholly-owned subsidiary AME Editoriale Wellness S.r.l. Documentation ex. Art. 70, para. 5 of Consob regulation 11971/1999 (italian version)

Minutes of Board of Directors (italian version)

Merger by incorporation of the wholly-owned subsidiary FIED S.p.A. Documentation ex. Art. 70, para. 5 of Consob regulation 11971/1999 (italian version)

Minutes of Board of Directors (italian version)

Information document prepared in accordance with article 84 bis, paragraph 5, of Consob regulation 11971/1999 and subsequent amendments Plan of stock option 2009/2011 – Allocation for 2009 (italian version)

Plan of stock option 2009/2011 – Allocation for 2010 (italian version)