This page offers a comparison of the key financial annual data (yoy and from FY2013): the quarterly tab shows the interim figures of the last three years.

P&L, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Statement figures, stated in the current standard, the most representative for the Group businesses, are available on an annual and on a quarterly basis from FY 2013.

The subsequent pages in this section also show figures relating to breakdown by business area (annual: yoy and from FY2013; cumulative: from FY2013)  and the net financial position.

In the downloadable Excel file, key financial data, P&L, Balance Sheet, Cash Flow Statement and breakdown by business area from FY2013, both annual and cumulative, are included.

(€/m) 2020 2019[1] Var. (€/m) Var. %
Income statements
Revenue 744.0 884.9 (140.9) (15.9%)
EBITDA 84.6 102.9 (18.3) (17.8%)
EBIT 14.8 62.3 (47.5) (76.2%)
Net profit 4.5 28.2 (23.7) (84%)
Balance sheet
Net commercial working capital (including other assets/liabilities) 43.6 49.4 (5.8) (11.7%)
Net capital employed 270.0 321.3 (51.3) (16.0%)
Net debt (before IFRS16) (14.8) (55.4) 40.6 (73.3%)
Net debt (97.6) (151.3) 53.7
Net assets 172.4 170.0 2.4 1.4%
ROE 2.6% 16.6%
ROS 2.0% 7.0%

[1] Data presented in accordance with IFRS5, with Mondadori France discontinued
As of January 1, 2019, the data are reported according to IFRS16


(€/m) 2020 2019[1] 2018[2] 2017[2] 2016 2015 2014
Income statements
Revenue 744.0 884.9 891.1 970.1 1,263.3 1,123.2 1,169.5
EBITDA 84.6 102.9  77.5 86.7 94.0 81.6 71.5
EBIT  14.8  62.3  56.3 60.4 60.0 54.5 48.2
Net profit  4.5 32.0 20.3 27.2 22.5 6.4 0.6
Balance sheet
Net commercial working capital (including other assets/liabilities) 43.6 49.4 51.3 53.3 12.5 (30.9) 9.4
Net capital employed 270.0 321.3 317.9 534.6 581.4 495.0 580.9
Net debt (before IFRS16)  (14.8) (55.4) (147.2) (189.2) (263.6) (199.4) (291.8)
Net debt  (97.6) (151.3)
Net assets 172.4 170.0 170.7 345.3 317.8 295.6 289.1

[1] Data presented in accordance with IFRS5, with Mondadori France discontinued
As of January 1, 2019, the data are reported according to IFRS16

(€/m) 9M21 1H21 1Q21 2020 9M20 1H20 1Q20 2019 9M19[1] 1H19[1] 1Q19[1] 2018[1] 9M18[1] 1H18[1] 1Q18[1] 2017[1]
Income statements
Revenue 588.9 320.4 144.8 744.0 541.9 288.9 135.3 884.9 658.9 380.0 166.8 891.1 658.5 390.8 177.7 970.1
EBITDA 85.0 19.0 1.1 98.1 71.0 8.4 (4.2) 102.9 78.4 20.6 1.1 93.3 64.8 3.5 (6.2) 86.7
EBIT 52.0 0.2 (9.0) 29.2 28.9 (17.2) (14.0) 62.3 50.2 2.1 (7.2) 57.7 38.6 (6.6) (11.2) 610.4
Result from continuing operations 49.4 4.4 (10.2) 18.9 18.0 (25.0) (19.1) 32.0 25.4 (4.6) (8.4) 20.3 15.8 (14.7) (13.4) 27.2
Net profit 49.4 4.4 (10.2) 18.9 18.0 (25.0) (19.1) 28.2 23.1 (1.9) (3.5) (177.1) (181.5) (12.5) (13.6) 30.4
Balance sheet
Net commercial working capital (including other assets/liabilities) 103.8 96.9 56.7 43.6 104.8 102.8 67.3 49.6 105.2 190.9 73.5 54.1 103.3 95.9 67.7 53.3
Net capital employed 334.7 333.1 295.9 270.0 357.7 364.5 345.9 321.3 375.5 476.8 455.1 317.9 373.2 573.3 553.9 534.6
Net debt (111.6) (155.1) (131.8) (97.6) (170.4) (219.5) (193.9) (151.3) (209.5) (306.2) (179.3) (147.2) (209.3) (238.4) (221.9) (189.2)
Net assets 223.2 178.0 164.0 172.4 18.3 145.0 151.9 170.0 165.9 170.6 168.6 170.7 163.9 334.9 332.0 345.3

[1] Data presented in accordance with IFRS5, with Mondadori France discontinued
As of January 1, 2019, the data are reported according to IFRS16