The growing involvement of institutions, companies and individuals in sustainable development requires the adaptation of criteria, standards and guidelines in every sector. In 2020, for example, the new Corporate Governance Code for listed companies was issued, establishing that sustainable success and stakeholders are fundamental objectives and interlocutors in company management.

For the Mondadori Group too, therefore, there is a need to adapt its sustainability governance model to take these two factors into account. Already with the entry into force of Legislative Decree 254, our organization regarding sustainability issues and non-financial reporting has evolved, with the involvement of the Control, Risk and Sustainability Committee and the Board of Statutory Auditors, and with the extension of the Sustainability Committee to all business functions.

The governance model

The current sustainability governance model is structured as follows:

  • Board of Directors: approves the Consolidated Non-Financial Statement annually;
  • Chief Executive Officer: evaluates and approves the proposals of the Sustainability Committee;
  • Control, Risk and Sustainability Committee: assists the BoD in assessing and deciding on sustainability issues, with particular reference to the approval of the DNF;
  • Sustainability Committee: made up of the main corporate and business functions, it meets periodically, assesses strategic and operational proposals regarding sustainability, examines and validates the draft consolidated non-financial statement and the sustainability plan;
  • sustainability manager: convenes, makes proposals and reports to the Sustainability Committee on CSR issues.

Values that inspire us

Consistent with the principles that inspire the management of the company, even in the organization and planning of sustainability activities we comply with all local, national and international regulations of the countries where we are present. Our points of reference are the values sanctioned by supranational bodies and organizations in documents and guidelines, from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, from the principles sanctioned by the International Labor Organization to the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) guidelines for multinational companies.

The concrete application of these principles is translated into our Model of organization, management and control, constantly updated and extended to all Group companies, together with our Code of Ethics, reformulated in 2012 to ensure greater adherence to changes in civil society and in the company itself.

Adherence to the SDGs

We believe that the commitment to improve the social and environmental sustainability of our company cannot be separated from the desire to contribute, with our actions, to a common effort to achieve shared goals. For this reason, we design our sustainability activities having as reference point the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the UN. And among the 17 goals, we have identified those for which we can work and make our contribution, because they are in line with our mission, our vocation as publishers and our role as a company.

Ensuring health and well-being for all

Lunchtime workouts, a new ambulatory health and prevention facility, and all measures to combat the spread of Covid-19

Quality Education

A project by our publishing houses with Action Aid to build two schools in Ethiopia. And in the future, initiatives to fight educational poverty

Insieme per l'istruzione

Gender equality

The first edition of our Diversity & Inclusion training project is dedicated to female leadership

Improving working life

A new tool to facilitate and support the work-life balance of our people

Sustainable products

Our books and magazines are printed on FSC or PEFC certified paper

Acting for the climate

Our commitment to reducing the environmental impacts of the Mondadori Group