When we started our path of sustainability we wondered what “weight” environmental sustainability could have in the publishing business, a business closely related to the production and use of paper as a raw material. And yet it was clear that we could not limit ourselves to quantifying this aspect, but that we had to survey our energy consumption and try to quantify the environmental impacts that each phase of our activity produces: inside the company, upstream and downstream in the supply chain. Thanks to this survey we understood that it was not so much the “magnitude” of these impacts that was important as the possibility of reducing them.

Our Sustainability Committee, composed of the main corporate and business functions, is responsible for the Group’s environmental strategy. By identifying possible areas for improvement, it formulates strategic guidelines for the implementation of our environmental policy.

In particular, our main commitments for the future can be summarized in the following points:

  • to reduce energy consumption, through, among other things, measures on energy efficiency and business travel management policies;
  • promoting responsible use of natural resources by encouraging the use of eco-compatible materials through, for example, the use of certified paper for the printing of our products;
  • improving the management of waste, both from our locations and from product distribution activities;
  • influencing our suppliers through the use of environmental sustainability criteria within the selection and management process, in order to orient the chosen suppliers to act consistently with this environmental policy;
  • raise our customers’ awareness of environmental issues, using our own products as a means of promoting sustainability;
  • involve our employees through communication and dialogue to increase corporate awareness of environmental issues and promote responsible behavior.

Our joint commitment to these issues is part of a broader vision regarding the fight against climate change, which we consider a key point for our environmental strategy.

Our environmental policy is part of a broader context of management of sustainability issues, which we communicate, both internally and externally, through the drafting and annual publication of the consolidated non-financial statement, through the company’s intranet, institutional website and Group social accounts. We are committed to disseminating and communicating the environmental policy to our stakeholders, in particular to employees, customers and suppliers, and to ensuring the periodic review and updating of the Group’s policy, strategy and objectives with regard to environmental and sustainability issues.

Our environmental policy outlines the commitment to the achievement of objectives for the reduction of environmental impacts. It constitutes the reference framework for the company’s strategy and areas of intervention in the environmental field.

The process for the definition of the environmental policy is divided into the following steps:

Our objectives between projects and achievements

  •   Objective achieved
  •   Project underway
  •   Project pending
Objective Status/results
Replanting of the park surrounding the headquarters The project shared with the Municipality of Segrate and Fondazione Porcinai saw the redevelopment of the green areas surrounding the headquarters with:

  • the felling of 108 Italian poplars (diseased plants at risk of falling);
  • 183 plantings, of which 85 Italian poplars (auditorium row, west lakefront side and woods), 48 lime trees (east parking lot sporting side) and 50 trees donated to the Municipality of Segrate.

Once the work was completed, the area’s tree heritage increased by over 60%, respecting the park’s design and existing species.

Decommissioning of the underground gas station tanks. The removal of the historic fuel station in the park of Palazzo Mondadori is a work of important environmental value that  neutralizes the potential polluting effects due to the wear and tear of fuel containers. The intervention consisted in the elimination of the external structure and the four underground tanks, still containing a small amount of gasoline and diesel, as required by law. Once the work to remove the fuel tanks was completed, the soil removed was subjected to laboratory analysis that confirmed the absence of pollutants. It was therefore not necessary to proceed with any cleanup work and the excavation was filled with certified soil. Some “green” hypotheses are now being examined for a valorization of the area in the sign of sustainability  
Project for the proper disposal of plastic at the headquarters The first phase of monitoring of separate collection inside the offices has begun; initiatives for the disposal of plastic waste at source will follow.  
Replacement of office printers with more efficient models and consequent reduction in toner consumption and related waste Among the measures adopted to reduce the environmental impact of the Group’s offices and sales outlets, in recent years efforts have been made to raise awareness of the responsible use of toner and paper for printing in the office. Thanks to the replacement in 2018 of all the printers in the offices, including directly operated stores, with new all-in-one printers – printer, scanner and photocopier – which, together with print quality and the possibility of printing on any machine in the offices, guarantee a significant reduction in energy consumption and consumables (paper and toner), in the last three years the Group has managed to reduce printing paper consumption by about 32%. Toner consumption has also decreased over the three-year period.  
Indirect energy GHG emissions reduction The trend in electricity consumption in Italy has been steadily falling over the past three years: the approximately 18% reduction between 2017 and 2019 is due partly to the energy saving measures and actions implemented over the year:

  • replacement in June of the north well pump with a new inverter pump to reduce water and electricity consumption at nighttime and in winter, with consumption proportional to actual needs, while still ensuring a minimum constant flow to the lake. Annual savings are estimated at approximately 28,000 kWh, while the reduction in groundwater use is estimated at approximately 250,000 m3/year;
  • replacement in March of the north tower well booster pumps with new inverter pumps to reduce water and electricity consumption, with consumption proportional to actual needs. Annual savings are estimated at approximately 7,000 kW;
  • for both Palazzo Niemeyer and Cascina Tregarezzo, the electrical energy monitoring system was upgraded in accordance with Legislative Decree 102/2014. The system allows to split energy consumption based on use (conditioning, motive power, lighting, auxiliary devices), crucial for implementing new saving measures.

Initiatives planned or in the pipeline for 2020

  • splitting of the induction system on the main building, north side;
  • replacement of the south well pump with a new inverter pump to reduce water and electricity consumption at nighttime and in winter;
  • installation of inverters on multi-purpose well booster pumps;
  • installation of a new geothermal unit for the treatment of technical environments such as the UPS battery room, the documentation centre and the control room;
  • installation of inverters on well pumps, in order to reduce water and electricity consumption proportional to actual needs.

Estimated reduction in electricity consumption: 5%.

Calculation of emissions before and after the Group’s activities Since 2015, an estimate of emissions related to the logistics of publications (primary transport) has been made, with the intention of expanding the scope of reporting on the supply chain with regard to the production of paper books and magazines  
Creation of a company policy for waste separation and greater awareness by employees, establishment of a database for the collection of information on waste, and definition of a procedure for the management of waste generated by maintenance Monitoring of waste management is currently in effect at the Segrate location; possible solutions to expand the scope are being examined  

All our activities can be divided into two main categories of environmental aspects associated with them:

  • direct: for several years we have outsourced all printing operations; for this reason, the environmental aspects directly attributable to the company are limited to energy and water consumption, consumption of materials (mainly packaging) and related environmental impacts;
  • indirect: the activities that can determine a high impact on the environment, i.e. the production of paper and the printing and logistics of publishing products.


The consumption of gas – Italy*

Type of energy Unit 2020 2019 2018
Natural gas








*Natural gas consumption is converted into GJ using the conversion factors sourced from “National standard parameters published by the Ministry for the Environment and Land and Sea Protection” published for the respective years (2020, 2019, 2018).
Electricity consumption Unit 2020 2019 2018
Total electricity purchased from national grid MWh








Consumption of other materials (in tonnes)

The tables show the consumption of the main materials used by Mondadori (according to a conservative approach, these materials are considered as direct consumption also in the case of outsourcing).
As regards Italy, the figures include the materials used in the shipment of books (from Verona and from Stradella), dailies and magazines (Press-di).
Raw material Detail Books Press-Di
Wood Pallets ¹ 1,523 2,103
Cardboard Cardboard boxes and packaging materials 1,316  –
Polyethylene Film 39 2682
Polyethylene Package filling 8
Polyethylene Pallet covers 4 nd
Polypropylene Tape 22 nd
Polypropylene Strapping 11 nd
Expanded polystyrene foam Filling of packages with polystyrene 38
1The downward trend in 2018-2019 is explained by the availability of more detailed information on the average weight of wooden pallets for 2019.
2The figure on film in 2019 and 2018 was estimated on the basis of consumption in 2017.

Print cartridge and paper consumption for printouts (tonnes) – Italy

Raw material Detail 2020 2019 2018
Paper Paper for printouts 29 61 72
Print cartridges Print cartridges for printouts 0.3 1 2


Segrate, the only site at the moment where the amounts of waste disposed of can be accurately measured, saw zero production between 2020 and 2019 of hazardous waste.
Type Unit of measurement 2020 2019 2018
Hazardous waste kg 00 2.738 0.771
Non-hazardous waste kg 141.247 238.158 199.73
Total 200.501