Legal notice

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Corporate information

Terms and conditions of use of the Arnoldo Mondadori Editore Spa web site


Limits of responsibility


Messages and information sent thought the site

Legitimate use



Applicable laws


Corporate information

Head office in Via Bianca di Savoia 12
20122 – Milano
Tax Identification Number and Milan Companies
Register No. 07012130584
R.E.A. Milan No. 1192794
VAT Account 08386600152
Company share capital € 67,979,168.40 i.v.

Terms and conditions of use of the Arnoldo Mondadori Editore Spa web site
The web site, property of Arnoldo Mondadori Ediotore Spa, offers an online information service provided by Arnoldo Mondadori Editore Spa S.p.A. (hereinafter “Mondadori”). Use of the site is subject to acceptance of the terms and conditions of use outlined below. If you do not accept these conditions you are requested not to make use of the site.

The content of the web site, including texts, documents, trademarks, logos, images, design, their layout and adaptations are protected by intellectual property rights, copyrights and norms protecting the use of trademarks (Law 22 April 1941 n°. 633 and subsequent modifications, Regio Decreto n°. 929 of 21 June 1942 and subsequent modifications). The Mondadori institutional web site may also contain images, documents, logos and trademarks that are the property of third parties who have expressly given Mondadori permission to use such material on the web site This third party material is covered under norms governing intellectual property rights, copyrights and the protection of trademarks. Apart from strictly personal use, it is not permitted to copy, alter, distribute, publish or in any other way to use the content of the web site without the prior written consent of Mondadori.

Limits of responsibility
The information contained on the web site is provided in good faith by Mondadori and is periodically updated and checked. Mondadori will do its best to ensure that the information on the site is reliable, correct and current. Mondadori is relieved of all responsibility for eventual errors in the content. Under no circumstances can Mondadori be held accountable for direct or indirect damage caused by the use of the information contained on the site or the content of the site itself. Consequently, persons making decisions based on the information contained on the site are wholly responsible for their actions.

Mondadori is not responsible for the content of any other site that may be accessed from the web site or from web sites that link to Connecting to sites from the Mondadori institutional web site is made at the user’s own risk and users should ensure that they have taken adequate precautions against viruses and other potentially damaging elements. Mondadori has absolutely no control over the content on other sites and as a third party has no responsibility for the content, including advertising material, contained on other sites. Mondadori is also not responsible for products or services offered by other sites. Such products or services are in no way sponsored, shared or supported by Mondadori.

Messages and information sent through the site
Users take full responsibility for the content of messages sent, accepting full responsibility and excluding Mondadori – as well as related or associated companies and/or persons, its representatives, employees or any partners – from any eventual claim for damages or similar. Users also exclude Mondadori from charges relating to actions taken by third parties against Mondadori, the companies and persons indicated above, for damages deriving from the actions of users or persons authorised by the user to access the site Any eventual material or information supplied by any user through the site cannot be considered of a confidential or reserved nature. Consequently, Mondadori reserves the right to use freely any such information in any way it deems appropriate. Anyone sending material and/or information guarantees that such material is publishable and accepts to exclude Mondadori from any liabilities relating to such material and information.

Legitimate use
Users agree to use the web site and its services exclusively for legitimate purposes and, in any case, without affecting the rights of any third party and paying special attention to norms concerning the protection of data, laws governing the protection of intellectual property, the protection of personal details, and current legislation concerning computer crime and norms governing telecommunications.

A “cookie” is a small quantity of data, often contained in a unique and anonymous identification code that is sent to users’ browsers by a web server and which are subsequently memorised on the users hard disk. The cookie can be read and recognised only by the web site that sent it. Cookies may be found in a number of areas of and are used exclusively for technical purposes and/or to trace users’ use of the site. If a user prefers not to receive cookies, browsers may be set to warn of the presence of cookies, allowing the user to decide whether to accept the cookie or not. It is also possible to automatically reject all cookies by activating this option on the browser.

A description of the management of the web site with regard to the treatment of personal details of users can be found on a special page entitled Personal data management.

Applicable laws
The conditions contained in these notes are regulated by Italian legislation.