The shareholders’ meeting of 17 April 2019, following the proposal by the Board of Statutory Auditors, appointed EY S.p.A. for the nine-year period 2019/2027, to audit the separate and consolidated financial statements and to conduct a limited audit of the consolidated semi-annual results.

The following table, drawn up pursuant to Art. 149-duocecies of the Consob Issuers’ Regulations, highlights the fees paid in 2020 for auditing and for other services provided by EY S.p.A., as well as by other companies belonging to its network, to the parent company and subsidiaries.

Service Entity providing the service Amount euro/000
Auditing EY S.p.A. 871.8
Certification1 EY S.p.A. 33.4
Other services2 EY S.p.A. 50.0
Total 955.2

1Auditing of the consolidated non-financial statement
2Circulation auditing