We are aware that we have to monitor constantly the target audience – from readers to network users, from communities close to our offices to those reached by our stores – in order to know, in addition to tastes and needs related to our products and services, also expectations and requests not specifically related to what we produce, but rather to how we produce it.

Contributing to the sustainable development of the territory is one of our main social responsibility commitments. In line with this objective, we offer support to the communities in which we operate through targeted sponsorships and social initiatives, which can be framed in three main areas of intervention:

In the selection of social sustainability projects, we follow a specific procedure set forth in the Code of Ethics, which regulates the selection of initiatives to be promoted and supported, involves the members of the Sustainability Committee collectively or severally and makes use of the collaboration of the Sodalitas Foundation and non-profit organizations, such as Mediafriends and Istituto Italiano della Donazione.

The Group promotes and supports, through sponsorships and in other ways, social and cultural initiatives that are consistent with its corporate mission and vision and its strategic policies.

Code of ethics

In 2020 we donated a total of €372,414 and provided almost €16,300 in sponsorships to support cultural activities.

Contribution to the community 2020


  •   Objective achieved
  •   Project underway
  •   Project pending
Objective Status/results
 Insieme per l’istruzione
(Together for education)
The project was created to promote initiatives that contribute to inclusive and quality education. The Group’s publishing houses are members and in the first year of activity (2019), in collaboration with Action Aid, it subsidised the construction of two school complexes in Ethiopia (to be completed by 2020).

The second edition of the project is under development and will concern the support to situations of educational poverty in Italy.

Smart working The test phase involved more than 30 employees who until December 2019 were able to work from 2 to 4 days a month in places other than their respective places of work. During lockdown, smart working was extended to the entire company population. With the gradual reopening smart working remains the preferred mode, fixed on Mondays and Fridays and recommended for employees over 55 and parents of underage children.  
Workplace safety and prevention plan The Group Safety Coordination Unit is the body set up by the Parent Company to oversee and coordinate activities aimed at implementing the legal requirements, providing guidelines, and monitoring the planning and discharge of annual obligations:

  • regular meetings: 6 regular safety meetings were scheduled for 31 retail stores and 14 Group sites, involving the employers (or their delegates) of the respective companies, health and safety managers and health and safety officers, 17 workers’ safety representatives, and 7 competent medical officers;
  • on-site workplace inspections: in 2019, competent medical officers carried out workplace inspections at 18 Group sites;
  • evacuation drills: in addition to the testing of emergency plans in the retail stores, the safety officers of the Mondadori Group sites coordinated annual evacuation drills involving all personnel. Feedback received on the drills was then used to identify and formalize the actions needed to improve emergency procedures.

In implementing the range of activities planned, special attention was paid in 2019 to changes in the setup of the legal entities and locations used by staff: in all workplaces, the legally-required activities were completed, the risk assessment documents of the locations were updated, and the list of the corresponding figures, either designated or elected, involved in the management of the system for the protection of workers’ health and safety, accessible at all times in the “Prevention and safety” area of the corporate intranet Network, was updated.

The occupational health service was guaranteed by the San Raffaele Resnati Hospital: the competent medical officers appointed by their respective employers visited 538 workers subject to health surveillance for the risks from the use of VDT exceeding 20 hours per week; the activities of the service are planned with the help of the workplace health and safety IT system adopted by the Mondadori Group. The platform enables the identification of the workers due for a health check-up, the planning of regular medical visits, and the management of medical records on a computerized and encrypted basis. The system is also used for the digital filing of medical reports and documents, to fulfil statutory requirements under the laws and regulation in force, and to handle training aspects.

Following the initiative launched last year, while not required by regulations, AEDs (automated external defibrillators) were also installed inside Poles 1 and 2 of Segrate: 13 first-aiders joined the 14 volunteers previously trained in 2018, attending the BLSD (Basic Life Support and Defibrillation) course.

Drafting of a policy for the evaluation and selection of various social partnership initiatives Monitoring of community-support initiatives and auditing in order to permit the proper performance of activities require an internal regulatory framework and/or the appropriate tools in order to avoid dispersion of resources  
Stakeholder involvement initiatives throughout the entire year In addition to the planned and regular stakeholder engagement activities, there is a need to involve individual stakeholders or groups in specific events or projects