In 2020, the Board of Directors met 6 times, with meetings regularly attended by the Board of Statutory Auditors.

The Control and Risks Committee held 11 meetings, the Remuneration and Appointments Committee held 7 meetings, and the Related-Party Committee held 1 meeting.

The table indicates the attendance rate for the directors at the BoD and Committee meetings, respectively (number of times present / number of meetings held during the actual term of office of the person concerned).

Board of Directors

Office Member term List1 qualification % attendance rate for BoD meetings *
Chairman Marina Berlusconi from 24/04/2018
to 31/12/2020
 M executive 100.00 2
Chief Executive Officer 2 Ernesto Mauri from 24/04/2018
to 31/12/2020
 M executive 100.00 5
Director Paolo Ainio from 24/04/2018
to 31/12/2020
 M non-executive 66.66 7
Director Pier Silvio Berlusconi from 24/04/2018
to 31/12/2020
 M non-executive 6
Director Elena Biffi from 24/04/2018
to 31/12/2020
 M non-executive independent 100.00 1
Director Francesco Currò from 24/04/2018
to 31/12/2020
 M non-executive 100.00
Director Alessandro Franzosi from 17/05/2020
to 31/12/2020
 C executive 100.00  9
Director Patrizia Giangualano from 24/04/2018
to 31/12/2020
 m non-executive
100.00 5
Director Martina Mondadori from 24/04/2018
to 31/12/2020
 M non-executive
Director Danilo Pellegrino from 24/04/2018
to 31/12/2020
 M non-executive 100.00 6
Director Roberto Poli from 24/04/2018
to 31/12/2020
 M non-executive 100.00 8
Director Angelo Renoldi from 24/04/2018
to 31/12/2020
M non-executive
100.00 2
Director Mario Resca from 24/04/2018
to 31/12/2020
 M executive 100.00 9
Director – Lead Independent Director Cristina Rossello from 24/04/2018
to 31/12/2020
 M non-executive
100.00 6

Directors who ceased to hold office during the year
Office Member term List1 qualification % attendance rate for BoD meetings *
Director Oddone Pozzi from 24/04/2018
to 22/04/2020
 M executive 100.00

Quorum needed to present a slate of candidates at the last appointment: 2.5%.
The Company’s applicable minimum ownership stake for shareholders to submit a slate of candidates was determined by Consob Determination no.
44 of 29 January 2021: 2.5%.
Number of meetings that took place during the fiscal year:
Board of Directors: 6
Internal Control and Risk Management Committee: 11
Remuneration and Appointments Committee: 7
Related Parties Committee: 1

1 M= member appointed from a list voted by a majority; m= member appointed from a list voted by a minority; C= director elected by co-optation by the Board of Directors
2 Director in charge of the internal control system and risk management.
* This column reports the number of positions held by the person concerned as director or statutory auditor in other companies listed on regular markets, including abroad, as well as in financial companies, banks, insurance companies, or other large companies. These positions are described in more detail in the Corporate governance report.