We spread culture

For more than a century, our calling has been to create innovative, quality publishing products that favour the exchange of ideas and respect freedom of expression. The goal of this is to contribute to the growth of the countries in which we are present.

A sustainable approach

We aim to reconcile development and the company’s financial sustainability with our stakeholders’ needs and a focus on the environment and society.

For us, diversity is an asset

In the coming years, we seek to make openness and inclusivity the key characteristics that make our company stand out. We pledge to achieve continuous improvement.

Female presence amoung the heads of titles

A tailor-made training plan

A dynamic training programme focused on quality that can be tweaked to bridge any gaps between the expertise acquired and the skills necessary to meet the company’s development requirements as well as personal and professional growth paths.


Compensation and merit-based achievement

A system that pays its employees based on merit criteria related to skills, professional conduct and, in the case of managers, the results obtained.



Training hours delivered
Type 2020 2019 2018
Ad hoc training 10,091 7,595 11,786
Language training 331 1,263 1,042
Safety training 763 9,101 1,495
Total hours of training delivered 11,185 17,959
% of which to women 67% 61%
% of which to men 33% 39%

Join us

If you are interested in getting in touch with the companies of the Mondadori Group and you want to submit your application, you can find, constantly updated, advertisements regarding internship positions, for undergraduates and recent graduates, and placement, for figures with at least one year of experience.

If at the moment there are no positions of interest or in line with your profile, you can in any case send us your CV using the open application form: you will be contacted in case you open positions in line with your characteristics.