Revenues breakdown by business area (euro/million) 2020 2019 Delta %
Books 422.9 478.4 11.6%
Media 197.6 256.6 (23.0%)
Retail 153.7 186.9 (17.8%)
Corporate and shared services 45.1 38.5 17.1%
Total revenues 819.4 960.4 (14.7%)
Intercompany (75.4) (75.6) (0.3%)
Net consolidated revenues 744.0 884.9

Revenues breakdown by business area (euro/million) 2020 2019 2018 2017[1] 2016 2015 2014
Books 422.9 478.4 451.3 483.0 475.1 320.8 340.1
Media Italia 197.6 256.6 287.0 326.1 310.6 309.6 302.7
Media France 321.6 334.6 340.9
Retail 153.7 186.9 191.8 198.5 199.6 196.4 211.2
Corporate and shared services 45.1 38.5 37.4 26.2 23.3 22.7 29.0
Total revenues 819.4 960.4 967.5 1,033.8 1,330.3 1,184.1 1,223.9
Intercompany (75.4) (75.6) (76.1) (63.8) (66.8) (60.9) (54.4)
Net consolidated revenues 744.0 884.9 891.4 970.1 1,263.3 1,123.2

[1] Data reclassified according to IFRS15
Data presented in accordance with IFRS5, with Mondadori France discontinued

Revenues breakdown by business area (euro million) 1H21 2020 1H20 2019 1H19 2018 1H18 2017[1] 1H17[1] 2016 1H16
Books 168.9 422.9 145.9 478.4 183.8 451.3 179.0 483.0 171.6 475.1 170.1
Media Italy 97.4 197.6 95.8 256.6 130.9 287.0 147.5 326.1 165.7 310.6 160.9
Media France 164.9 321.7 160.4
Retail 69.8 153.7 59.0 186.9 81.4 191.8 83.1 198.5 84.7 199.6 88.2
Corporate and shared services 19.7 45.1 22.1 38.5 19.1 37.4 17.4 26.2 13.0 23.3 11.4
Total revenues 355.7 819.4 322.8 960.4 415.2 967.5 427.0 1,033.8 599.9 1,330.3 591.1
Intercompany (35.3) (75.4) (33.8) (75.6) (35.2) (76.1) (36.1) (63.8) (26.8) (67.4) (28.6)
Net consolidated revenues 320.4 288.9 562.5

[1] Data reclassified according to IFRS15
Data presented in accordance with IFRS5, with Mondadori France discontinued