Always improving

This is our goal for the years to come: in the near future we will be committed to further strengthening our businesses, from books to the bookstores network, and magazines, from paper to the web, in a process of constant growth.

Highlights FY2020

  • Revenues: € 744.0 million
  • Adj. EBITDA (IFRS16): € 98.1 million
  • Net result from continuing operations: € 4.5 million
  • NFP IFRS 16: -€97.6 million
  • Employees1,845

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A transformation path

Started in 2013, the change undertaken has led us in three years to double profits thanks to careful work to optimize costs and structure and focus on the core business, achieved through some extraordinary operations, in addition to significant improvement of the economic result, has also increased our ability to generate financial resources, to invest in the development of the company.

The constant focus on improving the income statements and products portfolio has meant that the weight of the various businesses on the Group’s revenues has reached a new equilibrium, also due to the profitability of each.

Investing to grow

With the acquisitions made in 2016 in the trade books and digital brands sectors, we have finalized the generation of financial resources for the development of our core businesses.
Also for the future, we believe that the growth of the Group is linked to the possibility of expansion through external lines.