Our training programs adopt a business-oriented approach to provide the necessary skills and tools to effectively cope with the changes in the relevant market and to ensure the development of the Company. Against a backdrop where skills required evolve in sync with the innovations in technology and organization, the Group has developed an integrated and well-structured range of training programs to allow the continuous upgrading of workers’ skills, using innovative teaching methods that facilitate learning and motivation.

The overarching objective of all the programs is also to encourage integration of the various business areas in order to improve efficiency, develop synergies and create a shared management style, as well as to develop the necessary distinctive skills of each professional family to anticipate market trends and support business evolution needs. 

In 2019, in addition to the existing training programs that were re-run and updated (Digital Academy: 8 new courses on professional upgrading in the marketing area), new training programs were introduced and completed, for a total of approximately 7,600 hours of specialist and managerial training.


Training hours delivered
Type 2020 2019 2018
Ad hoc training 10,091 7,595 11,786
Language training 331 1,263 1,042
Safety training 763 9,101 1,495
Total hours of training delivered 11,185 17,959
% of which to women 67% 61%
% of which to men 33% 44%