The attention to the evolution of the markets in which the Group operates is constant and aims to seize, after a strategic repositioning of its business, further opportunities for development.

The trade books sector has shown more stable characteristics in recent years, with few significant discontinuities in terms of business model: digital innovation has naturally integrated traditional publishing, offering new opportunities to use and purchase the product.

School publishing is instead more influenced by external factors, as eloquently demonstrated by the health emergency linked to Covid 19.

The most evident and impactful transformation of the business model has been seen in the activity of magazines.

With the acquisition of Banzai Media in 2016, the Mondadori Group has given new impetus to the growth of its digital brands.

Banzai has brought indispensable new skills and the possibility of transforming our titles into multi-channel titles, increasing profitability from digital.

We decided to focus on key sectors such as food, health, women’s and science, building around the strongest brands a system of verticals that can be declined on all channels, from paper to events, from the web to social networks, up to TV and smart speakers.

Brands such as GialloZafferano, Donna Moderna or Focus are real “systems” that integrate editorial content and services reaching an increasing number of audiences.

After several years of essential changes to this activity of the Group in order to ensure its sustainable development, in 2019 the path was perfected with the establishment of a subsidiary company, Mondadori Media S.p.A. (operational since 1 January 2020), dedicated to the business of brands on paper and in digital.

Consistent with what has already been done with Mondadori Libri S.p.A. and Mondadori Retail S.p.A., respectively, to oversee the book publishing activities and the chain of stores, the creation of Mondadori Media has made it possible to complete a structure of companies specifically responsible for managing the three distinct businesses of the Mondadori Group, allowing for an even more efficient and targeted management of activities that enhance the specific characteristics of each. Mondadori Media is a social multimedia company that aims to connect people, their passions and interests: from the magazine’s readership community, to social gatherings, to events and physical experiences in the area. Each system is centered on a brand leader in its segment of reference, spread across multiple channels (paper, digital, social and territory), and able to reach large audiences despite its specificity.