Month: May 2012

Print, web, tablet and mobile: the new Panorama is open

A much stronger relationship with readers, available on all platforms

From tomorrow the new Panorama will be on newsstands The Mondadori newsmagazine, edited by Giorgio Mulè, has been completely transformed, both in its news approach and layout, to interpret in a modern and surprising manner the profound changes underway in the media world. And there are five key words that define the new magazine: selection, authoritativeness, originality, multimedia and positive.

The new Panorama interprets news with a different perspective and with a new slogan: “La tua opinione è un fatto”, establishing a direct dialogue with its audience.
The magazine, which for 50 years has given an account of the events and the people of Italy, will provide all of the facts that are eliciting ideas and all of the ideas that can be become facts, establishing itself as an open system of communication, capable of stimulating discussion and debate. The new Panorama will be a magazine to discover, read, comment, share and navigate: a multimedia platform that compares different views, embracing all communication channels, from print to the web and from tablets to mobile.

“The new Panorama is a perfect demonstration of the ability of a newsmagazine to reinvent itself by intercepting new needs,” said editor Giorgio Mulè. “But it also shows the reason for and the central role played by a weekly current affairs magazine like Panorama in satisfying the needs of readers who are increasingly confused by the bombardment of news.”

Panorama will be clear, rational and never predictable, starting with the new logo and cover, with a layout that enhances the play off between black and white spaces and images.
The newsmagazine will be markedly different from what it has been, even in its internal structure, with a completely renovated organisation of the pages, divided into four sections.
The change is immediately noticeable from the Sommario (contents page) which, as a guide to the week, accompanies and stimulates the reader’s appetite with a trailer of 500 characters of everything that is relevant.
The magazine continues with Scenari (scenarios), a fast-moving succession of articles on key facts from both Italy and around the world, exclusive news about the economy, technology and society, and Punto (point), mini-editorials in which Panorama recounts the news, in line with forms of brief, tweet-style communication.
The core of the magazine is a 40-page section of extensive coverage of the most important events, which incorporates the rigorous investigative activities that have always distinguished Panorama by prestigious staff writers and a number of contributors.
The new Panorama will also dedicate special space to ideas and culture: the Visioni (visions) section brings together ideas, reflections, controversial opinions and surprising reviews, with an unusual approach to and a novel treatment of exhibitions, films and music. This is followed by Modi (fashions), in which Panorama identifies new trends, suggests experiences, and opportunities for living and leisure.
The final part of the magazine is Incipit (opening), a section in which a writer re-interprets a news story in the form of the first pages of a novel.

The revolution of Panorama goes hand in hand with the renewal of the site, which will provide even more immediate news, focusing on a strong presence of mediamedia content, interpreting news to be shared with the speed and the language of the web. will be a news resource unlike any other, thanks to background reports and an ability to propose and tell stories.

Twitter: @panorama_it
Hashtag #nuovopanorama

Cinema, Ciak d’Oro 2012

On 6 June the awards ceremony for Italian cinema at Palazzo Valentini

The CIAK D’ORO 2012 prizes for Italian cinema, created by Ciak, the monthly film magazine edited by Piera Detassis will be presented on Wednesday 6 June in Rome.
The awards ceremony will be held against the prestigious backdrop of the Palazzo Valentini, in the presence of the host, the President of the Province Nicola Zingaretti.

Voted by the readers of the magazine and a jury of 100 critics and journalists, since 1985 the CIAK D’ORO prizes are awarded to the best films and actors of the season and are effectively the only form of popular recognition for Italian cinema.

During the evening, three short films – winners of the “Film Factory Italia – Imparare il Cinema”, a workshop for aspiring filmmakers run in cooperation between Disaronno, Ciak and OffiCine – will be screened for the first time. Also present at the event will be Silvio Soldini, Artistic Supervisor, Giorgio Garini, Coordinator and Pierfrancesco Favino one of the teachers of the course.

Mondadori: notification of share buy back_6

Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. has today announced that, in the period between 21 and 25 May 2012, the company bought a total of 200,000 its own shares (corresponding to 0.081% of the company’s share capital) on the automated share market at an average price of € 0.99637 per share, for a total of € 199,273.70 in the context of the authorisation of the company’s AGM, held on 19 April 2012 (previously communicated as per Art. 144 bis of Consob regulation 11971/1999), to effect share buy back operations.

The details of the operations, as conducted daily, are indicated below:

Date N° of shares bought Weighted average price 21/05/2012 50,000 1.01893 22/05/2012 40,000 1.02759 23/05/2012 40,000 1.00336 24/05/2012 30,000 0.97056 25/05/2012 40,000 0.94931

Following these operations and taking account of the shares already in the portfolio, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. now directly holds 9,974,223 its own shares. A further 4,517,486 Mondadori shares are hold by the subsidiary Mondadori International S.p.A..

Consequently, as of today the total number of shares held now amounts to 14,491,709 corresponding to 5.879% of the share capital.


It should be noted that the Shareholders on 19 April 2012 authorised the buy back of a further 11,090,625 company shares, with respect to the shares already held, either directly or indirectly on the date of the authorisation issued by the AGM, bringing the total up to the limit of 10% of the share capital.

The authorisation is valid until the meeting for the approval of the Annual Report for the year to 31 December 2012.

In line with the Shareholders’ authorisation, buy backs are effected on regulated markets as per art. 132 of the legislative decree 58/1998 and art. 144 bis, para. 1, B of Consob regulation 11971/99 according to operating procedures established by the regulations for the organisation and management of the markets themselves, which does not permit the direct combination of offers to buy with predetermined offers to sell.

It should also be noted that, in line with the norms foreseen by the EU regulation 2273/2003, the daily quantities of purchase does not exceed 25% of the average daily volume of Mondadori shares traded on the regulated market and calculated in the 20 trading days prior to the dates of purchase.

Geronimo Stilton opens house in Piazza Duomo in Milan!

In the centre of Milan, in Piazza Duomo, inside the Libreria Mondadori Multicenter, for a number of days Geronimo Stilton, the popular editor of the The Rodent’s Gazette, has been preparing a cheddarific (surprise for his young readers: in fact it will be possible to visit the house where he stays on his frequent visits to the city!

The space features the characteristic screaming yellow walls, which recall the house in New Mouse City and, as you enter on the left, you’ll find the relax corner, in which the fireplace stands out, and beside which is an armchair that invites you to take a seat and read from the pages of an exciting book …
In the study there is a desk, where you will see the typewriter that Grandpa William gave to Geronimo when he turned over the management of The Rodent’s Gazette to him.

On the walls there are maps of New Mouse City and Mouse Island, as well as the most important prizes won.
Continuing the tour, the young visitors will come to the kitchen with a wonderful stove.
And of course, a house like this wouldn’t be complete without a big bookcase!
The Geronimo Stilton house can be visited for free by everyone during the Multicenter Mondadori’s normal opening hours (every day, including Sundays, from 9am to 11pm).

Geronimo Stilton is an extraordinary publishing phenomenon that since 2000, the year in which the first books were published by Piemme, has spread from Italy across the world. Indeed, the character can now rightly be considered and authentic “classic” that is destined to live on and become increasingly popular.
Born in New Mouse City (Mouse Island), Geronimo Stilton is the Rattus Emeritus of Mousomorphic Literature and Neo-Ratonic Comparative Philosophy. He is the editor of The Rodent’s Gazette, Mouse Island’s leading and most popular newspaper. His book, which have been translated into 36 languages, have sold more than 23 million copies in Italy alone, and 74 million around the world.
His web site is:

Mondadori: notification of share buy back_5

Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. has today announced that, in the period between 14 and 18 May 2012, the company bought a total of 334,100 its own shares (corresponding to 0.135% of the company’s share capital) on the automated share market at an average price of € 1.03425 per share, for a total of € 345,544.16 in the context of the authorisation of the company’s AGM, held on 19 April 2012 (previously communicated as per Art. 144 bis of Consob regulation 11971/1999), to effect share buy back operations.

The details of the operations, as conducted daily, are indicated below:

Date N° of shares bought Weighted average price 14/05/2012 68,600 1.07571 15/05/2012 67,000 1.04843 16/05/2012 65,000 1.02443 17/05/2012 66,000 1.01742 18/05/2012 67,500 1.00397

Following these operations and taking account of the shares already in the portfolio, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. now directly holds 9,774,223 its own shares. A further 4,517,486 Mondadori shares are hold by the subsidiary Mondadori International S.p.A.. Consequently, as of today the total number of shares held now amounts to 14,291,709 corresponding to 5.798% of the share capital.


It should be noted that the Shareholders on 19 April 2012 authorised the buy back of a further 11,090,625 company shares, with respect to the shares already held, either directly or indirectly on the date of the authorisation issued by the AGM, bringing the total up to the limit of 10% of the share capital. The authorisation is valid until the meeting for the approval of the Annual Report for the year to 31 December 2012.

In line with the Shareholders’ authorisation, buy backs are effected on regulated markets as per art. 132 of the legislative decree 58/1998 and art. 144 bis, para. 1, B of Consob regulation 11971/99 according to operating procedures established by the regulations for the organisation and management of the markets themselves, which does not permit the direct combination of offers to buy with predetermined offers to sell.

It should also be noted that, in line with the norms foreseen by the EU regulation 2273/2003, the daily quantities of purchase does not exceed 25% of the average daily volume of Mondadori shares traded on the regulated market and calculated in the 20 trading days prior to the dates of purchase.

New strategy for the Focus system: from a galaxy of titles to a cross-media pole of knowledge and innovation

Sandro Boeri new creative advisor fot the development of the Focus brand
Francesca Folda appointed editor in chief of Focus and
The CEO Fabienne Schwalbe: “A new Focus for the development of the core values of the brand”

Sandro Boeri is named Creative Adviser of the Focus brand, a system consisting of six monthly, 2 bi-monthly and 2 quarterly titles, two websites and a range of special editions.

Over the years Boeri has developed – along with the editorial teams – a new way of transmitting knowledge: a simple, yet authoritative, interesting and often entertaining approach, able to translate the most cryptic specialist jargon into information accessible to everyone.

Focus has proved to be a highly effective medium reaching across all social and cultural levels, and opening up the so-called elitist world of culture and science.

Under the guidance of Boeri, who has been the editor in chief since 1995, the monthly has reached a readership of 6.4 million, making it the most widely read magazine in Italy (10.7% of the population), with a website over 513,000 unique users and 10.6 million page impressions.

Focus today is no longer just a magazine but a cross-media knowledge centre,” says Boeri, who will leave the editorship of the monthly next June. “And it is in this area that I will continue to make a contribution to the development of the brand in all its possible forms: from education to new media, from events to smart-TV, from images to words, games, art, economics and science.”

Francesca Folda will be the new Editor in Chief of Focus and, and will also oversee the brand extensions Extra, D&R and Brain Trainer.

Folda, born in Rome, and not yet forty, built her career in Milan where she attended journalism school in 1995. Folda has accumulated in a short time a wealth of expertise, on different subjects and media, at news agencies and newspapers, television and the web. She was a reporter for ANSA and has been a columnist for several newspapers, before joining the magazine Panorama in 1999, where she produced reports from the world and journalistic investigations that also led to the award of the Saint Vincent prize in 2000. Since 2007 she has successfully explored the world of digital journalism, first on and then at In the last four years she edited the online portal of Sky Italia, where she also had management responsibilities. Under her leadership unique users tripled and the number of page views and advertising revenues multiplied.

“Francesca Folda – whose career fits perfectly with the innovative character of Focus – will be responsible for the continued growth of both the magazine and the website by leveraging the value of the brand, the know-how of the editorial staff and the strength of community, paying particular attention to the originality and quality of content,” underlined Fabienne Schwalbe, CEO of G+J/M. “The new role of Creative Adviser to be held by Sandro Boeri, meanwhile, is linked to the overall development strategy of the Focus brand across all media, concentrated on its core values: to spread knowledge in an easy, accessible, attractive and authoritative way,” Schwalbe concluded.

The Gruner + Jahr / Mondadori joint venture, established in 1990, publishes Focus, Italy’s most widely read magazine, and its brand extensions Focus Junior, Focus Storia, Focus D&R, Focus Brain Trainer, Focus Pico, Focus Wild, Focus Storia Biografie, Focus Storia Wars and Focus Storia Collection. Completing the publisher’s portfolio are the monthly magazines Jack and Geo, and the portal, market leader in online Parenting.

Grazia International Network: The editions of Grazia in the world rises to 20

From 18 May, the magazine will also be published in South Africa

With the launch of Grazia South Africa, on newsstands from 18 May 2012, the number of international editions of the Grazia International Network rises to 20.

Published under license by Media 24 – the leader in Africa in business and consumer magazines – and edited by Danielle Weakley, Grazia South Africa is the network’s first edition in the African continent and will come out weekly.

Also this 20th international edition will be characterised by the usual easy chic formula that distinguishes the Grazia brand around the world: fashion, news and celebrities, enhanced by international trends, style and local trends.

The Grazia International Network: as well as in Italy, where the magazine has been published since 1938, Grazia is published as a weekly in France (by Mondadori France), Great Britain, Holland, Germany, UAE, India, Australia and South Africa (under licensing agreements) and in a joint venture with Independent Media in Russia. Meanwhile, a joint venture with SEEC Media Group Limited publishes a fortnightly Chinese edition of the magazine. Monthly editions of Grazia, also under license, are published in Bulgaria, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia, Slovenia, Bahrain, Thailand and Indonesia.

Mondadori: publication of the minutes of Shareholders’ meeting of 19 April 2012

Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. today announced that it has made available, at both the company’s headquarters and Borsa Italiana S.p.A., the minutes of the ordinary part of the Shareholders’ Meeting held the last 19 April 2012.

The above-mentioned minutes is also available at the website (‘Governance’ section).

Mondadori announces the launch of a new online photo and document agency, Mondadori Portfolio

Over 100 years of history, more than 4 million images for the creation of editorial projects

Mondadori Portfolio is a new online photography and document agency, which for the first time makes available online the historic photo archives of Mondadori’s most authoritative titles: Epoca, Grazia, Tempo, Panorama. A wealth of previously unpublished photographs and exclusive reports chronicling the history of Italy in the twentieth century through the personalities, events, art, lifestyle, fashion and entertainment of the period.

Alongside this unique collection of images, by many of the most illustrious practitioners of Italian photojournalism, Mondadori Portfolio will also include the experience and the iconographic assets of the MondadoriElecta archive: thousands of the most important Italian and European paintings, along with masterpieces of architecture and sculpture of the classical, modern and contemporary periods, in addition to essays on the most important archaeological sites.

The prestigious international photographic collections of the partner agencies AKG-Images, and Leemage and Album, with content ranging from art to history, from cinema to fashion, from music to literature, will also be directly available from the web site; a total of over 4 million images available for the creation of editorial projects, of which 1 million searchable online.

In addition to the iconographic area, Mondadori Portfolio offers an extensive document database consisting of the online collection of all of the articles published since 1984 (or from the launch of the title, if later) by Panorama, Grazia, Donna Moderna and Starbene. But the system can also provide the results of specific searches of the historical collection, all the issues of all the Mondadori titles since their launch, and on the database with the articles from the most popular Italian newspapers and magazines.

For the wealth and uniqueness of the material, the online platform Mondadori Portfolio is a unique tool for anyone working with images and a reliable reference database for research in history and journalism, thanks also to a powerful search engine that makes it possible to explore the archives in a few simple steps.

Board of Directors approves interim report for the first quarter of 2012

  • Consolidated revenues of €328.1 million: -7.4% compared with the €354.3 million at 31 March 2011
  • Gross operating profit of €15 million: -31.2% compared with the €21.8 million at 31 March 2011
  • Consolidated pre-tax profit of €2.4 million: -52% on the €5 million at 31 March 2011
  • Net financial position of -€301.8 million, an improvement of €33.6 million compared with the end of 2011

The Board of Directors of Arnoldo Mondadori SpA met today, under the chairmanship of Marina Berlusconi, to examine and approve the interim report for the first three months of the year to 31st March 2012, as presented by the Group’s Deputy Chairman and Chief Executive, Maurizio Costa.

In the first quarter of 2012 saw the full confirmation of the elements of structural crisis in the economy, especially in Europe: falling GDP, rising unemployment and the decline in consumer spending have unfortunately worsened compared with the latter part of 2011; the markets a sectors of reference for Mondadori, particularly in Italy, felt the impact of this situation, and were significantly in decline during the period.

Against this background, in the first three months of 2012 the Mondadori Group’s consolidated revenues were down by 7.4% compared with the same period of last year, in line with the final quarter of 2011.

In terms of profitability, despite a marked fall in consolidated operating profit due to the decline in revenues, Q1 ended with a positive net profit thanks to the lower impact of financial charges and taxation.

Over the coming months, development will continue in digital activities more closely related to the Group’s publishing identity – products, brands, communities – and the process of restructuring carried out in recent years will be extended to face a market situation in which, at present, there are no signs of recovery.

Consolidated revenues amounted to 328.1 million, compared with €354.3 million in the first quarter of 2011.

Consolidated gross operating profit (EBITDA) came to 15 million, compared with €21.8 million in the same period of the previous year.

Consolidated operating profit amounted to 8.9 million, compared with €16.3 million in the first quarter of last year, with amortizations and depreciations of tangible and intangible assets of €6.1 million (€5.5 million in Q1 2011).

Consolidated profit before taxation came to 4.5 million, compared with €10.9 million in the same period of last year. During the quarter financial charges amounted to €4.4 million, an improvement of €1 million compared with 2011.

Consolidated net profit for the period totalled 2.4 million, compared with €5 million in the same period of the previous year.

Gross cash flow in the first three months of 2012 amounted to €8.5 million, compared with €10.5 million in Q1 2011.

The Group’s net financial position at 31 March 2012 stood at -€301.8 million, an improvement of €33.6 million on the -€335.4 million at the end of 2011.

Information regarding personnel
As of 31 March 2012, the personnel employed by companies of the Group (both on temporary and permanent contracts) amounted to 3,764, compared with 3,674 in March 2011. On a comparable basis, considering that the first quarter of last year did not include the 120 employees of the companies AME Editoriale Wellness, Glaming and Emas (France), now consolidated, the overall figure would show a reduction of 30.

This, in general, confirms the ongoing efficiency policy aimed at the structural containment of labour costs, the effects of which will extend even beyond the formal end of the Restructuring Plan in 2011.



For the first time, the trade book market saw a marked fall both in the number of copies sold (-10.8%, source: Nielsen) and in terms of overall value (-11.8%, source: Nielsen) in the first quarter of 2012 compared with the same period of 2011, with decline recorded in all channels: bookshops, large-scale retail and online.
Moreover, this trend is even more marked in an analysis of the bestsellers: during the period, the top ten bestsellers recorded a fall of 7.8% in terms of copies and more that double that (-16%) in terms of value; figures that confirm, among other things, the fall in the average price of the biggest selling books.
There are many reason for this situation, some of which were outlined in the Annual Report, including the current recession and the Levi Law on book pricing (which was enacted in September 2011 and places limits on discounting and the number and timing of promotional campaigns).

During the first three months of 2012, despite difficult market conditions, the Mondadori Group nevertheless confirmed its leadership in the trade book sector with a market share of 25.7% in terms of value (source: Nielsen).
During the period, revenues from book sales amounted to €64.2 million, a fall compared with the €78 million of the first quarter of 2011.

The trade books area expects to see an improvement in revenues starting in the second quarter of the year, thanks to a rich publication programme that over the coming months will include new titles by important authors such as Ken Follet, John Grisham, Luciana Littizzetto, Niccolò Ammaniti and Stephen King.

Among the Group’s publishing houses, Edizioni Mondadori maintained its leadership in the trade books sector during period leadership with a market share of 13%. Among the significant initiatives in the first quarter was the launch of the new series Libellule, high quality, short literary fiction by successful authors, sold at a standard price of €10.
Einaudi ended the first quarter of 2012 with a market share of 4.8%, down by about one percentage point compared with 31 March 2011, a period in which the company benefited from the publication of important new titles, including Libertà by Jonathan Franzen, and a longer paperback promotional campaign.
Despite tough trading conditions, Sperling & Kupfer recorded a positive result in bookshops that raised its market share from 2.3% in terms of value in 2011 to 2.9% this year, with the Sperling & Kupfer, Frassinelli and Mondadori Informatica imprints.
Piemme confirmed a total market share of 3.9%, up by 0.3% compared with the first quarter of 2011.
Revenues generated by Mondadori Electa, which were down compared with the first three months of the previous year, were affected by the general trend in most of the segments of the market in which the company operates, in particular in the cultural heritage area.
Compared with the first quarter of 2011, revenues generated by Mondadori Education were stable, in a period that, as usual, has a minimal impact on the company’s yearly sales.

In ebooks, the first quarter was extremely positive for Mondadori’s trade books publishers: the number of downloads in Q1 2012 was higher than the whole of 2011, thanks to an offer of over 3,000 catalogue titles, also including new products and not just digital versions of print editions.


The difficult macro-economic situation continued to have a big impact on the magazine market in Italy, with a consequently negative effect on advertising revenues (-11% source: Nielsen to February), circulation (-9.1% in terms of copies, -12.5% on a like-for-like basis; internal figures) and add-on sales (-24.8% in terms of value; internal figures).

Mondadori saw an overall decline in revenues in the area, from €121.9 million in the first quarter of 2011 to €104.3 million this time.

In particular revenue trends during the period showed that:
– circulation (-9.1%), was penalised by a sharp fall in copies sold with add-ons and subscriptions, and buy a slowdown in investments in support of some titles, which had a particular impact on overall performance in the first three months;
– revenues from add-on sales (-25,8%), mainly due to a different scheduling of initiatives for collections and books, and a fall in volumes in home video;
– advertising (-11.2%), due, in particular, to a negative performance negative in weekly family and news titles, while advertising sales in the international sector and online was up by 50%.

Sales of Mondadori titles were down by 12.5%, a figure that is in line with the dynamics of the like-for-like market, i.e. excluding new titles published since the first quarter of 2011.
The particularly poor sales performance in the first quarter is explained by a series of factors, including the economic crisis, the launch of new low-cost titles, the new system for ADS certification (circulation audit) which has modified the monthly planning of publishers’ marketing investments, and the increase in postal charges.

Regarding the companies efforts to support its titles and in response to the ongoing trends, Chi was re-launched at the end of March with a new editorial formula and layout, and accompanied by a significant investment in advertising and a cut-price offer. Similar activities have also begun for Panorama, the result of which will be launched on 31 May, TV Sorrisi e Canzoni, Starbene and Grazia. By the end of 2012 the programme, begun at the end of 2010, for the complete review of Mondadori’s portfolio of titles will be completed.

During the first quarter of 2012, the web sites of the company’s main titles performed particularly well, both in terms of traffic and advertising sales (+30% compared with March 2011), in a market that grew by 12.3% first two months, compared with the same period of 2011 (Nielsen: source Fcp-Assointernet including Display, performance and classified/directories).
Of particular note was the performance of with revenues up by 79.1%, (+56.5%) and (+16.3%).


The advertising market in the first two months of the year fell by 5.7% (source: Nielsen) compared with 2011, confirming the downward trend of investments in all media, with the exception of the Internet, albeit at a slower rate lower than in 2011: television showed a significant decrease (-6.9%), newspapers were down by -5.3%, while for magazines the fall was even more significant (-11%) among other media, radio was down by -5.1%.

As in 2011, the reduction in space is continuing in areas such as interiors, FMCGs and cars, with an impact also being felt in fashion (-7%) and cosmetics (-8%), which in 2011 performed well, while, in contrast were the pharmaceutical, media/publishing and finance sectors, whose weighting is limited.

Mondadori Pubblicità ended the first quarter with total revenues of €42.4 million, down compared with the €49.5 million in the same period of 2011.

Mondadori magazines have closed the first quarter with a fall of 12.7%, in a very complicated and competitive environment and a strong sensitivity on the part of advertisers to the price factor.

In particular:
– weeklies were affected by the economic crisis and the high level of uncertainty in the advertising market, even in the early part of 2012, family and news titles were the most severely affected;
– monthlies saw a smaller fall, thanks to the success of Panorama Icon; Interni also had good performance despite the negative trend in the interiors segment in the first quarter of 2012.
It should be noticed that the difficulties faced by Mondadori monthly titles is mainly due to a not significant presence in women’s fashion, which, as well as being the segment by far of most value, in terms of the total market performed positively in the period.

Also in recent months Mondadori Pubblicità is attempting to maintain average prices compared with 2011, especially for Panorama, Grazia and Chi.

Advertising revenue for radio rose by 3.4%, despite a poor start to February, down by 5.1% (source: Nielsen), sales were particularly strong for Radio Kiss Kiss.

With regard to the activities by the company in the first quarter, there was great success for the first 2012 edition of Milan Fashion Design, which saw the involvement of 17 fashion brands and 12 main partners and sponsors, the initiative enabled Mondadori Pubblicità to consolidate such activities on the territory.
During 2012, the company will organise other events to attract new clients, ensuring a positive return for the initiatives.

The Internet market saw an excellent performance by the joint venture Mediamond, with overall growth of 40% compared with 2011 due to the already mentioned positive trends of,, and, the steady growth of TgCom (+27.3%) and Sport Mediaset (+19.5%). Overall, the scope of the sites sold by Mediamond was enhanced in 2012 with the addition of RTI’s Videomediaset and


Mondadori France ended the first quarter of 2012 with consolidated revenues of €94.3 million, an increase on the €82.6 million of the same period of the previous year (€93.3 million at 31 March 2011 on a comparable basis, taking account of the consolidation of the joint-venture EMAS).

At a consolidated level, circulation revenues, that include both newsstand sales and subscriptions, were more or less in line with those of the first quarter of 2011 (-0.6% on a like-for-like basis) and account for 71% of total revenues.
In particular, subscriptions – that are an important asset (34.3% of total revenues) – were up by 3.1% on the same period of 2011, while newsstand sales were down by 4.2%, in line with the market of reference (-4.4%).

Innovation and editorial quality continue to be the key factors in the positive performance of the magazines published by Mondadori France; in the first quarter of the year significant re-designs were completed for Biba, Modes & Travaux and Auto Journal and the brand extension policy for the titles was continued with the launch of the quarterly AutoPlus Classiques, a change in the frequency of AutoPlus Occasion, and the magazines in the Science&Vie system.

On a comparable basis, advertising sales during the period were up by 2.7% on the same period of the previous year, with a better-than-market performance (0.7%).

This excellent result is explained above all by the positive performance of “haut de gamme” women’s titles: the weekly Grazia (+14.7%) and the monthly Biba (+21.3).
Among the various initiatives of Mondadori France in the digital sector during the period, the most significant included the creation of a shared technological platform for all of the sites, the launch of an iPad version of AutoPlus and the inclusion of the company’s titles in the offer of the various digital newsstands present in the market (,,

International activities
Total revenues in the first three months showed a marked increase (+8%) on the same period of last year, in particular in:
– advertising, thanks to a dedicated team focused on the fashion and interiors segments, sales in Italy for the editions of Grazia published in France, the UK, Germany and Russia were up by around 20%;
– licensing, with the continuing international development of Grazia: following the launch in Slovenia (March 2012), May will see the launch of the twentieth edition (including Italy), in South Africa by Media 24, the country’s leading publisher.
During the first three months of the year revenues amounted to around €40 million, an increase of 12% on the first quarter of 2011, with forecasts for the whole of 2012 of more than €170 million.

With regard to the joint-ventures, Mondadori is present in:
– China with Mondadori Seec Advertising Co. Ltd, the exclusive licensee for advertising sales for the local edition of Grazia. The magazine, launched in February 2009, continued the excellent performance recorded in 2011 ending the first quarter of 2012 with a 55% increase in revenues compared with the same period of 2011. Given this rapid growth and the potential of the Chinese market, Mondadori is now studying new projects, the first of which should see the light of day in the coming months;
– Russia with an edition of Grazia that has just celebrated its fifth anniversary and increased its revenues in the first quarter of 2012 by 30% compared with the same period of last year;
– Greece, Bulgaria and Serbia with Attica Publications, which, despite the ongoing crisis in the Greek market, recorded a performance in line with expectations, thanks also to benefits deriving from the restructuring plan implemented in 2011.


Digital activities during the quarter can be summarised as follows:
– editorial activities, ebooks, properties, subscriptions and online advertising, within the businesses of reference Books, Magazines Italy and Magazines France;
– e-commerce activities, through the web site, and online bookclubs, for Direct;
– diversification and business support activities, gambling, applications and CRM, with Other Businesses.
In the first quarter of 2012 all of the above activities generated total revenues of €10.9 million.


Total revenues generated by the Direct area in the first three months of 2012 amounted to €58.4 million, on the €64.1 million of the same period of 2011, adjusted to include within the scope or reference the e-commerce activities of

In the context of the economic recession, amplified in the book market by a generalised fall in average prices and a reduction in promotional activities, action was taken to recovery profitability and generate new sources of revenue. These included he rationalisation of the bookshop chain, the expansion of the range of products to include the Emporio Mondadori and BoxForYou brands, and the development of “corners” in partnership at large-scale retail outlets.

The proprietary bookshops generated revenues in the period that were down by more than 13%; of these, the multicenter formula held back the slide to 2.5%, on a like-for-like basis.
The franchise network, meanwhile, saw a fall of revenues of around 7%.
In the Club bookshops chain, the conversion of directly-owned sales outlets into the franchising formula continued; which explains a fall in revenues in this area of 23%.
Bookclub activities recorded revenues that were in line with those of 2011; Cemit generated first quarter revenues of 5 million, a 3.8% fall, in a market that was down by -5% (source: Nielsen).



In the first three months of 2012, revenues in the Italian radio market were down by 5.1% (source: Nielsen); in this context R101 performed better than the market with Q1 2012 revenues of €3.2 million, a slight fall on the €3.3 million of the first quarter of 2011.
In terms of output, the first quarter of 2012 was characterised for R101 by the ongoing process of renewal at the station with the launch of new shows, the expansion of the team of presenters and the strengthening of the schedule, particularly at weekends.

Unfortunately, the first three months of the year confirmed the most pessimistic forecasts on the scale of the current economic crisis and the effects of economic and financial policy measures introduced by a number of countries, particularly in Europe on production, investment, employment and consumer spending.

The time required for a market recovery is currently impossible to predict: and with regard to the businesses of the Mondadori Group, there has been a further general decline in business volumes, compared with the already markedly negative levels in the final quarter of 2011.

Regarding the activities in which the Group will be engaged in the coming months, the priorities remain those outlined in the Annual Report: to defend the leadership in Italy, consolidation in France and international growth for the brands; the development of digital activities related to the core business; actions to reduce operating costs, with even greater impact than that achieved in the previous three years.

Also in terms of the results expected for the current year, as stated during the presentation of the 2011 Annual Report, in the absence of any short term reversal in market trends, the Group does not expect to achieve the same levels of profitability as last year.


The executive responsible for the preparation of the company’s accounts, Carlo Maria Vismara, declares that, as per art. 2, 154 bis of the Single Finance Text, the accounting information contained in this release corresponds to that contained in the company’s formal accounts.


The report for the first quarter of 2012 will be available at the company’s corporate headquarters, Borsa Italiana SpA and on the web site (Investor relations section) from today