Month: August 2008

Mondadori: change in Board of Auditors

Arnoldo Mondadori Editore SpA today announced the resignation of Achille Frattini as Member of the Board of Auditors, citing regulatory restrictions on multiple memberships of such boards in listed companies.

Frattini had been re-elected a Full Member of the Board of Auditors for the three-year period 2006 – 2008 by the company’s AGM on 26 April 2006, on the only list to be presented, that of the shareholder Fininvest SpA.

Francesco Antonio Giampaolo, who had already been appointed as Substitute Member on that same list, now replaces Achille Frattini as Full Member of the Board of Auditors.

Francesco Antonio Giampaolo was born at Orta Nova in Foggia province on 15 February 1943. He graduated in Economics and Business from Milan’s Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in 1969, and started work as Accounting Organisation and Procedures Manager in a major Milanese industrial firm. Mr Giampaolo has been a Registered Business Practitioner since 1975; his practice is entirely devoted to the corporate sphere and he has accumulated many years’ experience in legal, business and financial affairs. As technical adviser to the bench at the Court of Milan, he has carried out a number of commissions in addition to providing routine advice and valuations; he was made an Official Auditor in 1983, and for over twenty years has sat on or chaired Boards of Auditors in medium-sized and large companies in industry, commerce, finance and insurance.

Mondadori thanked Achille Frattini for his valuable contribution and professional advice over many years.