Month: September 2011

Mondadori: notification of share buy back_5

Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. has today announced that, in the period between 23 and 30 September 2011, the company bought a total of 200,000 its own shares (corresponding to 0.0811% of the company’s share capital) on the automated share market at an average price of € 1.5606 per share, for a total of € 312,131.02 in the context of the authorisation of the company’s AGM, held on 21 April 2011 (previously communicated as per Art. 144 bis of Consob regulation 11971/1999), to effect share buy back operations.
The details of the operations, as conducted daily, are indicated below:

date N° of shares bought Weighted average price 23/09/2011 100,000 1.50598 26/09/2011 12,000 1.55980 28/09/2011 20,000 1.63280 29/09/2011 14,000 1.61938 30/09/2011 54,000 1.62015

Following these operations and taking account of the shares already in the portfolio, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. now directly holds 7,078,609 its own shares. A further 4,517,486 Mondadori shares are hold by the subsidiary Mondadori International S.p.A..
Consequently, as of today the total number of shares held now amounts to 11,596,095 corresponding to 4.70% of the share capital.
It should be noted that the Shareholders on 21 April 2011 authorised the buy back of a further 16,546,887 company shares, with respect to the shares already held, either directly or indirectly on the date of the authorisation issued by the AGM, bringing the total up to the limit of 10.52% of the present share capital.
The authorisation is valid until the meeting for the approval of the Annual Report for the year to 31 December 2011.
In line with the Shareholders’ authorisation, buy backs are effected on regulated markets as per art. 132 of the legislative decree 58/1998 and art. 144 bis, para. 1, B of Consob regulation 11971/99 according to operating procedures established by the regulations for the organisation and management of the markets themselves, which does not permit the direct combination of offers to buy with predetermined offers to sell.
It should also be noted that, in terms of price and daily volumes, acquisition operations are conducted in line with the norms foreseen by the EU regulation 2273/2003, and that, in terms of daily volumes, the company will not purchase a quantity greater than 25% of the average daily volume of Mondadori shares traded on the regulated market and calculated on the basis of the average daily volume of trading of Mondadori shares in the 20 trading days prior to the dates of purchase.

Donna Moderna opens the “Experience Stores” the weekly on tour around Italy too meet with readers

The first stop 30 September, in Catania


Panorama Icon: the new issue hits newsstands

An exclusive interview with Oscar-winning actor Adrien Brody on the cover of the male lifestyle magazine of Panorama

On newstands now, the new Sale&Pepe, the good living monthly

The cookery magazine has been enhanced with new content, columns dedicated to food and wine tours, foodblogs and images of great visual impact

Mondadori launches: “Florence – Virtual History” which is immediately elected as the Apple Store’s “App of the Week”

Florence, the city that symbolises the italian Renaissance, is the protagonist of a new iPad application: a unique combination of culture and technology
3D imaging, virtual reality technology and “immersive” photography for a unique experience of digital discovery

Mondadori consolidates its presence in the digital content market with the new Florence Virtiual History application, part of a series of apps of the same name, available in Italy and around the world. The history, the fascination and the secrets of renaissance Florence in a new application that was immediately selected as “App of the week”.

Using an iPad, with Florence – Virtual History you can now visit one of the world’s best-loved cities which, for centuries has produced a series of masterpieces by great masters and artists, giving users a unique experience. The application allows users to discover the wonders of Tuscany’s most important city, the historical birthplace of the Renaissance.

The app, which once again makes use of the consolidated and widely appreciated Bubble Viewer technology, covers the fascinating “conquest of reality” made by the great Florentine masters and describes the historical and cultural context that made it possible. You can therefore take an engaging journey among the masterpieces of Botticelli, Masaccio, Michelangelo, Rafael, Leonardo da Vinci, discovering the secrets of light, volume, anatomy and perspective.

3D models and “immersive” photography make it possible to interact with urban environments and architecture and to virtually get inside the symbolic worlds created by the Florentine imagination: from Dante’s inferno to the ideal cities of the fifteenth century.

Interactive maps and multi-touch tables offer the possibility of observing the evolution of the city through political upheavals, wars and the lives of great historical personalities, such as Lorenzo the Magnificent and Galileo.

“To talk about Florence is to talk about a fundamental part of the history of Italy. While the Renaissance was certainly what put Florence in the spotlight, Tuscany’s most important city was also the birthplace of a great many great works and personalities even before the Renaissance got underway, first and foremost, Dante,” declared Vittorio Veltroni, general manger of Mondadori Digital.

“With Virtual History Mondadori is introducing revolutionary innovations through a unique combination of culture and technology. These apps encourage a new diffusion of knowledge which, thanks to their ease-of-use, allow everyone to get closer and to develop a passion for art, travel, knowledge and the exploration of Italy’s leading cities and works of art. And the decision by Apple to promote the product as its “App of the Week” is a concrete indication of their appreciation,” Veltroni concluded.

Also for “Florence – Virtual History”, Mondadori has collaborated with Applix for the technological and editorial development of the application, a development characterised by the use of the innovative “Bubble Viewer” patent, which with 360° movement and a bit of curiosity allows users to become a part of the application.

After “Rome” and “The Last Supper”, “Florence” is the third in app the “Virtual History” series, the app is available from the App Store in Italian and English at €7.99 or $9.99. at the Milano Fashion Week

A team of fashion bloggers, a “bubble” structure location and an itinerant tram . Live coverage by the weekly’s web site of the shows, the events and the most exclusive parties

A special team of fashion bloggers, an unusual “bubble” structure and a tram that travels through the Fashion District. These are the ingredients of the contribution that from today will cover all of the fashion shows, events and the most exclusive parties of Milano Moda Donna.
The web site of the women’s weekly edited by Vera Montanari will provide live coverage of the main events thanks to a special team of glamorous international fashion bloggers and the correspondents of the 15 titles of the Grazia International Network. The team will give readers, in real time, text and pictures from the backstage areas and parties, “tweeting” live comments and creating a weblog of the entire event.

Along with Tamu McPherson, head of, the team will move for the entire duration of the fashion week to a special “transparent bubble” structure, located in Piazza del Carmine, which will be the nerve centre of the operation and the perfect location for events, initiatives and to share the emotions and passions of the world of fashion.
The special tram will run on the streets of the Fashion District and give readers the opportunity to climb on board the site’s mobile editorial office made up of 10 workstations equipped with WiFi and supported by the Samsung Galaxy Tab, the technology partner of the initiative.
An “IT Girl for a day” contest will be organised on board the tram exclusives open to the authentic fashion addicts who follow
Along with the fashion editors, the “IT Girl for a day” winners will have the possibility of posing for a special photo shoot, with the support of special make-up by Maybelline NY. Information about how to take part in the contest on board the tram can be found on

Also, from today, will launch on the site its IT Manifesto, an authentic Decalogue, outlining the fundamental principles that, day by day, underscore the content and structure of the site. The ten points in the IT Manifesto will be published on during the fashion week.
The presence of at the fashion week will include the creative collaboration of the Macs Iotti studio and feature graphic design by Daniele Costa and copy strategy by Tita.

Mondadori: notification of share buy back_4

Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. has today announced that, in the period between 14 and 21 September 2011, the company bought a total of 600,000 its own shares (corresponding to 0.2434% of the company’s share capital) on the automated share market at an average price of € 1.7442 per share, for a total of € 1,046,520.13 in the context of the authorisation of the company’s AGM, held on 21 April 2011 (previously communicated as per Art. 144 bis of Consob regulation 11971/1999), to effect share buy back operations.

The details of the operations, as conducted daily, are indicated below:

date N° of shares bought Weighted average price 14/09/2011 105,000 1.72227 15/09/2011 105,000 1.78463 16/09/2011 110,000 1.78953 19/09/2011 100,000 1.71385 20/09/2011 99,000 1.73079 21/09/2011 81.000 1.71252

Following these operations and taking account of the shares already in the portfolio, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. now directly holds 6,878,609 its own shares. A further 4,517,486 Mondadori shares are hold by the subsidiary Mondadori International S.p.A..
Consequently, as of today the total number of shares held now amounts to 11,396,095 corresponding to 4.62% of the share capital.

It should be noted that the Shareholders on 21 April 2011 authorised the buy back of a further 16,546,887 company shares, with respect to the shares already held, either directly or indirectly on the date of the authorisation issued by the AGM, bringing the total up to the limit of 10.52% of the present share capital.
The authorisation is valid until the meeting for the approval of the Annual Report for the year to 31 December 2011.

In line with the Shareholders’ authorisation, buy backs are effected on regulated markets as per art. 132 of the legislative decree 58/1998 and art. 144 bis, para. 1, B of Consob regulation 11971/99 according to operating procedures established by the regulations for the organisation and management of the markets themselves, which does not permit the direct combination of offers to buy with predetermined offers to sell.

It should also be noted that, in terms of price and daily volumes, acquisition operations are conducted in line with the norms foreseen by the EU regulation 2273/2003, and that, in terms of daily volumes, the company will not purchase a quantity greater than 25% of the average daily volume of Mondadori shares traded on the regulated market and calculated on the basis of the average daily volume of trading of Mondadori shares in the 20 trading days prior to the dates of purchase.

Eugenio Trombetta-Panigadi nominated as new managing director of Edizioni Piemme and general manager of Sperling & Kupfer

Arnoldo Mondadori Editore today announced that it will propose to the next meeting of the board of directors of Edizioni Piemme Eugenio Trombetta-Panigadi for the position of managing director of the company.

At the same time, Eugenio Trombetta Panigadi will also be proposed to the board of directors of Sperling & Kupfer as general manager of the publishing house led by managing director Giuseppe Baroffio.

The position of deputy general manager add-on products, currently held by Trombetta, will be held ad interim by Stefano De Alessandri, general manager of magazines Italy of the Mondadori Group.

Eugenio Trombetta-Panigadi, 50, was born in Milan and has a degree in law. He began his professional life at the Class group and joined Mondadori in the 1990s where he has held a series of positions of growing responsibility inside the Group.

The return of Milano Fashion Design: with Grazia and Interni fashion becomes entertainment in the heart of the city

The big names of fashion, emerging designers, a day dedicated to children’s fashion and a range of very important guests

The fashion week sees the return of the Milano Fashion Design, initiative promoted by the Mondadori Group with its celebrated titles Grazia and Interni and with the patronage of the City of Milan municipal council.

After the success of the previous editions, from Wednesday 21 to Sunday 25 September 2011, the spotlight will be on Piazza Liberty, in the heart of the city’s shopping district, where more than 20 fashion labels will present their latest collections with performances and special events.
Milano Fashion Design opens the doors of fashion to the general public, giving normal citizens an opportunity to enjoy spectacular fashion presentations and to enjoy an unmissable show featuring a range of new proposals every day.
All the events will take place at the Fashion House, a specially built stage in the centre of Piazza Liberty, designed by Michele De Lucchi in cooperation with Matteo Vercelloni.

Milano Fashion Design will be officially opened on 21 September by Angelo Sajeva, chairman and chief executive of Mondadori Pubblicità, who declared that: “Milano Fashion Design is an exemplary expression of the contamination of fashion and design. Two qualified interpreters of made in Italy style, Grazia and Interni, will bring fashion to the street providing their know how in producing innovative performances in the heart of the city. With this initiative, now in its third edition, fashion becomes a show to be enjoyed by the general public, for all the citizens of Milan,” concluded Sajeva.

The programme
From 21 to 25 September, from midday until 8 pm, there will be alternating performances in Piazza Liberty by: Accademia del Lusso, ALV Andare lontano Viaggiando, Brema, Camomilla Milano, Cannella, CHÉRIE, Conbipel, Diegom, Eightsin, Il Gufo, Kokka, Luciano Soprani, Mabrun, Malloni, Naturino, Nenette, Paolo Casalini, Rifle, Swissies, Triumph, Woolrich and Yes Zee.
And again for this edition, the main feature of Sunday will be KID’s wear.
The make-up and hair artist area run by Maybelline NY and L’Oréal Professionnel will be visible to all. In fact, Milan will be able to watch highly professional make up artists and expert hair stylists at work. Every morning the professional make-up teams from Maybelline NY will share with the visitors of the Fashion House the experience of a model look and between one performance and another offer make-up lessons.

Special events
There is also something new for young people who dream of a future in the world of fashion: for the first time, at the Fashion House, there will be a show of creations by emerging talent from among the students of the Italian branches of the Accademia del Lusso (Wednesday 21 September at 5 pm).
On Thursday 22 September at midday, the boatbuilder Fiart Mare will present a preview of the Epica 58 and Seawalker 33 models, with a discussion, moderated by Paolo Liguori, on Italian excellence in fashion, design and boatbuilding, in collaboration with Interni on Board.
On Friday 23 September from 7 pm, R101 will be the star of a special evening, in collaboration with Peugeot, thrilling the audience with music, entertainment and guest stars. Chiara Lorenzutti, the voice of R101, will also present the fashion performances.
Banca Intesa will promote an original event that will take fashion into an unusual context and great design, a new flagship store. In fact, on Friday 23 at 2 pm Yes Zee will present a preview of their performance at the new branch of Superflash in Via Torino 21.

The partners
Milano Fashion Design has been realised with the support of Peugeot (main partner), that will make five courtesy cars available for the protagonists of the initiative and present a preview of the model from the limited series Asphalt.
Motorola will introduce the audience to the new tablet XOOM, ATRIX smartphone and GLEAM telephone, while Cadey will present its anti-oxidant cream Staminaline to the people of Milan. Also on the occasion, Dr Scholl will launch it new Pocket Ballerina Party Feet. The watchmaker Ice Watch will be on the Fashion House stage with its latest range in original packaging.
The Fashion House will be furnished by Calligaris with the following products: a Basil chair, a Anais chair, a Lib bookcase, a Timeless sofa, a Tower table. The catering will be managed by Visconti Banqueting. The tent-structure of the Fashion House is by Tensostend.

Milano Fashion Design is an event produced by DPR Eventi.