Month: February 2011

The new site is online now. New features include: @pprendiscienza, Me-book, LinkYou…

New features include: @pprendiscienza, Me-book, LinkYou…

With a new layout and look, the completely renewed Mondadori Education web site – a point of reference for teachers, students and parents – is now online.
The site covers all levels and years, from primary to the first and second level secondary, and university, and offers easy and rapid consultation for both catalogues of published materials and training – textbooks, courses, teaching materials and multimedia content in the company’s 12 imprints – as well as new services for teaching:

  • @pprendiscienza, is the most extensive database of interactive resources for the study of the sciences in levels I and II of secondary schools with 30,000 digital assets and 1200 virtual lessons. A huge platform that provides digital teaching content and multimedia tools for the creation, integration and extension of daily lessons and the simplification of the work of the teacher;
  • Me-book, a new customizable interactive digital book featuring multimedia content. With me-book both teachers and students can have rapid access to the digital content of the book, underline, highlight, make notes, compare documents on different pages, create and personalise lessons using the “slideshow” function and adding text and links directly to slides;
  • Libropiùweb, is a new book concept that integrates study with printed texts with technology. The textbook is enriched online with exercises, interactive activities, more detailed background, self-correcting tests MP3 files, film clips, crosswords, conceptual maps and a range of other content;
  • LinkYou is a combination of personalised services, created by Mondadori Education for teachers, that includes: Il tuo consulente personale (Your personal consultant) a Mondadori Education contact to assist users in the use of digital teaching materials with LIM and other tools; Il tuo consulente tecnico (Your personal technical consultant) comes into play when teachers want to introduce a teaching activity using new technology; Il tuo consulente didattico e disciplinare (Your personal teaching and disciplinary consultant) available for teachers who have selected Libropiùweb or having difficulties in accessing digital content.

LinkYou is also multimedia teaching seminars: free personalised training courses; a valuable and concrete support to evaluate and make the best use of all of the digital content that accompanies the textbooks chosen by teachers.

The home page also features a dynamic and continuously updated product showcase – contained in a central banner in Flash – a captivating way of presenting to users the new titles in educational publishing for the 2011-2012 academic year.

Scrolling down the page, there are three boxes at the bottom dedicated to the abovementioned services LinkYou, Me-book and the Devoto-Oli, the authoritative Italian dictionary, now edited by well-known linguistic scholars such Luca Serianni and Maurizio Trifone. A complete version of the 2011 edition of the Devoto-Oli dictionary is also available for the iPhone and iPad. The iPad version also allows users to personalise items and to share them on the leading social networks such as Facebook e Twitter, as well as by email.

Other sections provide information concerning the world of education: from teaching films on the Canale video (video channel) to news in “ME&YOU” and Appuntamenti (meetings & events) of interest for teachers.

Fashion Week & Design by Grazia and Interni

Mondadori opens the Fashion Week with Michele De Lucchi’s design ofthe Fashion Design House: fashion performances, encounters with international designers and special event

After the success of the first edition, the Fashion Week & Design, initiative, promoted by the Mondadori Group – with its titles Grazia and Interni – and the City of Milan (the department of fashion, events and design) returns in the context of Milano Loves Fashion.
From Wednesday 23 to Sunday 27 February 2011, more than twenty fashion brands will enliven the Ottagono in the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele with performances, encounters, discussions and special events.
Fashion Week & Design is a new way for people to live and experience fashion and design in the city of Milan that both involves the public and is an important showcase for advertising investors.

The initiative was presented this morning by Angelo Sajeva, chairman and chief executive of Mondadori Pubblicità, and Giovanni Terzi, the the City of Milan councillor responsible for fashion, events and design. Also taking part were Vera Montanari editor of Grazia, Gilda Bojardi editor of Interni and the designer Fabio Novembre.

Fashion Performances
Grazia, a qualified interpreter of made in Italy style, has involved a range of exclusive Italian women’s fashion labels, making available its know how for the realization of innovative fashion shows that will take place at the centre of the Ottagono.
For the first time also children’s wear will be included in the Fashion Week & Design programme, with an entire day dedicated to children’s fashion on Sunday 27 February.

Michele De Lucchi and the Fashion Design House
Mondadori will open the Fashion Week with Michele De Lucchi, the internationally renowned designer and architect, who was asked by Interni thanks to his extensive experience in the sector – to design the Fashion Design House, a special space located in the centre of the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele, where all of the events will take place.
Michele De Lucchi has designed a large octagonal wooden platform with a ring of video monitors that will transform the fashion brands into protagonists in an innovative way.
The stage of the Fashion Design House will become an authentic exhibition space where, every day, fashion and design will be on show where the staging will be enriched with a series of unseen elements and Poliform design objects.
Also the backstage will underscore the fashion events by being open to the public with the L’Oréal Paris make-up and L’Oréal Professionnel hair styling areas in full view thanks to a transparent structure, where the final touches of make-up artists and hairdressers can be observed. Between one catwalk show and another, it will also be possible to watch performances by Simone Belli, L’Oréal Paris national make-up artist and Pierpaolo Lai with the L’Oréal Professionnel Ambassadors and pick upo some of the secrets from make-up and hair styling lessons.
In addition, the Fashion Design House – which will enjoy the technical support of Caimi, Kartell, Listone Giordano, Tisettanta, and Panasonic – will also feature a photographic set where people will be able to observe the preparation and shooting of fashion services. Also McDonald’s is among the initiative’s partners.

Encounters with designers
Kicking off the events of the Fashion Week & Design will be a series of encounters with important designers and the editor of Interni, Gilda Bojardi. The first of these, on 22 February will be with Fabio November, followed, on 23rd, by Catherine Vautrin, on 24th, by Carlo Colombo and on Friday 25th byPatricia Urquiola.

R101 will be at the Fashion Week & Design with the speaker Chiara Lorenzutti, while La5 will broadcast in its daily Fashion slot everything that happens in the space.
Also involved in the Fashion Week & Design are: Ferrovie dello Stato, as main partner; Nokia making available to visitors of the Fashion Design House the new C7, the latest touchscreen and Saab, that will be a protagonist of the Milan Fashion week with the presentation of its latest model which will be on show in Via Silvio Pellico.

Fashion Week & Design is an event produced by DPR Eventi.

R101 on air from Sanremo: Federico L’Olandese Volante, Vladimir Luxuria and Tamy T. provide live Festival coverage

R101 will cover the Sanremo Festival live: the songs, interviews with the artists and curiosities from the event will be at the centre of the programmes broadcast from the town on the Italian Riviera, from Tuesday 15 February until the day of the final, Saturday 19 February.

R101’s special Festival correspondents will be Federico L’Olandese Volante and Tamy T., on the air every day from the station’s mobile studio, from 3 pm to 5 pm and from 7 pm to 9 pm respectively. Also with them in Sanremo will be Vladimir Luxuria, on the air from Tuesday 15 to Thursday 17, from midday to 12.30 pm, with an irreverent account of the goings on at the Festival.

Federico L’Olandese Volante and Tamy T. will provide news and curiosities from Sanremo, known locally as the city of flowers, in cooperation with Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni, which will be at the Festival along with the weekly Chi – keeping listeners up to date with exclusive behind the scenes coverage of the protagonists of the competition.

The editorial staff of Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni will also participate every day with R101 on the Tamara Donà show, from 12.30 pm to 3 pm, giving listeners even more details about the most significant events during the Festival.

Finally, R101 will also dedicate 101 Secondi da Sanremo to the Festival, short daily news flashes, presented by Tamy T. in cooperation with the editorial team of the Mondadori weekly.

The R101 mobile studio will be located for the occasion at the Porto Vecchio of Sanremo, in an area reserved for the media covering the song festival.

The new Cosmopolitan hits the newsstands a new formula and new format to be closer to readers

From 12 February a new look for the monthly edited by Annalisa Monfreda
An all-round review, including the web site community

Cosmopolitan, the Hearst-Mondadori monthly edited by Annalisa Monfreda, will hit the newsstands on Saturday 12 February with a completely new look.

Changes to the new Cosmo begin from the format, which will be bigger (21.5 x 28.5cm), putting a greater emphasis on the images, the ideas and readers’ contributions. The design combines colour and elegance, while the photographic language is more refined and able to speak to the readers in an ironic and personal manner with which they can identify.

The new Cosmo will remain a point of reference for young women from 25 up: a magazine that accompanies women as they grow into adulthood, with an amusing and authentic approach, able to address any issue, while continuing to reflect a way of life marked by pleasure and self-irony.

One’s relationship with oneself, with men, fashion, beauty, work, technology health, travel and entertainment will remain at the heart of the Cosmo world. With the difference that they will be enriched by more unusual points of view, thanks to the ironic views of talented young writers such as Federica Bosco, Chiara Cecilia Santamaria, Paolo Maddeddu and Micol Beltramini.

“We have returned to the roots of Cosmo, to rediscover the meaning of the three words that have always accompanied the magazine in more than 60 countries around the world: fun, fearless, female,” explained the editor Annalisa Monfreda. “Fun is what guides us in the selection and treatment of topics; fearless is the courage that we use in telling our stories in a sincere and transparent way; female simply reflects the way that we see the world,” concluded Monfreda.

In the monthly’s new formula news will provide an opportunity to reflect on contemporary phenomena and changes in the lifestyle of readers. Ever greater attention will also be given to the world of celebrities and the curiosities that characterise them. The fashion and beauty sections will continue to have a primary place and will be inspired by what’s new and emerging trends, without abandoning a “coaching” role for readers.

The new Cosmo has also changed with a view to growing also online, thanks to the launch of the new community on the web site (300,000 unique users and 2.6 million page views per month, Source: Nielsen, Site Census). The readers of Cosmo will have a digital space where they can keep up to date, create their own blog, post photos, create discussion groups, exchange private messages, participate in the forum, chat and have fun with the dress-up function.

On the advertising sales side Angelo Sajeva, chairman and chief executive of Mondadori Pubblicità, did not hide his satisfaction: “It’s just over two months since the new Cosmopolitan was presented to the market and positive reactions have been immediate. The interest of advertisers has gone beyond expectations, an indication that the new formula works and that the clients have rediscovered in the magazine the characteristics of a successful product. The new format, the new content, the photographic images and the renewed attention to the fashion and cosmetics sectors have enabled us to achieve overbooking with the first issues of the re-launch and a very positive forecast for subsequent issues,” concluded Sajeva.

In support of the launch of the new Cosmo a campaign has been developed across various media: TV (Mediaset, Sky, digital), print (Mondadori magazines), web, social networks and PoS.

The first two issues of the new Cosmopolitan will have an exceptional print run of around 300,000 copies, and a promotional cover price of €1.

Laura Donnini appointed as the new general manager of Edizioni Mondadori

Laura Donnini has been appointed general manager of Edizioni Mondadori, reporting to the general manager for trade books, Riccardo Cavallero.

Laura Donnini, who has a degree in economics and business administration and is the mother of two children, began her career in multinational consumer goods companies, where she worked for more than ten years in positions of growing responsibility, also at an international level. In 2001 she was appointed managing director of Harlequin Mondadori, the world’s leading publisher of romantic fiction, operating in Italy under the Harmony brand. In 2008 she became chief executive of Piemme, one of Italy’s top four publishing houses, where she reinforced the Geronimo Stilton and Battello a Vapore brands and developed the trade fiction area.

Laura Donnini’s professionalism and experience, combined with the excellent editorial team at Mondadori, are the best possible guarantee to face the new challenges of the market in an innovative and winning manner.

Mondadori would like to thank Massimo Turchetta for his contribution and commitment during his years with the company.

A new look for, the web site dedicated to the world of sport for which Mediamond manages advertising sales, is now online with a new look.

The new release of the site offer new ad formats, a new layout with a strong visual impact aimed at making it even more immediate, with flexible menus, easy to use and a range of thematic channels and special editorial features. focuses not only on football, but also, among other sports, Formula 1, Moto GP, basketball and rugby, to name only the most important.

Sportmediaset is one of Italy’s best-known sports brands, with a consolidated presence on TV – thanks to long-running programmes such as Controcampo and Studio Sport, and breaking news on the Mediaset channels. As well as on the web, Sportmediaset can also be accessed on a range of mobile devices (iPhone, iPad, Galaxy Tab and Android).

The site’s success, second place on the web in the sports field, can also be seen by the traffic and online audience figures: each month the site records 1.4 million contacts, corresponding to 79.5 million page views. (Audiweb DataBase, panel data).

“In our first year, Sportmediaset has proved to be a fundamental asset,” declared Davide Mondo, head of Mediamond. “In fact, in the sports area on the web in Italy, we are the site with the best growth performance year on year. This re-design for us confirms the great contribution given by the entire sports desk at Mediaset,” Mondo underlined. “Thanks to its audience and a brand recognition that only the connection with television can guarantee, Sportmediaset is now a great opportunity for advertisers,” he concluded.