Month: March 2012

Mondadori: notification of share buy back_2

Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. has today announced that, in the period between 26 and 30 March 2012, the company bought a total of 512,000 its own shares (corresponding to 0.20% of the company’s share capital) on the automated share market at an average price of € 1.31627 per share, for a total of € 673,929.73 in the context of the authorisation of the company’s AGM, held on 21 April 2011 (previously communicated as per Art. 144 bis of Consob regulation 11971/1999), to effect share buy back operations.

The details of the operations, as conducted daily, are indicated below:

Date N° of shares bought Weighted average price 26/03/2012 102,000 1.31596 27/03/2012 103,000 1.32971 28/03/2012 101,000 1.32168 29/03/2012 102,000 1.30668 30/03/2012 104,000 1.30741

Following these operations and taking account of the shares already in the portfolio, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. now directly holds 8,737,431 its own shares. A further 4,517,486 Mondadori shares are hold by the subsidiary Mondadori International S.p.A..

Consequently, as of today the total number of shares held now amounts to 13,254,917 corresponding to 5,378% of the share capital.


It should be noted that the Shareholders on 21 April 2011 authorised the buy back of a further 16,546,887 company shares, with respect to the shares already held, either directly or indirectly on the date of the authorisation issued by the AGM, bringing the total up to the limit of 10.52% of the present share capital.

The authorisation is valid until the meeting for the approval of the Annual Report for the year to 31 December 2011.

In line with the Shareholders’ authorisation, buy backs are effected on regulated markets as per art. 132 of the legislative decree 58/1998 and art. 144 bis, para. 1, B of Consob regulation 11971/99 according to operating procedures established by the regulations for the organisation and management of the markets themselves, which does not permit the direct combination of offers to buy with predetermined offers to sell.

It should also be noted that, in terms of price and daily volumes, acquisition operations are conducted in line with the norms foreseen by the EU regulation 2273/2003, and that, in terms of daily volumes, the company will not purchase a quantity greater than 25% of the average daily volume of Mondadori shares traded on the regulated market and calculated on the basis of the average daily volume of trading of Mondadori shares in the 20 trading days prior to the dates of purchase.

Mondadori: publication of documentation for the Shareholders’ meeting to be held on 19/20 April 2012

Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. has announced that the annual financial report, comprising the draft financial statements and consolidated financial statements for the year ending 31 December 2011, the Directors’ Report and the statements pursuant to Article 154a paragraph 5 of the Legislative Decree n.58/1998, together with the reports of external auditors and statutory auditors are available from today at the headquarters of the company, at Borsa Italiana S.p.A. and on site (in the “Governance” section).
Likewise, in the same manner, the company has also published the report on corporate governance and the ownership structure, referring to 2011, and the Report on Remuneration pursuant to Art. 123-ter of Legislative Decree n.58/1998.

Mondadori: lists published for nomination of Board of directors and Board of statutory auditors

Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. has announced that lists of nominations for the appointment of both the board of directors and the board of statutory auditors, as filed by Fininvest S.p.A., that holds 53.06% of the share capital, along with the documentation required by Consob Regulation No.11971/1999 and the company’s Articles of Association, are now available at the company’s registered office, at the Italian Stock Exchange (Borsa Italiana S.p.A.) and (in the section Governance).

Following the candidates in the lists.

Candidates for appointment to the board of directors:

1. Marina Berlusconi

2. Maurizio Costa

3. Pier Silvio Berlusconi

4. Carlo Maria Vismara

5. Pasquale Cannatelli

6. Bruno Ermolli

7. Roberto Poli

8. Roberto Briglia

9. Martina Forneron Mondadori*

10. Marco Spadacini*

11. Angelo Renoldi*

12. Carlo Sangalli*

13. Cristina Rossello*

14. Mario Resca*

(*) Candidates with the necessary requisites for appointment as independent directors.

Candidates for appointment to the board of statutory auditors

Office of standing auditor:

1. Ferdinando Superti Furga

2. Francesco Antonio Giampaolo

3. Franco Carlo Papa

Office of substitute auditor:

1. Ezio Maria Simonelli

2. Francesco Vittadini

Please note that the Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders for the appointment of directors and statutory auditors has been called for 19 April 2012 (20 April on second calling).


With reference to the lists for the appointment of statutory auditors, it should be noted, pursuant to Art. 144 octies, para. 2 of CONSOB Regulation 11971/1999, that before the legal deadline for the filing of lists (26 March 2012) only a list submitted by the majority shareholder Fininvest S.p.A. had been filed.

Consequently, in accordance with Art. 144 sexies, para. 5 of Consob Regulation 11971/1999, the period within which additional lists may be deposited at the registered offices of Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. for appointment of statutory auditors is extended until 29 March 2012 and the percentage of the share capital required for the submission of lists is reduced from 2.5% to 1.25%.

Mondadori: notification of share buy back

Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. has today announced that, in the period between 19 and 23 March 2012, the company bought a total of 420,000 its own shares (corresponding to 0.17% of the company’s share capital) on the automated share market at an average price of € 1.33442 per share, for a total of € 560,455.88 in the context of the authorisation of the company’s AGM, held on 21 April 2011 (previously communicated as per Art. 144 bis of Consob regulation 11971/1999), to effect share buy back operations.

The details of the operations, as conducted daily, are indicated below:

date N° of shares bought Weighted average price 19/03/2012 66,000 1.42355 20/03/2012 77,000 1.36783 21/03/2012 88,000 1.33770 22/03/2012 91,500 1.30298 23/03/2012 97,500 1.27424

Following these operations and taking account of the shares already in the portfolio, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. now directly holds 8,225,431 its own shares. A further 4,517,486 Mondadori shares are hold by the subsidiary Mondadori International S.p.A..
Consequently, as of today the total number of shares held now amounts to 12,742,917 corresponding to 5,17% of the share capital.


It should be noted that the Shareholders on 21 April 2011 authorised the buy back of a further 16,546,887 company shares, with respect to the shares already held, either directly or indirectly on the date of the authorisation issued by the AGM, bringing the total up to the limit of 10.52% of the present share capital.
The authorisation is valid until the meeting for the approval of the Annual Report for the year to 31 December 2011.

In line with the Shareholders’ authorisation, buy backs are effected on regulated markets as per art. 132 of the legislative decree 58/1998 and art. 144 bis, para. 1, B of Consob regulation 11971/99 according to operating procedures established by the regulations for the organisation and management of the markets themselves, which does not permit the direct combination of offers to buy with predetermined offers to sell.

It should also be noted that, in terms of price and daily volumes, acquisition operations are conducted in line with the norms foreseen by the EU regulation 2273/2003, and that, in terms of daily volumes, the company will not purchase a quantity greater than 25% of the average daily volume of Mondadori shares traded on the regulated market and calculated on the basis of the average daily volume of trading of Mondadori shares in the 20 trading days prior to the dates of purchase.

Chi: a completely new magazine hits newsstands

Tomorrow readers will discover from the newsstands the new Chi, a radically new product, not only in terms of content and look, but also in terms of style and the tone of voice that characterises the pages of the weekly.
The first and most marked distinctive element of the new magazine will come form the exclusive interviews with leading Italian and international stars conducted by the editor Alfonso Signorini.

“The new Chi,” explained Signorini, “is even more current, featuring the people beyond their celebrity and public profile and with a focus on trends and the evolution of our society and its personalities. And with an objective: that of giving the reader something to think about and to discuss. In short, a magazine to read and not just to flick through,” concluded Signorini.

Chi will have more background and a new point of view on stories about famous personalities through which it will also comment on current affairs.
Changes and innovations that will reinforce the weekly’s mission which has always been to inform and entertain the reader thanks to an authentic connection with the world of celebrities: a formula that has enabled Chi to become the top selling and most widely read women’s “people” magazine in Italy.

Among other new features will be the greater space devoted to fashion and beauty which has been completely reconfigured. In addition there will be new service-based columns on cooking, interiors and travel, completing the weekly’s offer with topics of interest to its mainly female audience.
Even the layout and use of images will be new, with more use of high-quality photographic services, produced exclusively for the magazine, also during important show business events.

The advertising market is reacting very positively to the new Chi, appreciating the new more newsy and international formula: sales for the first issues after the relaunch have already reached the extraordinary levels of the summer months. In 2011 Chi was chosen by over 500 clients, for a total of around 3,500 pages and the objective of Angelo Sajeva, chairman and chief executive of Mondadori Pubblicità, is to increase these figures even more, above all with clients from the fashion and cosmetics sectors, that currently account for 60% of the title’ advertising sales.

The launch of the new Chi will be supported by an important communication campaign, planned on TV, newspapers, women’s magazines, POS and the internet, accompanied by a special promotional cut price offer. The creativity for the campaign is by A&B.

Consolidated annual report and results for the year to 31 December 2011

  • Consolidated revenues of €1,509.8 million: -3.1% on the €1,558.3 million in 2010
  • Gross operating profit of €130.4 million: -7% compared with €140.2 million in 2010
  • Consolidated net profit of €49.6 million: +17.8% compared with €42.1 million in 2010


  • Proposal to contribute the net profit of the parent company to the extraordinary reserve

The Board of Directors of Arnoldo Mondadori S.p.A. met today, under the Chairmanship of Marina Berlusconi, to examine and approve the consolidated balance sheet and management report for the year to 31st December 2011 as presented by the Group’s Deputy Chairman and Chief Executive, Maurizio Costa.


In the second half of 2011 the global economic situation, and in particular in the countries in the euro zone, continued to shown strong signs of difficulty. In Italy the economy outlook deteriorated significantly during the autumn, marking the beginning of recession. This has had a negative impact on industrial production and investment, resulting in a consequent decline in consumer spending. Also in France the main macroeconomic indicators in 2011 showed a negative trend compared with the previous year.
The macroeconomic performance in the markets of reference for the Mondadori Group, in Italy and France, was affected by these negative trends, with a significant deterioration in the final quarter.


In this context, the Mondadori Group ended 2011 with consolidated net revenues of €1,509.8 million, a fall of 3,1% on the €1,558.3 million of 2010.

Consolidated gross operating profit came to €130.4 million, a fall of 7% compared with the €140.2 million of the previous year, as a proportion of revenues 8,6% compared with 9% in 2010. Excluding non-recurring positive items and investments in the development of the digital business, the reduction in gross operating profit was 3.3%.

Consolidated operating profit amounted to €103.8 million, down 9.1% from the €114.2 million in 2010, with depreciation and amortization of tangible and intangible assets of €26.6 million (€26 million in 2010).

Consolidated pre-tax profit came to €82.7 million, down 8.4% on the €90.3 million in 2010, with lower borrowing costs of €3.4 million and higher investment charges of €0.6 million.

Consolidated net profit came to €49.6 million, up 17.8% compared with the €42.1 million for the previous year, during which, however, there was an additional tax charge for previous years’ taxes of €8.7 million.

Gross cash flow for 2011 amounted to €76.2 million, compared with €68.1 million in 2010.

The Group’s net financial position showed a deficit of €335.4 million, an improvement of €7 million from the end of 2010, after dividend payments of €40.3 million during the year.

Information concerning personnel
On 31 December 2011 employees, permanent and determined, pursuant to the Group companies, consists of 3,664 units compared to 3,649 at the end of 2010.
2011 saw the conclusion of early retirement plans authorised by the government, which have seen the exit over two years of 233 employees, including both publishing and journalistic staff. There was a similar situation in France where the implementation of the so-called “social plan” has resulted, over two years, in the departure of 74 employees.
Overall, the restructuring plan announced in 2009, of which the above-mentioned ministerial programme was an important but not exclusive part, has been successfully completed.



In 2011, the trade book market in Italy has remained stable in terms of copies sold, while there was a decline of 1.4% in terms of value (source: Nielsen).
As regards the distribution channels, the slowdown of large-scale retailers was particularly critical, where the shortfall over the year was -7.9%, with a peak -20.3% in December. This figure is even more striking when one considers the performance of the ten best-selling titles: in terms of value in 2011 saw a decline of 48% in the top ten compared with the same figure as recorded in 2007.

In this context, Mondadori confirmed its leadership in the trade book market with a market share of 26.5% in terms of value (source: Nielsen).
In particular, 43 titles featured among the top 100 bestsellers of the year. Among these, Le prime luci del mattino by Fabio Volo, Nessuno si salva da solo by Margaret Mazzantini, the Steve Jobs biography by Walter Isaacson, published by Mondadori, and Tre atti e due tempi by Giorgio Faletti, published by Einaudi, respectively, were first, fourth, eighth and tenth in the overall rankings of the year.

Revenues generated by the Books area amounted to €389.1 million, a fall of 6% compared with the €413.9 million in the previous year.
Gross operating profit, despite the lower revenues cited above, was substantially in line with the high level of 2010, thanks to a focused policy of costs controls and the positive contribution of subsidiaries.
In the Paperback sector the most significant initiative was the launch of new series called NumeriPrimi °, which involved all the publishing houses of the Group – Edizioni Mondadori, Einaudi, Piemme, Sperling & Kupfer – and the publication of the most successful titles in large format and quality paperbacks.
In the first ten months, NumeriPrimi° achieved sales of two million copies, with particularly success in the large-scale retail channel.

2011 was undoubtedly important for Books in terms of digital publishing, with the normal operation of Mondadori’s digital distribution platform and, in the second half of the year, the arrival in the Italian market of the major international e-book retailers. During 2011 Mondadori introduced over 3,000 e-books, recording quarter of sales from the Mondadori platform.
The Christmas period saw the highest average sales of the year with peaks of more than 4,000 downloads per day. Among the best sellers, also in the digital format, were new titles by Walter Isaacson, Fabio Volo, Giorgio Faletti and Margaret Mazzantini, as well as backlist titles such as Miglio 81 by Stephen king.
The objective is to digitise the entire catalogue of the group, around 15,000 titles by 2014.
In the school textbooks segment, the digitization programme of the catalogue is already 90% complete, with about 1,300 titles already available in e-book format.


The current challenging macroeconomic environment continues to have a strong impact on the consumer magazine market in Italy, adversely affecting advertising revenues (-3.7% magazines; source: Nielsen), circulation (- 5% in terms of copies and -7.2% on a comparable basis; internal figures) and add-on sales (-0.5% in terms of value; internal figures). In addition to the effects of the economic situation are the structural changes, related to the digital evolution that is underway, which is having a negative impact on print products, to which especially younger readers are showing less and less interest.
Mondadori has acted to address the situation and has to achieved a performance that is better than the competition and strengthened its position as market leader (33.3%), as can be seen from the continued growth of the number of readers of the Group’s weekly and monthly titles that total some 35 million, or 82% of the total (Audipress 2011/III). In particular, the latest Audipress survey shows that Mondadori’s “audience” was up by 1.6% on the previous period.
In a markedly recessive context, the performance of the Magazines Italy area saw a fall in total revenues of 2.7%, from €471.40 million to €458.8 million.
In particular, Mondadori titles suffered most from the recessive phase in the market and ended the year with a shortfall in revenues of around 5%, due to a reduction in:
– circulation revenues (-4.7%), the effect of a sharp decline in subscriptions (-15%) and fewer copies sold with add-ons (-11%);
– revenues from sales of add-ons (-2.4%), mainly because of a decline in sales of music products. However, the Group’s leadership in the segment (35%) was maintained, with continued high level of profitability and in line with the previous year;
– advertising revenues were down by 3.8%, with a particularly poor performance in the weekly family titles and newsmagazines.This was partly offset by a positive trend in women’s magazines.
The results show, however, a significant increase that is also attributable to the capital gain realized on the sale of the stake in Hearst Mondadori Editoriale Srl. Even excluding the aforementioned non-recurring items, there was still growth in gross operating profit.

During 2011, Mondadori took a series of important steps with the Group’s web properties associated with the main magazine titles, achieving significant results, both in terms of advertising sales and traffic.
The results for 2011 should therefore be considered positive, with an improvement in all indicators at rates higher than the market, in particular advertising (+47.7% compared with +12.3% for the market as a whole; Nielsen) and growth in the number of unique users, over 6.6 million, an increase of 23.5% on the previous year. This trend benefited from positive performances by (+73%), (+63%) and (+27%). Also of note was the rapid growth of, which was launched in the second half of the year.


Market trends in advertising spending in Italy in 2011 saw an overall fall of 3.8% (source: Nielsen), confirming that the global financial crisis and the downturn in GDP have had a noticeable effect on all media with the sole exception of the internet.
Television was down by 3.1%. There was a significant decline in Radio (-7.8%) and newspapers (-7.7%), while magazines saw a smaller decline of -3.7%, with a particularly bad performance in the final quarter (-8.2%).
The slowdown in advertising has involved all the main sectors of the magazine advertising market except cosmetics and fashion.

In 2011 Mondadori Pubblicità recorded an overall fall in sales compared with 2010, ending the year with revenues of €219.9 million, compared with €233.9 million in 2010.
In terms of the magazine advertising, the fall in sales was due to the particularly negative performance in certain sectors such as FMCGs and interiors. In particular, the weeklies were hit hard, despite the good performance of Grazia (+3.2%) and Tu Style (+11.1%) and the substantial stability of Donna Moderna, the other weeklies of the Group were down on the previous year.
For monthlies meanwhile, the decline was less marked (-1.2%), thanks to the resilience of interiors and cooking titles and to the success of Panorama Icon, which was launched in April 2011 and enabled the Group to strengthen its position in the male fashion segment and Mondadori Pubblicità to offer a product which meets the needs of companies operating at the high-end of the market.
During 2011 Mondadori Pubblicità maintained a continuous focus on the trend in average prices compared to 2010, with stability for Donna Moderna, Grazia and Tu Style among the weeklies, and growth in the interiors and cooking monthlies, sometimes at the expense of volume.

Radio advertising revenues (R101 and Radio Kiss Kiss) grew by 0.7% due largely to the performance of the new organisational model of Mondadori Pubblicità from May 2011; there was a particularly positive trend for R101 in a market that saw a fall in spending of 7.8% (source: Nielsen).

In the Internet market the excellent results achieved by Mediamond, with overall growth of 56% compared to 2010, was the result of a positive performance by the main sites of the Group and the considerable success of TgCom (+59%) and Sport Mediaset (+30.2%) of the RTI Group.
Overall, the Mediamond portfolio was enhanced in 2011 with the addition of with sales that were above expectations.
After just two years Mediamond now sells advertising for vertical 30 sites, with 11.5 million unique users per month, as well as a considerable number of case studies with leading companies in its sectors of reference.


The magazine market in France, both in terms of circulation and advertising revenues, suffered a marked slowdown in the last part of the year, although less significant than in Italy. During the year, advertising, in terms of value was, essentially unchanged compared with the previous year while circulation saw a fall of 4.2%.
In this contexts, Mondadori France recorded growth in earnings thanks to positive performances by all of its titles.

The consolidated revenues for the year came to €348.1 million, up 1.1% on the €344.2 million of the previous year.
Gross operating profit was up by 16.8% on the previous year, thanks to a good performance in magazines and, in particular, the improvement of Grazia, as well as lower manufacturing costs and overheads.

Advertising revenues were up 3.3% to €85.4 million. This excellent performance is due mainly to strong growth in the upscale women’s titles, in particular the weekly Grazia (+34%) and the monthly Biba (+10%), which now account for 33.6% of total advertising revenues (27.2% in 2010).
It should also be noted that Grazia is now the second largest magazine in the market in terms of advertising pages (2,495 pages, up 39%). Even in terms of circulation, Grazia confirmed its success since the launch, growing by 3.1% to 184,000 copies.

In terms of circulation, which accounts for 69% of the total, revenues increased by 1.3%, to €239.5 million,, of particular relevance was the subscription channel, which accounted for 32.5% of total sales.
During the year a number of activities were launched focused on innovation and quality, key factors in the positive performance achieved in terms of circulation: in particular the launch of new formats for seven titles and the launch of the quarterly Guerres & Histoire.
The most successful titles include Modes & Travaux, which has become the leading title in its segment; among women’s magazines, Top Santé and Closer, which have strengthened their positions; in the popular science segment, Science & Vie and Science & Vie Junior continue to grow.
Mondadori France is the leader in the car sector with the weekly magazine Auto Plus and the bimonthly Auto-Journal.
Biba recorded the strongest growth among all of its competitors, with 326,000 copies (+4.5% compared with 2010).

International Activities
Despite some signs of a slowdown due to the ongoing global economic situation, the International Activities area confirmed the positive trend of previous years. Despite difficulties in terms of both consumer and advertising spending, the Group has responded with continuous expansion and geographic diversification and consolidating its position in major emerging markets such as China, Russia and the Asian market. The annual turnover of International Activities was over €160 million. Spearheading this growth is Grazia, a brand with a strong international success that now forms a network of twenty editions with editions in four continents.

Licensing: the end of 2011, there was a total of 27 international editions: seventeen of Grazia, seven of Casaviva, one of Flair, one of Interni, and one of Sale&Pepe. The different editions of Grazia generated a combined revenues of €107 million (+20% compared with 2010) with expectations of further growth for 2012, also thanks to the launch of new editions.

Advertising: thanks to a dedicated team focused on the fashion and interiors segments, in 2011 on the Italian market Mondadori generated advertising revenues of €6.8 million (+49% compared with 2010).

With regard to investments, Mondadori in active in China with its joint venture Mondadori SEEC Advertising Co Ltd: Grazia China, launched in February 2009, has already proved a great success (with revenues of €7.1 million, +87% compared with 2010). Given the rapid growth and potential of the Chinese market, Mondadori has several new projects currently under consideration, the first of which should be announced in the coming months.
Grazia Russia, which celebrated its fifth anniversary in March, during 2011 recorded revenues of €4.1 million, up 20% on an already positive 2010.
Despite the dramatic economic crisis in Greece, Attica Publications expects to be able to derive competitive advantages over its competitors.


The Direct Area, which manages the retail and direct marketing businesses, conducts its activities through:
– a network of outlets across the country, comprising at the end of 2011 of 628 outlets (22 directly operated and 307 franchised book shops; 9 Multicenters; 213 Edicolè franchises, 18 directly managed Book club and 59 franchised stores):
– Cemit, the market leader in diversified strategies for the design and development of one- to-one communication and CRM.

Revenues in 2011 came to €265.5 million, a fall of 1.4% compared with the €269.2 million of 2010. The figures are not comparable due to changes in the scope, including the acquisition of the whole of Mondolibri SpA. On a like-for-like basis, the shortfall would be around 5% compared with the previous year.

The Multicenter outlets and bookshops, clubs and directly managed outlets, were all penalised by marked downturns that were as high as 12%, only the franchises and Edicolè outlets maintained a positive trend in revenues.
Also Cemit, which suffered significantly from the overall decline in investments in direct marketing, ended the year with a fall in revenues of 24%.
Faced with these difficulties, the company has increased its focus on costs, which explains the merger of Mondadori Franchising S.p.A. and Mondolibri S.p.A. with Mondadori Retail S.p.A., which changed its name to Mondadori Direct SpA, in the middle of the year.


R101, the Group’s radio station, generated revenues of €16.3 million, up by 12.4% compared with the €14.5 million of 2010, thanks to the performance of the car, food, media/publishing and telecommunications sectors, which account for approximately 50% of total turnover.
The market figures for total Radio advertising in 2011 however showed a fall of 7.8% compared with 2010 (source: Nielsen).

The increase in revenues for R101, as well as the alignment of the publisher’s share with other businesses of the Group, is also attributable to the performance of the sales network, which passed from a dedicated network to the more general representation of the entire sales force of Mondadori Pubblicità, which facilitated the entry of many new clients.


Revenues generated by the Digital Area came to €17.2 million, an increase of 63.8% compared with the €10.5 million of 2010. The turnover from digital publishing, e-commerce, diversified activities and IT infrastructure development and databases, amounted to €44.2 million, an increase of 23.5% on 2010.
The digital publishing activities primarily refer to e-books, self-publishing, online bool clubs, properties and digital advertising.

In e-commerce in 2011, the business was mainly through sites, which are focused on the sale of books, CDs, DVDs and e-books, which recorded growth in the number of orders (+23%) and the number of unique users (+42%), and, which manages both print and digital subscriptions.
CRM activities in 2011 saw the creation of the Mondadori Customer Data Base, a single structure which brings together all of the customers of the different business units and the development of information processes for the reconciliation of customers of the different companies of the Group.

The Annual Report of the parent company, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore SpA, for the year to 31 December 2011 shows a net profit of €55.3 million (€51.7 million on 31 December 2010), while gross operating profit came to €48.5 million (€70.8 million in 2010).
These economic indicators show a contrasting trend; gross operating profit was affected by the significant decline in sales in both books and magazines, where both revenue from sales of copies and from advertising was down compared with 2010.
Also of significance, in absolute terms, was the total investments in digital activities that are still in the start-up phase.
Net profit, meanwhile, benefited from higher returns from the management of investments that, in 2011, included a capital gain of around €10 million from the sale of the company’s stake in Hearst Mondadori Editoriale Srl and a reduction in taxes including, in 2010, a non-recurring charge of €8.7 million, resulting from the adherence to the definition of pending tax disputes, established by Law N° 73 of 22 May 2010, and regarding a dispute with the tax authorities in Milan for the year 1991.

The Board of Directors agreed to propose to the Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders, called for 19 April 2012 (or 20 April on second calling), to devolve to the extraordinary reserve the full amount of the net profit for the year ended 31 December 2011, which amounted to €55,342,667.63
Given the current market scenario and despite the increase in net profit for 2011 compared with that for 2010, the proposal of the Board of Directors not to distribute a dividend for 2011 is aimed at strengthening the financial structure.

In the first two months of the year trends related to consumer spending in general, and in particular in the markets of interest to Mondadori, remain significantly negative, in line with the closing months of 2011.
There are currently no signals of a turnaround that could significantly alter the trend, at least in the first half of the year. Similarly, there is also reduced visibility, also in the short term, with regard to the advertising market.
During 2012 the company’s priorities will be to maintain a firm hold on the Group’s leadership in magazines and books in Italy, the consolidation of the successes in France, the development of digital activities, both in books (e-books) and other areas, the expansion and diversification of the international activities, and the continuation of efforts to reduce operating costs in order to contain the negative impact of rising production costs.
In such a problematic scenario, and despite the abovementioned actions, it is currently difficult for the Group to achieve the same levels of profitability as in 2011.

Mondadori launches the new Flair, the women’s supplement of Panorama devoted to upscale fashion in all its aspects

Flair, the Mondadori women’s title first launched in 2003, will appear after the summer in a completely new guise with a new editorial team and a more international feel.

The new Flair will feature a surprising editorial mix highlighting all of the most fascinating aspects and impact of style, with a special focus on made in Italy creativity in international fashion. Flair will be a magazine with a highly contemporary vocation that anticipates trends, pays particular attention to image and is able to identify new talents and make connections between the cultural phenomena that revolve around the world of women’s fashion and cosmetics with the support of world famous writers and photographers.
Flair will therefore take up the female side of the upscale offer of Panorama, the newsmagazine edited by Giorgio Mulè, alongside Panorama Icon, the title male lifestyle supplement, successfully launched in the spring of 2011.

Flair will be edited by Emanuele Farneti, who will also continue to edit Panorama Icon. The editorial team will benefit from the addition of prestigious new members, starting with the fashion editor Fashion director, Sissy Vian, who comes with extensive experience in some of the fashion world’s most prestigious titles, including Harper’s Bazaar USA and UK, Vogue Italy, Vogue Spain and Vogue Japan, for which she is currently senior fashion editor.
The new creative director will be Susanna Cucco, who having participated in such editorial initiatives as L’Officiel Hommes, L’Officiel Hommes Italy, FFM, Fantom and Boiler, in recent years has been successfully engaged in fashion projects, luxury branding, advertising campaigns, as well as books and art exhibitions, working with some of the world’s leading photographers.
Flair will benefit from expanded distribution to the qualified target of Panorama, the Mondadori newsmagazine that offers to both readers and the market, in the year of its 50th anniversary, an increasingly rich and varied communication system which now includes the women’s up-market sector.
The launch of the new Flair is scheduled for after the summer (with three issues in 2012).

Mondadori has launched a competition for the development of an advertising campaign for the new Panorama, that will also appear on the market after the summer with a number of other new features.
Heads, Hi!, Ogilvy and Mather Advertising and Saatchi & Saatchi are the agencies that will be bidding for the contract. All of these internationally renowned agencies will attempt to develop a communication platform which in the mind of Mondadori need to have a strong, recognisable and distinctive impact, able to transmit to the target the huge transformation of the newsmagazine edited by Giorgio Mulè for which Mondadori expects to support with a 360° multimedia communication campaign, across a range of media, from TV to the web, print and social media.
The selection of the winning creative solution will be made around the middle of April.

Mondadori Electa and FAI – Fondo Ambiente Italiano together again in 2012: a book and a promotional campaign in support of FAI

Following on from the 2011 campaign for the Mondadori guides in support of FAI – Fondo Ambiente Italiano for the recovery of the St Francis’ Wood in Assisi, 2012 begins with a renewal of cooperation between the publisher and the most important non-profit foundation for the protection of the Italian countryside.

Mondadori is proud to publish the book by the chairman of FAI Ilaria Borletti Buitoni: Per un’Italia possibile. La cultura salverà il nostro paese? (Towards a Possible Italy: Can Culture Save the Country?, Mondadori) in bookshops from 13 March 2012. A documented pamphlet of 128 pages devoted to the wealth of Italy’s assets, which, after years of abandonment and political inaction, are in a state of emergency. An engaging and disturbing portrait in which the author doesn’t forget to list the many positive examples, large and small, and increasingly numerous, of efforts and initiatives committed to building environmental awareness, the recovery of lost areas (oasis, historic gardens, sanctuaries, etc.) and the enhancement of cultural tourism..
Part of the proceeds from the sale of the book Per un’Italia possibile will be devolved to support the work of FAI – Fondo Ambiente Italiano.

The book is published just a few days ahead of the XX Edizione di Giornata FAI di Primavera (the 20th FAI Spring-day) which will take place on 24-25 March 2012, one of the most important events organised by FAI, a keenly anticipated and successful annual event (500,000 visitors in 2011), during which hundreds of particular locations, many of which are inaccessible during the rest of the year, are opened to the public (this year 670 locations across Italy will be open). The Mondadori guides will celebrate the 20th edition of the Giornate FAI di Primavera and anyone who buys a Mondadori Top10 guide on 24 or 25 March will also be supporting the initiatives of FAI – Fondo Ambiente Italiano.

Grazia celebrates its third anniversary in China

Grazia, launched in China in February 2009, celebrated its third anniversary with a record issue in terms of advertising sales: on the cover an exclusive feature on the three most famous Chinese top models, produced in New York during the fashion week.

This performance is confirmation of the success of the Grazia brand in China, where the magazine is the most widely sold international glossy magazine, with sales of 1,162,000 per issue and double-digit growth rate in Q4 2011 in all of the cities in the country, from Shanghai to Beijing, Guangzhou and Hangzhou.

Grazia in China, which is the result of a unique and increasingly appreciated editorial formula, both by readers and advertisers, provides a diversified communication platform that includes a web site, which already has 1.8 unique users, the launch in April of an iPad version, events across the country such as “Fashion Class” and successful editorial supplements, including Grazia Men.

“This is the dynamic that Grazia is contributing to Mondadori’s development strategy in China, a country where we expect to develop other new business opportunities soon,” ha declared Fabrizio Lo Cicero, chairman of the Chinese joint-venture between the SEEC Group and Mondadori.

The Mondadori Group also works with other local partners in the country for the publication of Casaviva and Science et Vie.

Mondadori: publication of documentation for the Shareholders’ meeting

Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. has announced that illustrative reports by the directors pertaining to the following items on the agenda for the company’s forthcoming ordinary Annual General Meeting on 19 April 2012 (20 April on an eventual second calling) are now available at the company’s corporate offices, Borsa Italiana S.p.A. and on (in the Governance section):
– authorisation to buy back and utilise ordinary shares, in line with articles 2357 and 2357-ter of the Italian Civil Code;
– appointment of the board of directors;
– appointment of the board of statutory auditors for the financial years 2012/2013/2014.

Further documentation pertaining to the AGM will be made available to the public, as above, in compliance with current legislation.

Notice of the ordinary Annual General Meeting and the agenda are available on (in the Governance section).