Month: March 2019

Publication of 2018 Annual Report and additional documents for AGM

Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. hereby informs that the following documents are available from today at the Company’s registered office, at the authorized storage mechanism 1info ( and on the website (Governance section):

  • the 2018 Annual Report, comprising the draft financial statements, the consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2018, the Directors’ Report on Operations (including the non-financial statement), the certifications pursuant to art. 154 bis, par. 5, of Legislative Decree no. 58/1998 of Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A., the Independent Auditors’ reports and the Board of Statutory Auditors’ report;
  • the 2018 Report on Corporate Governance and Ownership Structure;
  • the Remuneration Report pursuant to art. 123-ter of Legislative Decree no. 58/1998.

90 years of the “Il giallo Mondadori” series

The anniversary will be marked with an unpublished novel by Andrea Camilleri and a new offer of “classics”

June 1929 saw the publication of the first four detective thrillers with a brand new yellow cover design and signalled the beginning of one of the longest-lasting series in international publishing. Since then, in Italy, the only country in the world that uses the term gialli” (yellow), to describe an entire literary genre, precisely because of the colour of the original covers that not only marked an era, but that continues to the present day.

As Camilleri himself puts it: “The mystery genre is called “giallo” only in Italy. But iit is yellow not for the colour in itself but as a symbol, reflected in the colour of the book covers.”  

The first authors to be published in 1929 were: S.S. Van Dine with La strana morte del signor Benson, E. Wallace with L’uomo dai due corpi, R.L. Stevenson with Il club dei suicidi, and A.K. Green with Il mistero delle due cugine.

And they were an immediate success, with sales of over 50,000 copies in the first month. Since then, for 90 years “Il Giallo Mondadori” has continued to come out on newsstands and has published some 3,200 instalments in the regular series, plus an additional 1,400 Classics and another thousand Special editions and extra issues. An authentic world record, that now other regular series has ever matched. After 90 years “Il Giallo Mondadori” still publishes 40 title per year in five active series, with sales of around 150,000 copies.

Among the great names èublished in Italy thanks to the “Gialli Mondadori” are some of the pillars of this literary genre, including: Agatha Christie with Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple; Ellery Queen with the investigator of the same name; Rex Stout with Nero Wolfe; Erle Stanley Gardner with Perry Mason; S.S. Van Dine with Philo Vance; Ed McBain with the 87th Precinct; Sir Arthur Conan Doyle with Sherlock Holmes, as well as Dashiell Hammett, the creator of Sam Spade, Raymond Chandler, Ruth Rendell, James Hadley Chase and Mike Spillane. Meanwhile, Italian authors include Ezio D’Errico and Giorgio Scerbanenco, Carlo Lucarelli and Loriano Macchiavelli, Danila Comastri Montanari, Sandrone Dazieri and many more.

Now, to celebrate this anniversary, a number of new titles by well-known Italian authors of “gialli” will appear in bookstores, first of all by Anrea Camilleri and followed by, among others, Francesco Caringella, Gianrico Carofiglio, Pietro Colaprico, Giancarlo De Cataldo, Marcello Simoni, Valerio Varesi, alongside reprints of some of the “classics” of the series.

The first will appear on 26 Marzo and is an unpublished novel by Andrea Camilleri entitled Km 123 and as reprints, in a new format and with a new design, by Fruttero&Lucentini – La donna della domenica, Renato Olivieri – Il caso Kodra, Edgar Wallace – I quattro giusti, S.S. Van Dine – La strana morte del signor Benson. Other new titles and reprints will follow later in the year.

Km 123 by Andrea Camilleri

It all begins with a switched off mobile phone. The caller is Ester, the non-responder is Giulio, who has ended up in hospital after a bad crash on the Via Aurelia.

The phone is turned on again by Giuditta, Giulio’s wife, who, obviously, knows nothing about Ester. It could be the beginning of a romantic story, but the tone of this story is decidedly different: in fact, a witness claims that Guilio’s crash wasn’t an accident at all, but a murder attempt, and the investigation passes from the insurance company to the police department…

Andrea Camilleri, the undisputed Italian master of the genre, gives us a mix up that is full of both humour and mystery, in which all of the characters – and we as readers too –  are convinced that they have guessed the truth.

The “Grazia Creative Lab with Riccardo Ruini”

Grazia, the leading 100% Italian fashion magazine, with 20 editions around the world, is contributing its 80 years of experience in the fashion sector to a new project developed in collaboration with Riccardo Ruini, the creative director of numerous campaigns for some of the most prestigious international brands. The project, which is called Grazia Creative Lab with Riccardo Ruini, will be a laboratory for the production of communication content in the service of fashion and luxury brands.

Grazia Creative Lab with Riccardo Ruini will offer companies creative solutions for advertising campaigns that can run across different media.

“With Grazia Creative Lab we want to provide companies with content that is able to excite and enthuse people, our extensive knowledge of readers, celebrities, models, photographers and the privileged relationship we have developed with them. With our accumulated experience and the speed with that characterises us, we can construct content to match the needs of companies,” declared Silvia Grilli, editor of Grazia.

Grazia Creative Lab is the result of a desire to satisfy the needs that many brands have today to communicate in  a complete, rapid and effective way with a formula that is economically manageable. My task will be to ensure quality and innovation, precisely in the way that great chefs develop collaborations between brands and talent,”  declared Riccardo Ruini, creative director.

The project will also enhance the Grazia Italia system,  a dynamic, contemporary communication platform, with a magazine with 805,797 readers, up 9% since the last survey (Source: Audipress 2018/III), the web site, with a monthly average of 3.1 million unique users (Source: Audiweb December 2018), its social channels, which reach of 10 million users (Source: Facebook Insight February 2019), special events, the Influencer Factory, and now also creative agency.

Evolution has always been a characteristic of the Mondadori Group brand, which, over its 80-year history, has distinguished itself for its ability to perfectly capture and reflect the essence of the times. It anticipated the revolution of social media and the role of fashion influencers, now fundamental components of the fashion system. And it has won over a new generation of readers, also through its timely and authoritative news coverage, providing space for investigative journalism, without fear of swimming against the tide. All of this has made it possible to reinforce the link between its community of readers and the world of fashion and beauty that revolves around the magazine.

Grazia Creative Lab with Riccardo Ruini was presented today by the editor of Grazia Silvia Grilli, the general manager of Magazines Italy of the Mondadori Group Carlo Mandelli and the creative director Riccardo Ruini, with a roundtable discussion about the creative process, the new codes of communication and the role of endorsers, with observations from the chef Andrea Berton, a Grazia contributor, who talked about the creative side of being a great chef, and the showgirl Melissa Satta, who spoke of her experience as the face of a number of advertising campaigns and the evolution of image.

The magazine Chi presents: a chat with Alfonso Signorini

A chat with Alfonso Signorini is a new event, created by Chi, Italy’s most widely-read people magazine,  which will take place for the first time in Milan on 21 March at 6:30 pm at the Grand Hotel et de Milan in Via Manzoni, 29.

An unmissable opportunity for all fans of the Mondadori Group magazine to participate and get to know not only the editor, but also the many personalities from the world of television and entertainment that every week animate the pages of their favourite magazine, up close.

An authentic salon moderated by the editor Alfonso Signorini, and an occasion to look more closely at current affairs, the most unexpected gossip and the personal and intimate side of the most popular celebrities.

This will be the first in a series of encounters open to readers that will be held in symbolic locations in the city of Milan. Starting from the Grand Hotel et de Milan, known locally as the “Milan”, that has long been frequented by artists, diplomats, actors and many of the performers associated with Milan’s famous La Scala theatre.

For accreditation for A chat with Alfonso Signorini please go to the site to register.

The new Starbene: the magazine that inspires your wellbeing

Starbene, the Mondadori Group brand that is a point of reference in the world of wellness, from this week will have a new look and more contemporary and inspirational content, in line with the philosophy of self-care as a lifestyle.

Lighter backgrounds and a more airy layout give the new magazine a mindfulness inspired look, with more focus on the content that is highlighted by new pastel colours to facilitate a more harmonious reading, consistent with the healthy lifestyle promoted by the brand.

The new Starbene will reach an even broader and younger audience, with the extension of the reach also to the under-40sm engaging and stimulating their curiosity also on social networks, in particular, on Instagram, through tips and suggestions from the good mood psychologist, short videos about diet, nature-related images, and mindfulness stories and. graphics.

The magazine will also capture the attention of readers thanks to the involvement of new protagonists, such as influencers from the wellness sector and athletes, as well as the established contributions from the doctors who have always featured in the weekly.

“Starbene will continue to count on the advice and support of over 40 doctors, guaranteeing up-to-date scientific authoritativeness and reliability. While at the same time opening up to the world of influencers, able to more effectively engage readers, who feel they are closer to them. The magazine has also assembled a team of 12 social ambassador who will produce absolutely new content for the title and amplify the message through their communities,” underlined Annalisa Monfreda, the editor of Starbene.

The 12 influencers, among some of the best-known in the wellbeing sector, will, over the weeks, talks to readers and users about sport, food, health and wellbeing. The athletes will engage and attract readers to their world with a female-based empowerment, tanging from their relationship with beauty and fashion, diet and physical activity. For the first time, the Starbene experts will have more space to give advice, suggestions and reflections while examining issues of general interest in the field of health, along with solutions, remedies and explanations.

The new Starbene will also have new sections, enhanced with interviews, at three speeds, that will be developed inside the magazine: an initial section, focusing on quick easy to read news, a central section for short background details, and the final section, with columns and feature to cut out and keep.

The magazine will also express its content through special multi-channel projects and events with the participation of bloggers and influencers.

The launch will be supported by an advertising campaign developed by the Wavemaker agency, across print media, web sites, social media and direct marketing.

Marta Treves appointed as new head of miscellaneous books at Rizzoli

Marta Treves from today will take over editorial responsibility for miscellaneous books and Rizzoli Lizard at the Rizzoli publishing house, reporting to the director Massimo Turchetta.

Born in Milan in 1976, after a Master’s degree in Scientific Communication and a traineeship in journalism, she joined Mondadori in 2005 as copy editor for foreign fiction and miscellaneous books. She went on to become editor of Mondadori’s children’s books and then also miscellaneous books, and after a brief spell with Rizzoli as editor of foreign fiction, she returned to Mondadori, where, since 2015 she has been editorial director of foreign fiction and young adult fiction.

Mondadori: Donatella Minuto appointed as new head of foreign fiction. Alberto Gelsumini to head up young adult fiction

Donatella Minuto is the new head of foreign fiction at Mondadori.

At the same time, Alberto Gelsumini, already editorial director of miscellaneous books, will also head up Young  Adult fiction; both reporting to Francesco Anzelmo, the editorial director of the publishing house.

Donatella Minuto was born in Milan in 1971 and has a degree in modern literature from the University of Milan. Her publishing experience began at  Fazi, Bur and Il Saggiatore, and from 2010 to 2017 she worked at Giunti Editore, where she became head of Italian and foreign fiction. She joined Mondadori at the end of 2017 as senior editor of foreign fiction.

Alberto Gelsumini was born in Prato in 1978 and has a degree in the science of communication from the University of Bologna. Having begun his career in journalism and television, he joined Mondadori in 2003 as an editor. Since 2015 he has been the editorial director of miscellaneous books.

The new Icon: a change marked by continuity

+30% pages of advertising for the new issue compared with 2018

Icon, the Mondadori Group’s magazine for today’s man dedicated to fashion and lifestyle, from Friday 8 March will be on newsstands with a new look and renewed content, with even more attention to image, style and the quality for which it has always been known.

Under the leadership of editor Andrea Tenerani and the new team that has seen the arrival of Federico Sarica in the role of editor-at-large and the creative director Riccardo Ruini, Icon offers content that ranges from fashion to beauty, and takes an all-round look at male passions and enthusiasms, using images and stories able to capture the interests and habits of the modern man.

The result is an upscale product dedicated to men constantly on the look out for style and inspiration, a point of reference for lifestyle and Made in Italy.

With the new Icon we are opening up our pages and our social media channels to an even more focused account of Italian excellence  and know-how, a chain of production and thinking that the largest part of the global market looks to in the search for quality,” declared Andrea Tenerani, editor of Icon. “We will do this by each month providing – in images and words –  an account of what inspires us, and offering our readers a moodboard. And always keeping in mind a very precise vision:  to blur boundaries and rigidities, and to try to blend the classic and the contemporary, fashion and society, pleasure and rigour.”

The new Icon will also dedicated extensive space to the most iconic personalities from the world of international entertainment, with interviews and photographic features shot exclusively by some of the the great masters of photography.

This month’s issue will have two covers dedicated to two actors Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Vincent Cassel, immortalised respectively by da Mario Sorrenti and Michel Comte as well as articles by prestigious contributors including Marco Missiroli, Mariarosa Mancuso, Chiara Beria di Argentine.


The changes in the new Icon start from the paper chosen for the magazine which an increased weight and enhanced whiteness. flicking through the magazine, readers will find new columns and sections, starting from Inventario: a rich concentration of news, short interviews, still lifes and stories about products, personalities and cultural consumption, with a special emphasis on the world of beauty.

Completely new is Wheels & Watches, a monographic section of the magazine that will provide an elegant glance at the world of cars and watches, two big male passions to which 15 pages, rich with fashion photos and lifestyle, will be dedicated.

More wide-ranging news and information will feature in Icon Guide, a new column that will enable readers to keep up to date with what’s new in technology, travel, hotels, food & beverages, cinema, TV, books and much more.

The new approach of Icon will also be characterised by Icon Report, an editorial project focused on the luxury sector and which will inaugurate the first issue with a cover story dedicated to the Hedi Slimane revolution. This 24-page insert, with special paper and in tabloid format, will feature extensive background detail and interviews, as well as a focus on the latest trends in the market, the protagonists who are delineating new business developments and an observatory of fashion school talents. Inserted in the inside back cover of Icon, it will also have a special distribution at the country’s most prestigious fashion, design and journalism schools.





The restyling will also involve, with a new design approach that will enhance photo and video quality and immersive formats conceived for mobile and social media. The content will continue to focus on style guides and consumption for the man of today and tomorrow, with the most exclusive fashion, beauty, grooming and accessories.

Meanwhile, cars will be the protagonists of Icon Wheels which, from the middle of March, will be the new area of dedicated to aspirational and luxury cars and style on two wheels, with an editorial vocation able to combine usefulness and ideas, thanks to which, brands can become a central and dynamic part of the story through native advertising and branded content.

The two continuously growing social media channels, Instagram and Facebook, will alternate stop motion, short video, animated gifs and photo galleries, with cover stories and exclusive content dedicated to new products, emerging brands and the most exclusive events.


The advertising market has responded enthusiastically to the appointment of Andrea Tenerani as the editor of Icon. In fact, the new issue will feature 90 pages of advertising, 30% more than 2018. The new, contemporary and innovative, projects, will be an additional tool with which to interact with clients, also from outside the sector.

With a total circulation of 110,000 copies (Source: publisher’s figures), the new Icon will enjoy reinforced distribution in qualified locations with big impact spaces inside Italy’s main airports and railway stations, as well as in upscale hotels, the sales points of the Italian Chamber of Buyers and the Mondadori Stores.

Icon is also distributed internationally in Brazil, China, South Korea, France, Germany, Japan, Hong Kong, the United Kingdom, Spain, the United States and Taiwan.

The launch will also be accompanied by an advertising campaign planned on daily newspapers and on iDD Magazine, the DOOH (Digital Out of home) circuit, which brings together advertising with the editorial content of Mondadori’s lifestyle titles.




The new Giallozafferano: every month even more features, healthy food and brand new recipes

Giallozafferano, the Mondadori Group magazine created by Italy’s leading cooking web site, is celebrating its second anniversary and from Saturday 16 March will be out with a new look and new content.

“Two years ago Giallozafferano first hit the newsstands: the first magazine to have ben created from a web site. And thanks to the combination of two worlds we managed to produce a magazine with a unique character that was highly distinctive compared with the existing offer. And the public took to it immediately. Now, we want to give our readers something new in order to celebrate together and to thank them,” declared Laura Maragliano, editor of Giallozafferano.

Giallozafferano will continue every month to deliver cooking in the hands of the readers through its unmistakable offer of recipes within the reach of everyone, and now enhanced with bigger and more detailed photographs, with new typefaces, more white space and a more ordered use of colour across the different sections.

Also the content will be expanded with the introduction of new columns:

– Healthy eating: information about food, seasonal ingredients, and suggestions for healthier and lighter cooking methods;

Bottled pleasure: to discover the right combinations with the best labels of wine and beer available on the;

The Giallo school: even more sweet and savoury specialities explained with step-by-step photographs, in the characteristic Giallozafferano style, with indications about cuts of meat and fish, advice on entertaining and do-it-yourself, as well as a focus on kitchen objects, utensils, and the latest generation appliances.

At the heart of the magazine are the faces of the web site, Manuel, for quick and ethnic meals, Giovanni, for traditional fare, Aurora, for vegetarian dishes, who in every issue will face a different culinary challenge, for which the readers can vote on the site or on the app.

For the launch of the new Giallozafferano an advertising campaign has been planned across different media with TV commercials, on Mediaset channels, Fox and Discovery, radio commercials on the R101 and Radio Monte Carlo stations and a press campaign on Mondadori magazines.

The Mondadori Group’s food system features an offer that covers all segments of the cooking sector: from Giallozafferano to historic titles such as Sale&Pepe, with the Cookery School, and Cucina Moderna, as well as CookAround. A portfolio of multi-channel brands that reach a market share in terms of circulation of over 41% of the segment and an overall total audience of more than 16 million contacts, of which over 1.8 million readers per month (Mediamond calculations based on data from Audipress 2018/III, Audiweb 2.0 media Sept-Nov 2018, circulation data ADS Jan-Dec 2018).



Publication of documents of Annual General Meeting on 17 April 2019

Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. hereby informs that the notice of call of the Annual General Meeting on 17 April 2019, and the Directors’ reports, pursuant to art. 125-ter of Legislative Decree 58/1998 of the Italian Civil Code, on the following items on the agenda, to be discussed at both ordinary and extraordinary sessions, are available at the Company’s registered office, at the authorized storage mechanism 1info (, and on the website (Governance section):

  • authorization for the purchase and sale of treasury shares, pursuant to the combined provisions of articles 2357 and 2357-ter of the Italian Civil Code;
  • resolutions, pursuant to art. 114-bis of the TUF, on the granting of financial instruments;
  • appointment of the Independent Auditors for 2019-2027 and determination of their fee;
  • revocation and granting of powers to the Board of Directors pursuant to articles 2443 and 2420-ter of the Italian Civil Code;
  • proposal not to replenish revaluation reserves pursuant to Law no. 72 of 19 March 1983 and Law no. 413 of 30 December 1991.

Also made available, in the above manners, the Information Document on the 2019-2021 Performance Share Plan, prepared in accordance with Annex 3A, under the provisions of art. 84-bis of the Issuer Regulation.

The notice of call of the AGM was published today also in the newspaper indicated in the notice.

The additional documents regarding the AGM will be made available, in the manners above, within the time limits established by current laws.