Month: December 2011

Mondadori presents the Sale&Pepe iPad and iPhone app

More than 7.000 recipes, Facebook and Twitter share functions and video of the Cook&Book Academy

Sale&Pepe, the cookery monthly edited by Laura Maragliano, now has an app for the iPhone and iPad.

Every month the magazine – which is a reference point for those in search of exclusive and refined gastronomic proposals – offers the best recipes, columns and background details not only of what’s goes on in the kitchen, but everything that circulated around the world of food, with interviews with top chefs and itineraries for visiting places where you can find good food.

Thanks to the new app, it is now possible to take advantage of all this exclusive content also on the move, from your iPhone or iPad. Features of the app include:

– more than 7.000 recipes accompanied by photos, ingredients, preparation times, indications of the level of difficulty and calories, along with a detailed search function to make it easier to find your favourite dish;
– a section dedicated to Sale&Pepe Specials where, with a free monthly update, you can find new tasty recipes for all occasions;
video recipes made at the Cook&Books Academy, the Sale&Pepe cookery school located inside the Mondadori Multicenter in Milan’s Piazza Duomo, and featuring famous Italian chefs.

With the Sale&Pepe app it is also possible to mark any of the recipes as a “favourite” and save the ingredients on a shopping list. It is also possible to share your tastes and recipes with your friends on Facebook and Twitter or even directly by email with a single click.

Facebook and Twitter are integrated in the app, you can share your preferences and favourite recipes with your friends.

The app is available in Italian from the Apple Store for the iPhone and iPad at the price of €2.99.
For further informations:

Mondadori: corporate calendar 2012

Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. today announced, as per Art. 2.6.2 of the regulations governing markets organised and managed by Borsa Italiana S.p.A., the corporate events scheduled for 2012:

Monday 19 March 2012: meeting of the Board of Directors for the approval of the Annual Report for the year ended 31 December 2011;

Monday 14 May 2012: meeting of the Board of Directors for the approval of the 1st Quarter Report to 31 March 2012;

Thursday 26 July 2012: meeting of the Board of Directors for the approval of the Interim Report to 30 June 2012

Tuesday 13 November 2012: meeting of the Board of Directors for the approval of the 3rd Quarter Report to 30 September 2012.

The Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders for the approval of the Annual Report for the year ended 31 December 2011 will be held on Thursday 19 April 2012, on first calling, or Friday 20 April 2011, on an eventual second calling.

Analysts’ presentations of the results for the full year to 31 December 2011, the interim report to 30 June 2012 and the reports on the first and third quarters of 2012 will be held on the dates, as indicated above, of the respective meetings of the Board of Directors.

Any eventual changes will be promptly communicated to the market. in partnership with Go Try It On, fashion community to share your look online fashion stylist for GTIO for advice about fashion and style is a fashion stylist for Go Try It On, the online community where users can exchange ideas and advice about their look in real time.

The Go Try It On (GTIO) app, leader in crowd-sourcing fashion trends on the iPhone, allows users to take a photo, share it online and get immediate feedback from friends and other members of the community. GTIO is therefore the point of reference for all those who want to get or share ideas about style and fashion.

GTIO, which already boasts over 12 million opinions posted by members of the community, which is made up 80% by women, a 30% international audience, has opened the platform to brands which has allowed to become part of the community and to get in contact with members to share and exchange ideas and advice about fashion and trends in real time., which is GTIO’s first publishing partner in Italy, in the role of fashion stylist, will respond to requests for comments in Italian and in English and will be active with its own feedback on the GTIO iPhone app, which as to date recorded 300,000 downloads.

“With GTIO brings fashion closer to the users who want to share their passion for elegance and style. And from this perspective the partnership with GTIO is fully in line with the philosophy of style is a passion to share. Anyone who is part of the GTIO community and wants to exchange ideas about their look, from today can rely also on advice from,” declared Vittorio Veltroni, Digital General Manager of Mondadori. “GTIO is an excellent example of how to combine in an unconventional way quality digital content, fashion and a social dynamic, and we are delighted to be a part of this innovative project,” Veltroni concluded.

“We are delighted that Mondadori, one of Europe’s leading publishing groups, has asked Go Try It On to make a contribution, with, to the content of our community,” declared Marissa Evans, CEO, GTIO. “The agreement will enable us to expand our list of prestigious partners, the features of our community and to get in contact with users and the world of”.

Charity goes social with

With a new and exciting Facebook app you can share virtual presents and contribute to the IEO Foundation research: because It’s the thought that counts., leader in the editorial web sites sector targeting women, launches “Basta il pensiero!” (the thought is enough!), the free Christmas Facebook application, (

This Christmas, through the “Basta il pensiero” app, Facebook users will be able to send a thought to their friends – sharing a list of virtual gifts selected by – and invite them to do the same to trigger off a real viral chain for charity.

The more gifts “unwrapped” by a click, the sooner will be able to sustain the European Oncology Institute Foundation: for every 5 gift-wraps, in fact, will donate 1 euro to FIEO towards breast cancer research, with a total help up of to 5 thousand euros.

FIEO will use the funds collected to promote an innovative pilot study, led by doctor Fedro Alessandro Peccatori (Director of the Fertility and Reproduction in Oncology Unit – IEO) aiming to evaluate the effectiveness of Counseling in Oncology.

Important goals, then, which wishes to reach with the help of its users, who will be able to participate in this initiative by downloading the “Basta il pensiero!” app.
In order to know the details, discover how to fill the Christmas tree with presents and do some good without spending a penny, just go to

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The IEO Foundation

Together with the European Oncology Institute, since 1993, the IEO Foundation is a no profit organization which raises funds to support the creation and development of experimental and clinical research. In particular, FIEO works to spread knowledge about the causes, prevention, and therapies for oncological diseases, either directly or via third parties, through biomedical and sanitary research, and through assistance , physical and psychological rehabilitation of cancer patients, and through the donation of assets both to the above mentioned people and to the Oncology European Institute in Milan, which has the same aims.

Mondadori is the first publishing group in Italy to work with Flipboard with, and

Mondadori has joined forces with Flipboard, the world’s first social magazine for the iPad, to make content from, and available on Flipboard. International fashion and style aficionados can access the three language versions of Grazia in Flipboard’s Content Guide, where the publications are featured this week.

Flipboard, named Apple App of the Year by Apple, allows readers to discover, browse and share digital content that has been optimised for iPad for an unparalleled reading experience. Additionally, they can to flip through news, photos, videos and friends’ updates on Facebook, Twitter, Google Reader, LinkedIn, Tumblr, 500px, Flickr and Instagram.

From today the section featuring Flipboard’s recommended titles provides access to a range of digital content from the web sites of Grazia Italy, Grazia France and Grazia UK.

Mondadori is the first publishing group in Italy to work with Flipboard and Grazia the first digital women’s title in Italian to be present on the app.

“We are delighted to be working with Flipboard which will enable us to make accessible to users of the app that Time included among the 50 best inventions of 2010,” declared Vittorio Veltroni, general manager of Mondadori Digital. “Flipboard has recorded 4 million downloads across the world for the iPad, generating 600 million flips per month, a figure that is destined to rise. will then be available to an increasingly large audience, and audience that combines its passion for fashion with shopping, as well as socialising,” concluded Vittorio Veltroni.

“With Grazia Flipboard readers can access the content of one of the brands that is synonymous with fashion and style in Italy, France and the United Kingdom,” claimed Christina Mace-Turner, head of partner strategy at Flipboard. “For the first time, we are integrating content in three different languages, a first step in customizing the Flipboard experience for our readers around the world.” Mace-Turner, concluded.

Mondadori launches “BOX FOR YOU”, a line of packaged gift sets

On sale at the 600 outlets in the Mondadori network and online at

Mondadori has announced the launch of “BOX FOR YOU”, a line of packaged gift sets featuring ideas for leisure for fans of taste, wellbeing, arts & culture, nature and passion.

“With this initiative Mondadori enters the market for gift box sets that is evolving very rapidly also in Italy, and showing a significant rate of growth,” explained Renato Rodenghi, chairman and managing director of Mondadori Direct. “BOX FOR YOU is also a further demonstration of the capacity of the Group to diversify its offer to meet the needs of new targets with a business that covers the entire value chain of the product, from the design, development and production of content, to the production and distribution of the product”, Rodenghi concluded.

“BOX FOR YOU”, which is on sale at the 600 outlets of the Group’s network (Librerie Mondadori, Edicolè, Mondadori Multicenter, Librerie Mondadori Junior, Librerie Gulliver and the Mondolibri shps) and on the web site, features a wide choice of structures across the country, so that customers can decide the destination they prefer.
The box contains an extensive catalogue of offers, with photos, written descriptions and practical information, that can also be accessed online (, and a thematic book (taste, wellbeing, culture, nature and passion) that brings together exclusively for “BOX FOR YOU” “101 ideas” for the best way to spend your leisure time. Inside there is also a pre-paid voucher and a book of discount coupons and benefits for Mondadori products and services.

The series is made up of 9 different box sets (for 1 or 2 people, with or without an overnight stay):

  • Delizie del palato”, for those who love to organise trips out of doors in the search for the tastes of Italy;
  • Viaggiare con gusto”, a weekend of wine and food;
  • È ora del relax!”, when you want to pamper yourself after the stresses and strains of the week;
  • I percorsi del benessere”, to relax both body and mind at some of Italy’s most fascinating locations;
  • Il fascino della cultura” and “Weekend culturale” to visit the main cities of art;
  • Oasi di pace” and “A contatto con la natura”, for those who want to escape the traffic and enjoy the greenery of the countryside and some fresh air;
  • Evasione romantica”, the ideal romantic getaway.

“BOX FOR YOU” has a special “Booking Centre” for clients who choose, from the catalogue or online at, a trip with an overnight stay, by telephoning or sending an email to, to make a request. If the trip selected is not available, an alternative will be suggested, along with all the necessary information. Those who select a day-trip, can contact the structure selected directly.