Month: November 2014

Grazia International Network announces two new editions: from this month Grazia is out in Qatar and in 2015 will also come out in Turkey

Grazia International Network, created by the Mondadori Group for the publication around the world of Grazia, is to add two new editions, taking to 24 the number of countries in which the brand is present.

2015 will start with the launch of Grazia Turkey, to be launched in February as a weekly by the Ommedya Group, one of the country’s most active publishing groups.

“This new partnership is an important breakthrough that will enable us to extend the presence of the Grazia International Network in the Mediterranean area, in an economy, like that of Turkey, that is performing brilliantly and becoming a privileged stage for new investments in the world of fashion,” declared Zeno Pellizzari, general manager of Mondadori International Business.

But Grazia Turkey is not the only news: from this month November the magazine is also available in Qatar, following a licensing agreement reached with ITP Consumer Publishing Ltd, that also publishes Grazia Middle East and will next year celebrates its tenth anniversary.

This new launch consolidates Grazia’s presence in one of the Emirates fastest growing countries, with the world highest per capita income and a high concentration of luxury brands.

Grazia Qatar, edited by Carrie Buckle, and Grazia Turchia, edited by Ayşe Ferhangil, are aimed at readers who love elegance presented in an unmistakable editorial mix and an upscale offer with a special interest in Made in Italy style.

The Grazia brand is at the centre of a global multichannel system that ranges from print to the web, social media and TV, and which has also opened up to the world of fashion and e-commerce. Through its publications and web sites, the Grazia International Network ( reaches a total of 17 million readers and 16 million unique users each month, with a monthly circulation of 10 million copies; the Grazia Network is also on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, with the account @grazianetwork.

Board approves incorporation of Mondadori Libri S.p.A.

The new company, which will be wholly-owned by Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. will bring together all of the activities of the books area from 1 January 2015

The Board of Directors of Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A., which met today under the chairmanship of Marina Berlusconi, has approved the operation presented by the chief executive Ernesto Mauri for the incorporation of a new wholly-owned company to be called Mondadori Libri S.p.A.

Specifically, the new company will bring together all of the business activities of Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. concerning:

  • the assets, liabilities and contractual relations relative to the publishing and distribution activities currently undertaken by the books area;
  • the stakes of book publishing companies in the trade, art and educational sectors – Edizioni Piemme S.p.A. (100%), Giulio Einaudi editore S.p.A. (100%), Mondadori Education S.p.A. (100%), Mondadori Electa S.p.A. (100%), Sperling & Kupfer Editori S.p.A. (100%), Harlequin Mondadori S.p.A. (50%) – as well as the company operating in the distribution sector Mach 2 Libri S.p.A. (34.91%).

The operation will not involve any changes to the overall profile of the underlying businesses and operating characteristics of the Group.

The contribution will also facilitate the creation of a more functional corporate structure for the potential realisation, with a view to development, of partnership and merger opportunities aimed at exploiting economies of scale and scope; the operation also enables the use of all the operating, economic and financial levers by the management of the Area.

The contribution will carried out in line with current accounting levels, and with no impact on the Group’s consolidated figures, on the basis of a net book value of €99.4 million.

The contribution will be formalised before the end of 2014, and will be effective from 1 January 2015.

As of 30 September 2014, the Books Area recorded revenues of €238.9 million, EBITDA of €35.8 million and operating profit (EBIT) of €33.7 million.

Related parties
With regard to the “Regulations concerning operations with related parties” adopted by CONSOB with resolution n.17221 of 12 March 2010 and subsequent modifications, it should be noted that the operation is not subject to the provisions of such Regulations, pursuant to Art. 14, para. 2, and the relative procedures adopted by Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A.. Specifically, the operation involves wholly-owned companies for which there are no interest of related parties that can be defined as relevant in line with the criteria defined by the procedures.

Mondadori Store: new communication campaign now on the air

From 20 November a new TV commercial with illustrations by di Pierluigi Longo

Mondadori Store, Italy’s biggest chain of bookstores, with 600 outlets, is launching a new communication campaign, on the air from 20 November.

Having inaugurated its re-launch plan, Mondadori Retail is continuing to reinforce and consolidate the brand with a high-impact TV, radio, web, outdoor video and in-store national communication campaign, in an all-round retail identity operation.

The diversified cultural offer of the Mondadori Store – places designed to provide inspiration and ideas; from books and technology, to music, films and gifts – is at the core of the creativity by the agency Attitude Communication.

To the sound of Buonamore, a track from the latest album by singer-songwriter Alberto Fortis, Do l’anima, the digital collages by illustrator Pierluigi Longo recreate a rich and imaginative dimension that invites the viewer to discover a “world of culture and emotions” – the pay off – of the Mondadori Stores.

The advertising campaign, with 20” and 15” TV commercials and a 15” radio spot, involves an institutional figure based on two themes devoted to special Christmas promotions.

Interni arrives in China: taking the number of international editions of the magazine to three

Following the signing of a licensing agreement between Mondadori and China International Publishing Group (CIPG), from next February Interni will be available also in China.

The new edition takes to three the number of international editions of the title which is already published in Russia and Thailand.

“With this new launch, Interni enters one of the most important markets for the development and affirmation of goods carrying the Made in Italy label; a country full of opportunity for creativity and design,” declared Zeno Pellizzari, general manager of Mondadori International Business. “We are particularly proud that one of China’s leading publishers has recognised and appreciated the value of our magazine, which we are sure will become a point of reference for all the many enthusiasts of the sector in the country,” Pellizzari concluded.

This operation is a significant step forward in the promotion and spread of culture and design launched in China with a view to creating winning synergies with a range of markets. With Interni, edited in Italy by Gilda Bojardi, China International Publishing Group will enrich its portfolio with a magazine that for 60 years has appealed to enthusiasts of and professionals from the sector: an essential guide to new products and innovative trends in the culture of living, and a voice of Italian and international creativity and production.

It is a brand that is already accredited in China thanks to a number of successful initiatives; including: the exhibitions 50+2 years Italian Design, organised in 2006 at NAMOC (the National Art Museum of China) in Bejing; the 2011 show Creative Junctions, in collaboration with Tsinghua University – Academy of Art & Design on the occasion of the First Beijing International Design Triennial; in September 2012, the magazine was also the protagonist of the Beijng Design Week, one of China’s most important events dedicated to design and where two projects designed by Alessandro and Francesco Mendini and Zhang Ke-Standardarchitecture were presented.

China International Publishing Group (CIPG), with more than 20 branches and 12 foreign offices, including in the US, the UK, Germany, Belgium, Russia, Egypt, Mexico, Japan and Hong Kong, operates in the book market, publishing over 3,000 titles per year, and in magazines with a portfolio of some 30 titles in ten different languages and 30 web sites.

Board of Directors approves interim report for the period to 30 september 2014

  • Consolidated revenues of  €859.6 million: -4.8% like-for-like (-7.7% on the €931.2 million at 30 September 2013)
  • EBITDA of €36 million: a marked improvement on the €8.9 million at 30 September 2013
  • Consolidated net result of  -€7.5 million compared with the -€32.3 million at 30 September 2013
  • Q3 net profit of €3.5 million compared with the -€5.2 million of Q3 2013
  • Net financial position of -€327.4 million, a marked improvement on the figure at the end of december 2013 (-€363.2 million) and 30 September 2013 (-€376.9 million): significant improvement expected for the full year compared with 2013
  • Continued recovery in profitability: full year EBITDA expected to be higher than in 2012

The Board of Directors of Arnoldo Mondadori S.p.A. met today, under the chairmanship of Marina Berlusconi, to examine and approve the interim report for the first nine months of the year to 30 September 2014, as presented by the Chief Executive, Ernesto Mauri.

The international macroeconomic situation continues to be characterised by a progressive slowdown in emerging economies and relative stability in mature markets.

The sectors in which the Mondadori Group operates have begun to show, in both Italy and France, progressively less marked declines that in recent periods.

The Mondadori Group’s figures to 30 September 2014 confirm, with a more marked acceleration, the improvement and recovery in profitability already seen in the first half of the year; in particular, the third quarter, with revenues essentially in line with those of the previous year, recorded a net profit for the first time after a prolonged period (seven quarters) of negative results.

In this market context, during the first nine months of 2014 the Group recorded consolidated revenues of €859.6 million, a fall of 4.8%, taking account of the contribution of the advertising sales activities to Mediamond S.p.A., finalised in January 2014 (-7.7% on the €931.2 million recorded on 30 September 2013).

The fall in revenues was contrasted also by higher reductions in operating costs, down by some €86 million, which made it possible to significantly improve EBITDA, which was up to €36 million from the €8.9 million of the previous year.

A contribution of over 50% was made to this performance by the Magazine area (Italy and France), the result of a combination of improved efficiency through action taken on the product, reductions in operating costs and lower restructuring charges.

Consolidated operating profit came to €18.8 million, compared with a loss of -€9.6 million in 2013, with amortizations and depreciations of tangible and intangible assets of €17.2 million (€18.5 million in the first 9 months of 2013).

Profit before taxation amounted to €1 million, compared with a loss of -€26.2 million in the previous year; during the period, financial charges amounted to €17.8 million (€16.6 million in the same period of 2013).

After minority interest, there was a consolidated net loss of -€7.5 million, compared with a loss of -€32.3 million for the same period of 2013.

The company also recorded a positive cash flow over the last twelve months of €49.5 million, deriving from a positive ordinary cash flow of €9.8 million and an extraordinary flow of €39.7 million, the latter mainly the result of a capital increase approved in June and the impact of the contribution of advertising activities to Mediamond.

Consequently, on 30 September 2014, there was a marked improvement in the net financial position which totalled -€327.4 million, compared with -€363.2 million at the end of 2013 (-€376,9 million on 30 September 2013).



There was a continuation of the negative trend of the first half of the year in the trade books market, in both the bookstore and large-scale retail channels, with third quarter revenues down – compared with the same period of 2013, albeit less marked – by 0.9% in terms of value (Source: Nielsen, to September).

Over the nine months, the trade book market was down by 4.3% in terms of value (Source: Nielsen, to September). The fall, always in terms of value, was more marked in the large-scale retail channel (13.5%, Source: Nielsen, to September).

Total revenues generated by the Book area in the first nine months of 2014 amounted to €238.9 million, an increase of 2% on the €234.2 million of same period of 2013. There was also a positive trend in the third quarter, with an increase, compared with the same period of the previous year, of 10.2%.

The publishing houses of the Mondadori Group also confirmed their overall leadership with a market share of 26% (excluding large-scale retail): during the reporting period, the Group published 11 of the titles in the list of the 25 best-selling books.

In the trade books area, revenues in the first nine months of the year have been affected by both the dynamics of the market and the different publishing schedule that foresees the publication of titles by the most established authors in the latter part of the year.

September saw the arrival of the first of the most significant titles due for publication before the end of the year, Ken Follett’s I giorni dell’eternità, which was an immediate absolute best-seller (120,000 copies in just 15 days).

With regard to the digital e-book market, the Group’s share remains stable at around 40%, with an offer of some 8,000 titles.

In the educational area, the Group recorded a rise in revenues in the first nine months of 2014, compared with 2013, as a result of a positive performance in primary school adoptions.

There was also an increase in revenues in the museum area thanks to the excellent performance in the management of museum concessions, the organisation of exhibitions and relative publishing activities, as well as the management of museum stores.

EBITDA was down to €35.8 million from the figure for 2013 (€39 million) due to the different mix in revenues resulting from the significant rise in third-party distribution with lower percentage profitability; in particular, the educational area saw an increase in gross operating profit of more than 10% compared with the previous year.


In the third quarter of the year there was a further downturn in the markets of reference compared with the same period of 2013, albeit less marked than in the first two quarters: in the reporting period there was a fall in circulation of 8.7% (internal figures to August) and advertising was down by 8.7% (Source Nielsen, to September).

In this context, the Magazines Italy area saw a continuation of the trend of the first half of the year with a better-than-market performance in both circulation and advertising. Mondadori also confirmed its leadership position with a market share (in terms of value) of 32.2%, up from 30.5% on 30 September 2013.

Total revenues for the Area amounted to €227.5 million, a fall of 10.1% on the €253.1 million of 2013 (-8.7% on a like-for-like basis, taking account of titles closed and sold).

The revenues generated by Mondadori magazines were affected by the negative trend in the markets of reference but, nevertheless, recorded a better-than-market performance.

In particular:
– circulation revenues were down by 8.4% (-6.2% on a like-for-like basis);

– advertising revenues for Mondadori brands (web + print) were down by 7% on the previous year;

– while revenues from add-ons were down compared with the first nine months of 2013, there was an increase in the percentage of profitability;

– the Mondadori web sites saw revenues increase by 4.1%, compared with the same period of 2013, thanks to the performance of (+34.9%) and (+1.1%), in an Internet market that recorded average growth of 0.1% (Source: Nielsen, to September). There was also a positive performance in terms of traffic compared with 2013 for (+49%), (+34%) and (+9.5%).

Despite the fall in revenues, there was a marked improvement in EBITDA, which went from -€9.7 million to +€4.2 million.

Considering the efficiencies deriving from the action taken on the product and efforts to reduce operating and structural costs in the Magazines Italy Area, along with the positive impact of the reorganisation of advertising sales in Italy, in the first nine months of the year the Group saw an overall improvement in aggregate EBITDA for the two activities of €19.2 million.

The revenues of Mondadori Pubblicità amounted €7.6 million and cannot be compared with the same period of 2013 due to the contribution of the advertising sales activity to Mediamond, the 50-50 joint-venture between Mondadori Pubblicità and Publitalia ’80.

International Activities

In the first nine months of the year, Mondadori International Business S.r.l. recorded an increase in revenues compared with the same period of 2013 of around 6%, thanks to the consolidation of the editions of the Grazia International Network, now operating in 23 countries; the launch, in November 2013, of the first international licence for the male lifestyle title Icon, and advertising sales in Italy for the Spanish daily El Pais, since October 2013.

The Grazia International Network received an additional boost with the very recent launch of, an integrated e-commerce fashion platform that will enable the Grazia community around the world, made up of 17 million readers and 16 million unique users per month, and fashion enthusiasts everywhere, to buy selected items from many of the world’s most fashionable boutiques.


During the reporting period, the markets of reference in France continued to record a downward trend, both in newsstand circulation (-8% internal figure to August) and advertising sales (-8.6%, internal re-elaboration of Kantar Media data to August). In this context, Mondadori France recorded a better-than-market performance in circulation.

In the first nine months of 2014 the consolidated revenues of Mondadori France came to €254.2 million, down 3.3% on the €262.9 million at 30 September 2013; on a like-for-like basis, taking account of the sale of Le Film Français at the end of 2013 and the different number of issues of some titles, the downturn was just 2.3%.

There was a split in advertising sales revenues between print and the web; print was down by 12.5% (-10.3% like-for-like), but improving when compared with the first half of the year; while the web grew by 36% (like-for-like).

The aggregate figure for advertising revenues therefore shows a downturn of 6,5% compared with the same period of 2013.

Circulation revenues, that make up 70% of the total, were down by 1.4% (-1% like-for-like):

– sales from the newsstand channel fell by 5.5% (5.4% like-for-like), compared with a reference market that was down by 8%, also as a result of the significant performance of Top Santé (+19%), Pleine Vie (+10%) and Closer (+6%).

– subscription sales were down by 1.5% (-0.7% like-for-like).

In the first nine months of 2014 digital activities, on a like-for-like basis, saw a significant rise in revenues (+37%), due to the development of NaturaBuy, advertising sales and the sale of digital copies.

Despite the fall in revenues, there was a 2.3% increase in the Area’s EBITDA (€22.3 million compared with the €21.8 million of the first nine months of 2013), also as a result of the rationalisation of the structure and reductions in editorial and industrial costs and overheads. This process, begun in previous quarters, will continue with a view to adapting the organisation to the transformations taking place in the market.

Since January 2014 digital advertising sales have been managed by specially created cross-title structures.

Some of the web sites have been updated and further developed with new functions for tablets and smartphones: these changes have been positively received by the audience that has now reached 6.6 million unique users, +26% compared with 2013 (Source: Nielsen, to August), with a peak of 7.8 million in January; on mobile there was an increase in unique users of 77% on 2013 (Source: Nielsen, to July).

Activities and efforts continued to create new efficiencies with a plan for voluntary redundancies that will reduce the size of the staff, and a plan to have the whole staff on a single site in the first months of 2015.


The retail continued to feel the effects of the weakness in consumer spending. In this context, the channel that was best able to contain the fall in revenues was the chains, unlike independent book shops and large-scale retailers.

The overall revenues of the Area continued to suffer from the stagnation in consumer spending and in the first nine months of the year amounted to €144.9 million, a 5.5% fall on the €153.4 million of the same period of 2013, despite some signs of a recovery compared with the first half of the year, which was down by 8.9% on the previous year.

A breakdown of revenues by product type shows that:

– books were the preeminent product, accounting for 75% of the total: in fact, book sale were 9 percentage pints better than the market of reference (-4.3% in terms of value), enabling Mondadori Retail to increase its market share from 13.4% to 14.7%;

– sales of consumer electronics continued to fall faster than the sector in general;

– the book club channel continued its negative trend, with a downturn in revenues in the period of around 20%;

– online sales, on the web site were up by around 4%.

The trend in book sales helped to mitigate the negative impact on the Area’s EBITDA (-€6 million, compared with -€6.8 million in the first nine months of 2013), deriving from the fall in revenues from the book clubs and sales of consumer electronics.

When compared with the first nine months of 2013, the figure, if broken down by type of outlet, shows an improvement in directly-owned bookstores, stable for franchise outlets and in decline in the multicenters.

Given the ongoing recession, actions, already implemented in the first half, continued with the aim of recovering profitability.

In particular:

– progressive revision of the network, with the rationalisation of outlets and formats, in order to develop a new concept bookstore of the future;

– efforts to improve the assortment, supported by promotional activities, communication and advertising;

– the continuation of activities for the reorganisation of operating processes and staffing structures.

Mondadori Store was recently awarded Italy’s 2014-2015 Insegna dell’Anno (Retailer of the Year) as the bookstore chain offering the best customer experience in terms of price, assortment and service.


After a decidedly positive start, the radio market in the first nine months of 2014 experienced a downturn that led to a fall of -3.1% (Source: Nielsen, to September).

In this context, advertising sales for R101, in the first nine months of 2014, confirmed the trend of the first half, performing worse than the market.

The radio’s revenues, including those related to the web site and other initiatives, were down by 12,4% to €7.8 million (€8.9 million in the first nine months of 2013).

EBITDA (-€4.2 million compared with -€3,1 million in the first nine months of 2013) was affected by the negative trend in advertising sales and higher promotional and communication costs during the station’s re-launch phase in the early months of the year.

The main actions taken during 2014 to build the audience and offset the negative trend in the market, included:

– the repositioning of R101, partner of the concerts of leading Italian and international artists;

– an institutional television campaign aimed at strengthening the station’s brand awareness;

– the redesign of the layout and content of the web site and the release of the station’s new app;

– the enhancement of the music offer with the launch, with a view to creating an integrated system with the radio, of R101 TV, channel 66 on the digital terrestrial platform.


In recent months the Digital Innovation area has continued its efforts aimed at consolidating the central structure, updating the platform for the management of users and contacts, as part of the CRM system, and technological enhancements aimed and a broader valorisation of the Group’s editorial content.

During the reporting period, revenues from purely digital activities in Italy and France rose, overall, by 8.7%, while revenues from marketing services (Cemit) were down compared with the first nine months of 2013.


Information regarding personnel

At 30 September 2014, permanent and temporary staff in the companies of the Group, totalled 3,194, a fall of 242 (-7%) compared to the end of 2013 and 345 (-9.7%) compared with September 2013.

Net of extraordinary operations that have modified the scope of the Group, the reduction in headcount was 6.3% compared with the end of 2013 and 9% compared with the previous twelve months.

In the first nine months of the year, labour costs, net of extraordinary operations and lower restructuring costs, were down by 8.1% compared with 2013.


Financial position and equity

The net financial position at 30 September 2014 improved by €35.8 million compared with 31 December 2013 and by €49.5 million, compared with the same period of the previous year.

Over the past year, there was a positive ordinary cash flow of €9.8 million as a result of the optimisation of the management of net working capital, which offset outflows for investment.

The first nine months of the year, also affected by the seasonal nature of the sector, recorded a normal cash absorption of €8.6 million (-€82.5 million in the first nine months of 2013) and an extraordinary cash flow of €44.4 million, of which €31.1 million resulting from the capital increase concluded in June; the net balance of the acquisition and disposal of assets takes account of the effects of the contribution to Mediamond and an advance amounting to €12 million, relating to the sale of an asset, the completion of which is expected by the end of the year.



In a market that continues to be characterized by signs of weakness, although less marked than in the first half of the year, the actions taken by the Group – regarding the strategic rationalisation of the business portfolio, along with the constant commitment to reducing both operating and structural costs, as well as the excellent performance recorded by the Magazine Area, in Italy and France – have enabled the Group to improve during the year its capacity to generate financial resources.

In view of the current context and the above-mentioned actions, which will continue also in the last quarter of the year, for the full year 2014, it is reasonable to confirm the forecast, already announced, of an EBITDA for the Group higher than that of 2012, and of a consolidated net result at breakeven.

In line with the trend recorded in the first nine months of the year, it is expected by year end a significant improvement in the Group’s Net Financial Position compared with 2013.


The executive responsible for the preparation of the company’s accounts, Oddone Pozzi, declares that, as per art. 2, 154 bis of the Single Finance Text, the accounting information contained in this release corresponds to that contained in the company’s formal accounts.


The documentation relating to the presentation of the results to 30 September 2014 is available from the authorised storage system 1info ( and and (in the Investor Relations section).

The interim report for the period to 30 September 2014, duly approved by the board of directors, will be available from today at the company’s headquarters, the authorised storage system 1info (, and (in the Investor Relations section). tomorrow online a global e-commerce fashion platform from Grazia

The Mondadori Group, through its Grazia International Network, enters the world of e-commerce fashion: tomorrow will be online, a global e-commerce fashion platform from Grazia.

“The Grazia brand, an interpreter of Italian fashion and style around the world, has, in just a few years, become the centre of a global multi-channel system in 23 countries with over 17 million readers and 16 million online users,” declared Ernesto Mauri, chief executive of the Mondadori Group.

“In addition to print and the web, social networks and TV, we are now opening up to e-commerce fashion, an area that fits perfectly with the identity of Grazia, with the aim of reaching an even bigger overall audience.” Mauri underlined. will extend the brand of our magazine at the global level, and is a natural evolution of the value of the Grazia International Network around the world,” Mauri concluded.

With the same style that distinguishes Grazia at the international level, will offer all women passionate about fashion an opportunity to buy products from over 250 of the most prestigious international designers, with clothes and accessories from the most chic boutiques in Great Britain and Italy, soon to be joined by outlets from other countries, such as France and Germany. It will also be possible to find on one-off items, limited editions and exclusive collaborations.

The international editions of Grazia will also progressively integrate on their website the offer of the catalogue, offering readers and users an experience of the brand to 360°, to the search, selection and purchase of products.

Mondadori Store wins the prize for the “Retailer of the year Italy 2014-2015” in the bookshops category