Month: June 2013

Documentation filed for the merger by incorporation by Mondadori of the wholly-owned subsidiary Mondadori International

Arnoldo Mondadori Editore today announced that, pursuant to art. 70 paragraph 7 of Consob Regulation no. 11971/1999, it has made available at the Company’s registered office, at Borsa Italiana S.p.A. ( and on the corporate website (in the Governance section) details of the merger by incorporation by Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. of the wholly-owned subsidiary Mondadori International S.p.A., together with an illustrative report and other documentation required by art. 2501-septies n. 3) of the Civil Code.

Pursuant to art. 2505, paragraph 2 of the Civil Code, resolutions concerning the merger by the acquiring company Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. will be adopted by the Board of Directors when the terms of the law have expired.

Carlo Mandelli becomes Chairman and Chief Executive of Monradio and Mondadori International Business

Arnoldo Mondadori Editore SpA today announced that Stefano De Alessandri has indicated his intention to leave the group and the positions he currently holds in the subsidiaries Monradio and Mondadori International Business from 15 July, to take up new professional challenges.

A proposal will consequently be made to the boards of directors of Monradio Srl, the company that manages the radio station R101, and Mondadori International Business Srl, which operates in the area of magazine licensing for the appointment as chairman and chief executive of Carlo Mandelli, who will also remain General Manager of Magazines Italy.

Mondadori wishes to thank De Alessandri for his active collaboration, professionalism and rigour in the exercise of his roles with the company.

LIA Libri Italiani Accessibili ( Accessible Italian Books): the same possibilities for differently able readers

The service LIA – Libri Italiani Accessibili (Accessible Italian Books), an online ebook catalogue, has been published today in order to offer to differently able readers the same possibilities of other individuals.

Books of fiction and non-fiction, news and bestsellers edited by 40 publishing companies: 2,500 digital titles are now available on in order to satisfy the needs of all readers.

The Italian Authority for Children and Adolescents and Geronimo Stilton join together for minors’ rights

What’s the best way of explaining to the citizens of tomorrow – the children and adolescents of today – that they already have rights? How can we explain in a way suitable for them an issue that involves national and international law? Vincenzo Spadafora, the head of the Italian Authority for Children and Adolescents had the idea of asking for the assistance of Geronimo Stilton. The result is a special book Che avventura stratopica, Stilton! Alla scoperta dei diritti dei ragazzi, published by Piemme: a project of exceptional ethical and educational value that aims to explain the Authority’s activities.

The book was presented on 10 June at the Senate in Rome to mark the publication of the second annual report of the Authority for Children and Adolescents to the Speaker of the Senate Piero Grasso, the Deputy Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies Luigi Di Maio, the Minster of Justice Annamaria Cancellieri as well, of course, to the guests present.

A special section of the book is dedicated to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, approved by the United Nations General Assembly on 20 November 1989. It is a pull-out insert that can be removed and kept.

Che avventura stratopica, Stilton! Alla scoperta dei diritti dei ragazzi is a special edition, created for the Authority by Piemme. Anyone interested in having a free copy can apply to Autorità Garante per l’Infanzia e l’Adolescenza – via di Villa Ruffo, 6 – 00196 ROMA, write to, or contact the Authority on its Facebook profile.

Coming soon “Cotti e sparlati”, a window on the world of gossip from R101

Every Sunday a new appointment for news about celebrities presented by Flavia Cercato and Sergio Sironi

R101 goes in search of snippets and curiosities about celebrities with Cotti e sparlati, a new programme, presented by Flavia Cercato and Sergio Sironi, dedicated to the hot news items of the week, accompanied by light and amusing comments and a mix of news and humour.

Every Sunday on R101, from 12 to 1 pm, the two presenters will draw up a list of the week’s five most discussed items of gossip, and also providing a selection of the latest news from the web. The programme will also have as a regular guest the Chi journalist Valerio Palmieri, who will reveal behind the scenes details directly from the magazine.

Cotti e sparlati will also have a “lightning conductor” moment, in which listeners can let off steam and freely criticise a personality who, for one reason or another, has irritated them, and giving their point of view. Finally, a pointed guessing game will be launched at the end of every programme by gossip specialist Gabriella Sassone, who will invite the most malicious listeners to guess the name of that week’s mysterious celebrity.

Donna Moderna in support of World Environment Day

On newsstands with the magazine a bracelet in defence of marine turtles

Donna Moderna celebrates this year’s World Environment Day with the “Free the turtles” initiative. This week, the magazine’s readers can buy with the title a bracelet with a pendant in the form of a turtle, hand-made using recycled material, in a range of colours, at the price of €3.90 (excluding the cost of the magazine). Part of the proceeds will be used to finance the development of four Marine Turtle Recovery Centres run by the CTS (Centro turistico studentesco e giovanile) in Sicily, Calabria and Sardinia to protect the species.

On the occasion of the World Environment Day, a marine turtle named Rughetta by children who took part in the “Io salvo la tartaruga”” (I save turtles) campaign promoted by Donna Moderna, has been released into the sea. The campaign is run in cooperation with Earth Day Italia, an organisation that works to promote environmental training and awareness. Rughetta was found injured on a beach on the Tyrrhenian coast and thanks to the care of the operators of the CTS Marine Turtle Recovery Centre at Brancaleone it has been put back into the sea in the presence of the children who participated in the initiative.

CIAK D’ORO 2013 for Italian cinema

  • The readers of CIAK and a jury of 100 journalists and critics award Italian cinema
  • Four-prize triumph for La migliore offerta by Giuseppe Tornatore
  • Margherita Buy and Toni Servillo best actors of the year
  • Il rosso e il blu wins the new “CIAK-ALICE GIOVANI” prize
  • Among the big winners Viva la libertà, Reality and L’intervallo
  • “SUPERCIAK D’ORO” to the trio of women from Amiche da morire: Claudia Gerini, Cristina Capotondi and Sabrina Impacciatore
  • “CIAK D’ORO BELLO & INVISIBILE” goes to Bellas mariposas by Salvatore Mereu
  • Ettore Scola takes the “CIAK D’ORO CLASSIC”
  • A new prize this year the “CIAK FERRAGAMO PARFUMS SIGNORINA”

An extraordinary edition of the CIAK D’ORO prizes celebrates great Italian cinema.

In fact, this year’s awards created by CIAK, the monthly film magazine edited by Piera Detassis, will mark the triumph of La miglior offerta by Giuseppe Tornatore, Viva la libertà by Roberto Andò and Reality by Matteo Garrone, while the CIAK D’ORO for a First Film went to L’intervallo by Leonardo Di Costanzo.

The award ceremony CIAK D’ORO 2013 will be held this evening in Rome, for the fourth consecutive year, at the prestigious Palazzo Valentini.

La miglior offerta won four awards: Best Director, Best Editing, Best Costume Design and the very important Best Film of the year.

Readers of the monthly rewarded Viva la libertà by Roberto Andò with the CIAK D’ORO for Best Actor, Toni Servillo, and Best Supporting Actor, Valerio Mastandrea, while the jury of critics awarded it the prize for Best Screenplay. There were three CIAK D’ORO awards also for Reality by Matteo Garrone, including Best Production Design and Best Photography. The latter award, voted unanimously by the jury of journalists, went to Marco Onorato, an outstanding artist of light who died too soon. The award will be received by his wife, Donatella Rimoldi.

It was also an important year for Sergio Castellitto who was awarded by the magazine’s staff the male SUPERCIACK D’ORO as director of Venuto al mondo, and leading actor in Una famiglia perfetta as well as his career.

In an important year for women in the cinema, Margherita Buy has won the CIAK D’ORO as Best Actress in a leading role for her portrayal of Irene, an inspector of luxury hotels in the much appreciated Viaggio sola by Maria Sole Tognazzi. The prize is for the first time with the support of the fragrance Signorina by Ferragamo Parfums.

Also underlining the success of women is the SUPERCIAK D’ORO awarded to the irreverent trio Claudia Gerini, Cristiana Capotondi and Sabrina Impacciatore, stars of the film Amiche da morire by Giorgia Farina.

New in the CIAK D’ORO 2013, the CIAK-Alice Giovani prize (the result of a collaboration between the magazine and Alice nella Città, the independent and autonomous section of the Rome International Film Festival), which is dedicated to Italian films aimed at young people and awarded to Giuseppe Piccioni’s comedy Il Rosso e il blu.

The real surprise this year was the two awards given to L’intervallo by Leonardo Di Costanzo: the critics and journalists voted it the Best First Film and awarded the producers Carlo Cresto-Dina of Tempesta Film and Tiziana Soudani of Amka (with Paolo Del Brocco for Rai Cinema).

The composer Mauro Pagani won the award for Best Soundtrack for Educazione Siberiana, while Flowers blossom by Thony featured in Tutti i santi giorni won the Best Original Song.

The coveted CIAK D’ORO Bello & Invisibile, awarded by the magazine’s staff to a film of great quality that did not do especially well at the box office, this year goes to Bellas mariposas by Salvatore Mereu.

Finally the CIAK D’ORO CLASSIC, the award for an extraordinary career, goes to Ettore Scola.

At 6pm, before the beginning of the ceremony, three short films by FILM FACTORY ITALIA – IMPARARE IL CINEMA will receive their first screenings: Hands with Cristiana Capotondi and Francesco Colella, 18 mq with Pia Engleberth, Alessandro Roja, Federica Castellini and Martina De Santis, and Free-Go with Alba Rohrwacher, Paolo Rossi, Mauro Parrinello, Alex Cendron and Silvia Annichiarico. The work of young filmmakers from different countries, the project, which is the result of the cooperation between Disaronno, the monthly film magazine CIAK and OffiCine, aimed at young film talent. The shorts will be presented by Silvio Soldini, the project’s artistic supervisor, along with the coordinator Paolo Borraccetti. Both students and actors will also be present at the screening.

A new prize, the CIAK-Alice Giovani, and the FILM FACTORY ITALIA project are both a demonstration of CIAK’s support for the cinema, training and education and a confirmation that, today, more than ever, a specialised magazine must know how to look beyond its pages and be open to the enormous world of media and the many audiovisual platforms that are currently being developed.

Mondadori: Federico Angrisano appointed Director of Communications and media relations

Federico Angrisano was today appointed the Mondadori Group’s Director of Communications and Media Relations, reporting directly to the chief executive, Ernesto Mauri.

The function aims to define, manage and coordinate all corporate communication activities and the promotion of the Group’s image, operating in the following areas: media relations, social media and digital communication, corporate image and institutional initiatives, sustainability and internal communications.

Angrisano, 45, was born in Cernusco sul Naviglio (MI) and has a degree in political science from the University of Milan. He began his career in communications in the early 1990s. In 1997 he joined the Communication Department of McDonald’s Italia, where he held positions of increasing responsibility before moving, in 2000, to Pirelli’s External Relations Department where he initially worked in the Group’s product press office before moving to the corporate function.

He joined Mondadori at the end of 2002 as head of press relations. In 2005, he was appointed head of institutional communications, within the department of External Relations and Communications.