Month: June 2019

Chi Summer Tour: starting the new edition with guests and a range of initiatives fot the public

Cesenatico, Cortina d’Ampezzo and Rapallo are the 3 exclusive locations for the summer event conceived by the weekly, edited by Alfonso Signorini

Chi Summer Tour, the now traditional and much anticipated summer even, conceived by Chi, Italy’s most widely-read people’s weekly, edited by Alfonso Signorini, returns again this year to 3 well-know Italian locations.

On the strength of its success in previous years, the Chi Summer Tour is a unique opportunity to get up close to the world of the Mondadori Group magazine, meet the editor, the staff and the celebrities who will be guests at the event, who will talk about themselves in a spontaneous and amusing atmosphere.

The first of the 3 dates is scheduled for 29 June in Cesenatico followed by Cortina d’Ampezzo on 14 July and Rapallo on 28 July.

As always, the most anticipated event will be the talk show moderated by the editor Alfonso Signorini who with his guests will discuss current affairs, gossip and the trends of summer 2019. Simona Ventura with her partner Giovanni TerziPaolo Ruffini, Antonella Ferrari and, straight from Uomini e Donne, Andrea Zellletta and Natalia Paragoni will be the big names present in Cesenatico.

Alongside the talk show, Alice Balossi, foodblogger and writer, will run an interactive showcooking event during which she will involve the public, the guests and Alfonso Signorini as she recounts the preparation of dishes using products by Orogel, the sponsor of the project.

Among the new features of this edition of  the Chi Summer Tour  will be the Lucky Card competition, an exciting game which, thanks to the involvement of Grana Padano, another of the project’s partners, will give the possibility for one member in the audience to participate in an exclusive gala dinner together with Alfonso Signorini and his guests (the invitation is valid for two people).

The Chi Summer Tour has been organised also thanks to the contributions of GrissinBonGIVOVANobis-Filo Diretto AssicurazioniForza Spa Concessionaria Ufficiale Maserati and Santero.

With this format, the advertising sales company Mediamond offer companies an all-round communication project that starts from the local territory and then extends to the magazine and the brand’s social channels, with particular attention to the magazine’s Instagram profile – @chimagazineit, which has recently been re-launched with enhanced content.

Follow all of the updates to the Chi Summer Tour with a photogallery, videos, stories and live feeds, on the magazine’s Facebook page and @chimagazineit,  following the hashtag #chisummertour.

The tour has been organised in partnership with EGE Produzioni, the factory specialised in big events and TV productions.



ON, the new Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni guide to streaming tv on newsstands a special issue dedicated to the series of the summer

The new issues features news, curiosities and profiles of TV series, films, documentaries, shows and much more

On, the first guide for streaming TV, developed from the experience of Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni, will be on newsstands from 25 June with a new issue, an authentic “summer special”, with a range of useful suggestions to spend the holidays with the best of “non-linear” television.

On confirms its cross-over vocation by aiming at both the young and digital world of binge-watchers, as well as those coming to streaming for the first time. The immediate and ordered information, along with a range of useful advice make it easy to discover new series and films quickly and intuitively, thanks to the clear and complete presentation of the offers of the various platforms.

“Many readers have been asking us when they could expect to find the  new issue of On, the only magazine in the world that deals exclusively with streaming in all its forms, and we are delighted to finally be able to present it,” explained Aldo Vitali, editor of Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni. “This issue is even richer than the first. It has been conceived for the summer, because while generalist TV goes a little into hibernation, it is high season for online TV with lots of new content coming soon. But the aim of On remains the same: to provide information about all the catalogues, give accurate and amusing  coverage on what’s new and, above all, save readers time in choosing what to watch.”

The opening pages are dedicated to “News” with previews and curiosities about  upcoming series, films and shows. Plus, in this issue, a special feature on the 13 most frightening series of all time and an exclusive playlist with the favourite TV series of Nicola Savino. Background articles and profiles lead up to the guide divided by platform – from Netflix and Amazon Prime Video, to Infinity, Now Tv, Tim Vision and Dazn, as well as the free-to-air offerings of Rai Play and Mediaset Play.

On offers more than 300 suggestions and profiles of catalogue titles and the most anticipated new series, including  the third seasons of Stranger Things, La Casa di Carta and The Handmaid’s Tale and the second season of Big Little Lies. The magazine concludes with a “Guide to services”, which outlines the costs and conditions of subscriptions and a “Tool Guide”, which explains, in simple terms, the best devices to use for access to streaming services.

On is on sale with Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni this week of €1 more, and will them be available from newsstands on its own for the whole of July at the price of €2.50.

In support of the launch a communication campaign has been developed by Hunbranded and planned on TV, press, radio, web, social and point of sale.


New record for 3.6 million unique users during the week of the maturità

800,000 views for Maturandi, the anthem of the Maturità by Lorenzo Baglioni feat.

340,000 users reached with the live streaming of the event La notte dei Maturandi, the Mondadori Group brand, leader in the Italian educational sector with 4.3 million unique users per month (Source: Audiweb, March 2019), has recorded an excellent performance on both the site and on social networks during the period of the 2019 Maturità (Italy’s final high school exams).

Supporting students in their studies for more than 20 years, also this year ran non-stop coverage of the exams from 7 am to 8 pm, with real time updates, comments from tutors and experts and mock exams, as well as interviews with students outside schools before and after the written tests, and reaching an absolute record level of traffic. The Maturità Special on the site from 17 to 23 June was followed by 3.6 million unique users, +14% compared with the previous year, with 77% access from smartphones (Source: Google Analytics).

In the first week alone after its release,  the video of Maturandi, the anthem of the 2019 Maturità by Lorenzo Baglioni, an exclusive co-production with, recorded over 800,000 views across all social platforms and on the web site.

An authentic anthem for the students involved in the exams that the artist presented during an event entitled La notte dei maturandi, on Tuesday 18 June at the Mondadori Megastore in Piazza Duomo and in live  streaming on Facebook and YouTube. Some 340,000 people saw the live social coverage of the special talk show presented by Lorenzo Baglioni and the content creator Lea Cuccaroni, with very special guests, such as the influencer Ludovica Pagani, the face of TV’s Le Iene Matteo Viviani, the scientific YouTuber Adrian Fartade, the comedian Filippo Caccamo, the presenter Andrea Delogu, and Alessandro Sansone, the speaker from Radio 105, the media partner of the event, who shared anecdotes, suggestions and advice on the eve of the first written exam.

On the Facebook page, which has 482,000 fans, the team coordinated a group dedicated to the 2019 Maturità with 36,000 subscribers and where students could exchange ideas and useful information about the exams.

Disclosure on the purchase of treasury shares from 17 to 21 June 2019

Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. (LEI Code 815600049A1F9AFE6666) announces the purchase on the MTA (Electronic Stock Market), in the period from 17 to 21 June 2019, of no. 42,750 ordinary shares (equal to 0.016% of the share capital) at an average unit price of Euro 1.5121 for a total amount of Euro 64,640.60.

These transactions were made under the authorization to purchase treasury shares approved by the Shareholders’ Meeting on 17 April 2019 (previously disclosed pursuant also to art. 144 bis of Consob Regulation 11971/99, to art. 5 of Regulation (EU) 596/2014 and to art. 132 of Legislative Decree 58/98).

The following table details the purchases made per day in the above period of Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. ordinary shares, ISIN IT0001469383:

17/06/2019 11,000 1.5105 16,615.50
18/06/2019 1,250 1.4984 1,873.00
19/06/2019 11,000 1.5086 16,594.60
20/06/2019 8,500 1.5178 12,901.30
21/06/2019 11,000 1.5142 16,656.20

The purchases were made through the authorized intermediary Equita Sim S.p.A. (LEI Code 815600E3E9BFBC8FAA85).

Following the purchases made so far, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. holds no. 1,449,148 treasury shares, equal to 0.554% of the share capital and to 0.362% of the total amount of voting rights.

Purchases in detail in the complete pdf.

Disclosure on the purchase of treasury shares from 10 to 14 June 2019

Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. (LEI Code 815600049A1F9AFE6666) announces the purchase on the MTA (Electronic Stock Market), in the period from 10 to 14 June 2019, of no. 59,695 ordinary shares (equal to 0.023% of the share capital) at an average unit price of Euro 1.5645 for a total amount of Euro 93,391.44.

These transactions were made under the authorization to purchase treasury shares approved by the Shareholders’ Meeting on 17 April 2019 (previously disclosed pursuant also to art. 144 bis of Consob Regulation 11971/99, to art. 5 of Regulation (EU) 596/2014 and to art. 132 of Legislative Decree 58/98).

The following table details the purchases made per day in the above period of Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. ordinary shares, ISIN IT0001469383:

10/06/2019 11,000 1,5797 17.376,70
11/06/2019 11,000 1,5832 17.415,20
12/06/2019 15,000 1,5659 23.488,50
13/06/2019 15,000 1,5481 23.221,50
14/06/2019 7,695 1,5451 11.889,54

The purchases were made through the authorized intermediary Equita Sim S.p.A. (LEI Code 815600E3E9BFBC8FAA85).

Following the purchases made so far, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. holds no. 1,406,398 treasury shares, equal to 0.538% of the share capital and to 0.351% of the total amount of voting rights.

Purchases in detail in the complete pdf.

Launch of buyback plan to service the 2019-2021, 2018-2020 and 2017-2019 performance share plans

Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. announces the launch today of a treasury share buyback plan under art. 5 of Regulation (EU) no. 596/2014, in execution of the resolution adopted by the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting held on 17 April 2019, authorizing:

  • the purchase and disposal of treasury shares for a maximum amount of up to 0.62% of the share capital, which is intended to provide the Company with the no. 1,622,581 shares required over the three-year period to meet the obligations under the “2019-2021 Performance Share Plan” approved by the same Shareholders’ Meeting;
  • the continuation of the buyback plan for the purchase of the treasury shares required to service the “2017-2019 Performance Share Plan” and the “2018-2020 Performance Share Plan” in the manners and within the limits set out in the relevant Regulations.

Pursuant to Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/1052, details of the treasury share buyback plan are shown below.

  • Purpose of the plan

The purpose of the plan is the buyback of Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. treasury shares to service the “2019-2021 Performance Share Plan” approved by the Shareholders’ Meeting held on 17 April 2019, the “2017-2019 Performance Share Plan” and the “2018-2020 Performance Share Plan”.

  • Maximum amount in cash allocated to the plan

Buybacks will be made at a minimum unit price not lower than the official Stock Exchange price on the day before the purchase transaction, reduced by 20%, and at a maximum unit price not higher than the official Stock Exchange price on the day before the purchase transaction, increased by 10%. The definition of volumes and unit purchase prices will be made in accordance with the conditions set out in art. 3 of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/1052; specifically, no shares will be purchased at a price higher than the higher between the price of the last independent trade and the price of the highest current independent bid on the trading venue where the purchase is carried out.

  • Maximum number of shares to purchase

Purchases for the 2019-2021 three-year period will regard a maximum of no. 1,622,581 ordinary shares (equal currently to 0.62% of the share capital), to be allocated to the “2019-2021 Performance Share Plan”, to the “2017-2019 Performance Share Plan” and to the “2018-2020 Performance Share Plan”.

The maximum total amount of shares under the plan is therefore within the limits of law, taking account of the treasury shares already held by the Company.

To date, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. holds no. 1,346,703 treasury shares, equal to 0.515% of the share capital.

  • Duration of the plan

The current authorization runs until the Shareholders’ Meeting called to approve the financial statements for the year ending 31.12.2019 and is renewable prior to the Shareholders’ authorization.

  • Buyback procedures

The treasury share buyback plan will be coordinated by an authorized intermediary who will make the purchases independently, with no influence from Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. as far as the time of purchase is concerned.

Buybacks will be made pursuant to the combined provisions of art. 132 of Legislative Decree no. 58/1998 and of art. 5 of Regulation (EU) 596/2014, art. 144-bis of the Issuer Regulation, and the EU and national legislation on market abuse (including Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/1052), in accordance with the resolutions of the above Shareholders’ Meeting of 17 April 2019, in the terms previously disclosed to the market and in accordance with applicable law. Daily purchase volumes will not exceed 25% of the daily average volume of Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. shares traded over the 20 trading days before the dates of purchase.

Any subsequent changes to the above buyback plan will be promptly disclosed to the public by the Company in the manners and within the time limits of applicable law.

The transactions made will be disclosed to the market in the manners and within the time limits of applicable law.

Icon: the new issues dedicated to fashion with four different cover stars, all of whom are protagonists of the return of an era

The Mondadori Group’s male lifestyle title has become the leader in the sector with a range of new features and an excellent advertising performance, +19% in June compared with 2018

Dolce&Gabbana protagonists of the tabloid insert Icon Report

Icon, the Mondadori Group’s male lifestyle and fashion title, edited by Andrea Tenerani, from Tuesday 11 June will be available to the public with a wealth of exclusive content marking the occasion of the latest male fashion shows.

The latest issue of the magazine will be available with four different covers. Evan Ross, Tom Holland, Kit Butler and Lennon Gallagher, shot by great masters of photography, are the special protagonists of the return of an era. “They are the children of the freedom of the 1980s, often stigmatised for a lack of commitment – explains Tenerani – but in reality the vehicle of a positive lightness that has liberated more than one generation in terms of individual affirmation.”

A light-heartedness, for example, as sung by Diana Ross, that comes to us today through the explosive personality of her son Evan; a freshness that we find once again on the face of Lennon, the son of Patsy Kensit and Liam Gallagher, with a foot in both fashion and music, as can also be seen in the shots of Kit, the successor to a tradition of British models able to reach out beyond the catwalks; a balance that we can find in Tom, among the superheroes who interpret the beauty of everyday life. “Because talking about male fashion today is also this . concludes the editor of Icon – eras that return, never quite the same, and personalities that liberate and express them.”

Made in Italy remains the unmistakeable characteristic of the new issue of the magazine that will be launched on the occasion of the unmissable Pitti Immagine Uomo shows in Florence and those of the Milano Collezioni. Under the editorship of, Icon has become more and more a point of reference for the public and also professionals from the upscale fashion industry and on the strength of this success it will inaugurate, along with Versace, the fashion house’s new boutique in Florence.

To coincide with the Florence shows, Icon will be enhanced by Icon Padiglione – what to wear now -, a virtual space that will range across the pages of the magazine and on social media profiles, featuring a selection of new and representative items from the collections of some of the most significant merging brands.

Italian excellence and know-how are also linked to Icon Report, a tabloid insert full of interviews and background details from the world of fashion and luxury, and which will be distributed with the June edition of the magazine. The protagonists of this third issue will be Dolce&Gabbana: the cover stars are the two designers who, in the pages of Report, talk about a sartorial symphony and underline the guiding concept of an exceptional male wardrobe: made-to-measure.

With a space dedicated to a school from the panorama of Italian academia, in this issue the University of Bologna, Icon Report will have a extra distributioin at the country’s most prestigious schools of fashion, design and journalism.

The Mondadori Group’s male lifestyle title has also become the leader in the sector with a range of new features and an excellent advertising performance: “For Icon June has been a record month – explains Davide Mondo, chief executive of Mediamond – with an increase in sales of +19% compared with 2018, an excellent result and in marked contrast to the print media market and the up market male lifestyle segment. The new editorship of Andrea Tenerani and the new editorial content featured in Report and Padiglione Icon have convinced readers and advertisers and have further consolidated the qualitative level of the magazine’s editorial platform.”

Icon also continues to grow on digital, in particular on the Instagram channel, which, thanks to the creative drive of the new editor, has increased its fanbase by 30%, with specific content and a more dynamic page, adapted to the current language and approach.

Confidenze presents the second edition of Confylab

A writing workshop that offers the possibility of getting your short story published

Confidenze, the Mondadori Group magazine edited by Angelina Spinoni, presents the second edition of ConfyLab, a writing workshop that enables readers to publish their short stories in the magazine and in the blog, with the help of the editorial team and two coaches, authors of successful novels.

Every year the weekly publishes over 500 true stories, which are both the hear and the strength of the magazine and is why it is always on the lookout for new captivating stories to move and engage readers.

Readers can send in a story – of between 7,000 and 14,000 characters – the focus of which must be a secret: of love, family, something unconfessed or also something that, at a certain point, emerges. What is important is that the story is unpublished and personal.

To read and assess the stories received, Confidenze has enrolled the help of two writers – who are also “historic” contributors to the magazine : Annalucia Lomunno and Silvia Montemurro who will polish the texts, justifying request for changes to be made in order to make the stories stronger and more engaging.

Once the stories have been revised, the coaches, together with the editorial team, will judge whether to mark the story for publication and choose the Confidenze “writers”. Stories not published in the magazine may be selected for publication on the blog, where they will remain, signed by the authors, in the section ConfyLab.

Readers can send their stories – from 20 June to 31 August – to this email address: Submissions should be accompanied by an email address, name, surname and possibly a contact telephone number to be used by the editorial team.

Notice on total amount of voting rights

Pursuant to art. 85-bis, paragraph 4-bis of CONSOB Regulation no. 11971 of 14 May 1999, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. announces today that, the requirements and conditions laid down by current legislation and the Bylaws being met, the increase in voting rights for 139,355,950 ordinary shares of the Company has become effective.

The total amount of voting rights, indicating the number of shares forming the share capital, is outlined below.

Updated situation Previous situation
Number of shares forming the share capital Number of voting rights Number of shares forming the share capital Number of voting rights
Total of which: 261,458,340 400,814,290 261,458,340 261,458,340
Ordinary shares ISIN IT0001469383 (with regular dividend entitlement: 1/01/2019) current coupon number: 21 122,102,390 122,102,390 261,458,340 261,458,340
Ordinary shares with increased voting right ISIN IT0005366684
(with regular dividend entitlement: 1/01/2019) current coupon number: 21
139,355,950 278,711,900 0 0

The Special List, updated in accordance with art. 7.8 of the Bylaws, is available on the Company website in the Governance – “Shareholders’ Meeting/Increased voting rights” section.