Month: May 2014

Mondadori buys to create the global e-commerce platform for the “Grazia International Network”

The Mondadori Group is accelerating the development of the “Grazia International Network“, which entered the e-commerce fashion market through the acquisition of The London-based marketplace offers readers and users the possibility of selecting from a wide range of clothing and accessories of some of the British capital’s best boutiques.

“This operation is part of a project for the launch of a global e-commerce platform for the Grazia brand,” declared Ernesto Mauri, chief executive of the Mondadori Group. “A leader among international fashion-oriented magazines for its rapid development and innovative formula, Grazia is now taking a decisive step into digital: this acquisition is the first step towards a development plan that starts from London, the biggest European market for e-commerce fashion, and that will soon also include many of the most important trend-setting boutiques in the main cities of Italy and France. The aim is to expand also to the other countries where Grazia is published and beyond,” Mauri concluded.

In fact, after the summer an integrated “Grazia International Network” platform for e-commerce fashion – – will be online, a portal that will enable the Grazia community around the world, some 17 million readers and 14 million unique users per month, and all female fashion fans, to purchase items in perfect Grazia style from the trendiest international boutiques.

Il Saloon di Adele, the first web fiction by launches

An Italian-style “Sex and the City” based in a provincial town, involving sentimental games and irony
A series of eight episodes in HD co-produced by Mondadori and Brandon Box in partnership with L’Oréal Paris, L’Oréal Professionnel and Lycia

Today sees the debut on of Il Saloon di Adele, the first web fiction in HD by

At the heart of the series, co-produced by Mondadori and Brandon Box, is a hairdresser, her customer/friends and the local competition in a small Italian provincial town. Il Saloon di Adele is “the only hairdresser open also on Mondays”, the day on which, at 11 am, from week to week, the eight-minute episodes, written by Camilla Sernagiotto and Andrea Sgaravatti, and directed by Guido Geminiani and Enrico Riscassi will be shown at

“ has always been attentive to the most important trends in digital media and the launch of a high quality web fiction like Il Saloon di Adele is further proof,” declared Daniela Cerrato, head of digital marketing properties at Mondadori. “The already appreciated video serials on, are now evolving into a high level format that, already in the production phase, has been conceived for use on a wide range of devices and for eventual release on other channels. The strong points include a high level of engagement with users, who in this instance can see themselves in the four types of women represented in the show as well as in Italian provincial life,” Cerrato concluded.

The launch of the web fiction will be supported by social communication with the hashtag #SaloondiAdele, on the Donna Moderna profiles on Facebook and Twitter, and a Facebook page dedicated to “Il Saloon di Adele”.

The series will be accompanied by a campaign on, with teasers and display ads. The promotional activities will also be supported by Videomediaset, where the channel will host a new section entirely dedicated to Il Saloon di Adele; and the series will also be available on and

The plot
In what is an original “pink western”, a narrator, with the voice of Emanuela Rossi (the official dubbing actor of Michelle Pfeiffer and Brenda Strong from Desperate Housewives, as well as the voice of Nicole Kidman, Angelina Jolie, Catherine Zeta-Jones and many more) guides through the adventures of Adele (Laura Locatelli), a hairdresser of almost forty who runs a salon with a number of regular and loyal customers, each with a different personality and lifestyle: the stand-out characters are Elena (Orsetta Borghero), a divorce lawyer who is single from choice; Paola (Frida Bruno), a disastrous and regularly cheated on housewife; and Arianna (Ilaria Fratoni) a supermarket checkout girl with a number of degrees who dreams of publishing her first novel.

Through a series of plot twists, with tinges of romance, mystery and a fresh and ironic feel, 0Il Saloon di Adele is the perfect series for those who adored Desperate Housewives and the metropolitan adventures of Sex and the City. Episode by episode, the romantic evolutions and running gags alternate among the hairbrushes, curlers and shampoo, with mysterious surprises that quite quickly mess up the hairdos of the protagonists.

The partners
Il Saloon di Adele has been created in partnership with L’Oréal Paris, L’Oréal Professionnel and Lycia. The operation, overseen by Mediamond Digital, integrates the brands in the production of the series and offers an opportunity for promotional visibility that goes well beyond product placement. The project is also “social by design”, in other words, it has been conceived to give the members of the Donna Moderna community the chance to use the content and share easily on social networks.

“We have always been close to our consumers, offering scientifically advanced products at accessible prices,” declared Stefania Fabiano, brand director of L’Oréal Paris. “We decided to get involved in this project because the hairdressing salon has always been a place where women enjoy talking about themselves, measuring themselves against each other and sharing beauty tips. The first and most important beauty concern is skincare, and L’Oréal Paris has chosen to communicate three exclusive products that respond to specific consumer needs.”

“The hairdresser is the best of jobs”. And it is this conviction that for 105 years L’Oréal Professionel has been at the service of hairdressers in helping to transform every woman into a star. Being a part of Il Saloon di Adele is further confirmation for the brand of how strategic a figure the hairdresser is for all women. In the sit-com the “Saloon” is the place where the protagonists come together, with their overlapping stories that transform and evolve along with their trendy hairstyles.

The episodes of the series will also feature Lycia – the brand of the Artsana Group – that will appear in the series as a beauty ally of Adele and her friends. The protagonists, normal women trying to deal with day-to-day life, all need to take some time for themselves and Lycia, which has always been close to every woman, is at their side in the daily battle against time and routine, to enhance their femininity naturally and simply.

Mondadori: publication of the interim report for the first quarter of the year to 31 March 2014 and the minutes of the Annual General Meeting of 30 April 2014

Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. has announced that the interim report for the first quarter of the year to 31 March 2014 is now available at the company’s corporate offices, on and (Investor Relations section).

Also available to the public at the company’s corporate offices, on and (Governance section), are the minutes of the ordinary and extraordinary sessions of the Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders held on 30 April 2014, together with the modified text of the Articles of Association.

Board of Directors approves interim report for the first quarter of 2014

  • Consolidated revenues of €268.3 million: -8.3% on the €292.7 million at 31 March 2013 (-6.5% on a like-for-like basis)
  • Strong growth in gross operating profit thanks to action on the products and cost structure: €5.6 million compared with the -€4.6 million at 31 March 2013
  • Consolidated net loss of  -€6.4 million compared with -€15.3 million at 31 March 2013
    Confirmation of the forecast for a marked improvement in profitability for the full year 2014

The Board of Directors of Arnoldo Mondadori S.p.A. met today, under the chairmanship of Marina Berlusconi, to examine and approve the interim report for the first quarter of the year to 31 March 2014, as presented by the Chief Executive, Ernesto Mauri.


At the macroeconomic level, there were still no signs of an improvement in Italy or France, the countries of reference for the Mondadori Group, in the first months of the year.

In particular, there was a continued downturn in both the book and consumer magazine markets compared with the same period of the previous year.

In Italy:
– the trade books market was down both in terms of copies sold and value (-6.8% and -5.3% respectively);
– in the two-month period January-February the magazine market was affected by a further decline in advertising spending (-14.7%): and both circulation and add-on sales were also down, by -12.8% and -19.3% respectively.

In France:
– circulation, only in the newsstand channel, was down by 8.1%;
– advertising was down by 10% (internal data).


The consolidated revenues of the Mondadori Group were down by 8.3% to €268.3 million: on a like-for-like basis, taking account of the attribution from 1 January 2014 of the advertising sales to Mediamond, consolidated on a net equity basis, the reduction was of -6.5%.

Despite the difficult context, all of the Mondadori businesses – in particular Magazines Italy – performed better than in the corresponding period of the previous year, with the single exception of books that will have a much stronger editorial programme in the second half of the year.

The activities carried out in the period on the products and the results of actions taken to cut operating costs have resulted in an improved consolidated EBITDA that was up €10.2 million on the same period of 2013 (+€ 5.6 million in 2014 compared with -€4.6 million in 2013).

Moreover, net of non-recurring items, there was also an improvement in gross operating profit, which rose from €0.1 million to €5 million.

The results achieved to date with the marked reductions in operating costs, which have focused on industrial, logistical and editorial costs, make it possible to forecast an improvement in the savings objectives indicated in the plan (€100 million by the end of 2015). In terms of personnel, in the first quarter there was a further reduction of 166 people (-4.8%) and the total headcount is currently 356 down on the figure at 31 March 2013 (-9.8%).


The following table presents an overview of the figures for the first quarter of 2014. It should be remembered that the figures are not comparable due to the contribution of the advertising sales business activity of Mondadori Pubblicità S.p.A. to Mediamond S.p.A., which became effective from 1 January 2014.

Consolidated net revenues came to €268.3 million, a fall of 8.3% on the €292.7 million of Q1 2013; net of the effects of the contribution of the advertising sales business the fall was of 6.5%.

Consolidated gross operating profit net of non-recurring items showed an improvement of €5 million, compared with the €0.1 million of the previous year.

Consolidated gross operating profit rose to €5.6 million, compared with a loss in the same period of the previous year of €4.6 million.

Consolidated profit before taxation showed a loss of -€5.8 million (-€15.6 million in 2013) with amortisations of €5.5 million (€6 million in 2013) and financial charges of €5.9 million (€5 million in 2013).

There was a consolidated net loss for the period of €6.4 million, compared with -€15.3 million in 2013.

The Group’s net financial position shows a deficit of €396.5 million, compared with -€363,2 million at 31 December 2013, but in any case lower than the same period of last year. The period was significantly affected by the restructuring costs of the previous year and investments in the educational area.

Information regarding personnel

At 31 March 2014 permanent and temporary staff in the companies of the Group, totalled 3,270 and total labour costs for the period amounted to €59.3 million (-16.7% million compared with €71.2 million on the same period of 2013).

Total like-for-like headcount, taking account of the integration of advertising sales in Mediamond (that involved the transfer of 45 employees), was down by 8.7% (or 311 units); labour costs, also net of the impact of restructuring, was down by 11% (or €7.7 million).

These reductions are the result of a range of reorganisation and restructuring operations, begun between 2012 and 2013, the effects of which are being felt month by month.

Two other operations, finalised in March, should also be noted: the sales of the magazine titles Ciak and PC Professionale and the closure of the Mondadori Direct logistics centre in Brescia with the consequent concentration of operations at the Mondadori book depot in Verona.

In the first quarter of 2014, there was a downturn in the trade books market, both in terms of copies sold and revenues (-6.8% and -5.3% respectively; Source: Nielsen), compared with the same period of 2013.

The Mondadori’s market share remained stable, confirming the Group’s market leadership.

First quarter revenues for the area came to €56.8 million, a 10.1% fall on the €63.2 million in Q1 2013.

In trade books, the Group’s first quarter performance, with revenues down by 9.6% on 2013, was affected by evident difficulties in certain channels, in particular large-scale retail, and in the paperback segment, as well as an editorial programme that was not especially strong.

In any case, the list of the top selling 2,500 titles in the quarter, which accounts for 42% of the market in terms of copies, saw the Mondadori Group accounting for over a third, thanks to positive results in both bookstores and large-scale retail. In the top 10 bestsellers list for the quarter, the Mondadori Group was responsible for the publication of 4 titles.

Also of significance in the trade area was the launch, at the beginning of May, of the first ten titles in the Flipback format, a new book product that is one of the most important new editorial initiatives of the year thanks to the particularly innovative characteristics: the size, the paper and the way in which it is read.

In e-books, the growing trend in download revenues continued (+57% on the previous).

As regards educational books, the first quarter was characterised by the seasonality of the business and consequently revenues in the period were not significant.

The trend in the market of reference and the consequent trend in revenues of the Book Area resulted in a fall in gross operating margins compared with the first quarter of 2013. However, the effect of the downturn was mitigated thanks to specific efforts to reduce costs in a number of areas, in particular production and logistics. The figures for the first quarter were significantly affected also by the investments to reconfigure the Mondadori Education catalogue, that markedly increased the number of new titles produced during the period.

The first three months of 2014 saw the evident effects of the rationalisation policy for the magazine portfolio (the closure of the titles published by the joint-venture ACI-Mondadori and the sale of PC Professionale and Ciak), continuing improvements to product quality (the relaunch of CasaFacile and redesign of Panorama) and the launch of a new weekly Il mio Papa.

All of this, along with the cost reductions made in recent years and, in particular, in 2013, resulted in a marked improvement in gross operating profit, which rose from 2.6 to €7.5 million compared with the first quarter of 2013, despite the fall in revenues.

The Magazines Italy Area generated Q1 2014 revenues of €81.3 million, an 8.4% fall on the €88.8 million of Q1 2013.

In particular:
– circulation revenues for Mondadori titles were affected by the negative scenario and, despite out-performing the market (-12.8%: internal data: Press-Di), were down by 5.6%, net of titles closed or sold;
– advertising revenues were down by 7.4%, in a market that lost 14.7% (Source: Nielsen, February);
– there was substantial growth in advertising sales for the web sites of the magazine brands (+24%), despite a market that was down by 6.3% (Source: Nielsen, February);
– add-on sales contained the decline in revenues to 14.4%, in a market that lost 19.3% (internal data: Press-Di).

International activities

Mondadori International Business ended the first quarter of 2014 with revenues that were in line with those of the previous year. The slight fall in revenues from royalties related to licensing was compensated by bigger commissions on advertising sales made on behalf of foreign partners in the Italian market (total sales in the quarter were up by 9% on the same period of 2013).

Among the editions launched in the last year, of particular note is the performance of the first edition of Icon, distributed in Spain in partnership with Gruppo Prisa since last November. In terms of advertising sales, Mondadori International Business has expanded the number of foreign publishers for which it operates as an agent.

In terms of investments, Mondadori Seec Advertising Co. Ltd, the advertising sales company for Grazia China, recorded a 12% growth in advertising revenues in the first three months of 2014 compared with the same period of 2013 and from April the frequency has been increased to weekly; Mondadori Independent Media, the joint-venture that publishes Grazia in Russia, recorded first quarter revenues in line with the previous year, despite the difficult political situation in the country that in part had an impact on advertising spending; Attica Publications, Greece’s leading magazine publisher and a major radio broadcaster, benefitted in the first quarter in advertising sales that were up compared with 2013 (+5% in print and +4% on radio).

The Magazines France Area generated Q1 revenues of €81.7 million, a slight reduction (-1.6%) on the €83 million of Q1 2013; given the change of scope, due to the sale of Le Film Français in December 2103 and an additional issue in 2014, compared with the previous year, of Télé-Star, Télé-Poche and Auto-Plus, the fall in revenues is steady at 2.2%.

In the first quarter of the year circulation revenues, which account for around 73% of the total for the period, were stable (-0.1% on a like-for-like basis). Like-for-like newsstand sales were down by 1.4%, an excellent result given the current state of the market (-8.1% at the end of March; Source: Mondadori France Diffusion): of particular note were the sales of the weekly Closer (+25% in terms of volume) and the monthlies Pleine Vie (+24%) and Top Santé (+25%) and the positive reactions to the recent launch of new products, such as 750g, Slam and Histoire & Jeux. Subscription revenues, meanwhile, were stable (-0.8% on a on a like-for-like basis).

In terms of advertising sales, in the context of a difficult market (-10%; internal source), Mondadori recorded a 10.5% drop in revenues, on a like-for-like basis.

In the first quarter of 2014, Mondadori France, significantly increased its digital revenues (+41.3% on 2013); the growth came from the activities of the properties (+40.6%) as well as from the pure player NaturaBuy (+46%). There was also a significant increase in traffic, with 7.8 million uniques, also as a result of the scoop by Closer.

Advertising sales for the sites, managed internally since January 2014, recorded 39% growth in the first quarter and now accounts for 9% of the total advertising revenues of Mondadori France.

A number of initiatives launched in recent years now make it possible to realise significant economies of scale, in particular with regard to overheads, industrial costs and the cost of managing subscriptions, making it possible to increase gross operating profit, despite a fall in revenues.

In terms of cost reductions, efforts continue to improve efficiency, in particular, in the first months of the year, a voluntary redundancy plan was introduced (with the aim of reducing the headcount by between 10% and 15% in 3 years) and well as a plan to bring the entire staff together under one roof (in December 2014).

The consolidated figures from the area are not comparable given that, as already mentioned, from 1 January 2014, the advertising sales business of Mondadori Pubblicità S.p.A., a subsidiary of Arnoldo Mondadori Editore SpA, were contributed to Mediamond SpA, the 50-50 joint-venture set up in 2009 by Mondadori Pubblicità SpA and Publitalia ’80 SpA. For Mondadori this operation was part of a wider process of innovation of the business model that will contribute to the further affirmation of the Group’s leadership thanks to a new approach, supported by significant synergies and models of offer more suited to the new conditions of the market.

The revenues from the activities of the current Mondadori Pubblicità amounted to €3.9 million; which, on a like-for-like basis and net of the business contributed to Mediamond, were slightly up.

Gross operating profit, that includes the pro-quota results of Mediamond, showed a marked improvement compared with the first quarter of 2013, highlighting the positive effects of the aforementioned operation.

In particular, the first quarter revenues of Mediamond, which is consolidated on an equity basis, taking account of the revenues generated by Mondadori Pubblicità in the same period of 2013, were up by 12.3%.

– the print and radio segments (the part contributed by Mondadori Pubblicità) recorded an increase in revenues of 8.5% (-7.4% for print, compared with a market average of -14.7% at the end of February, and revenues that more than doubled for radio, also as a result of the big changes compared with the previous year following the addition to the portfolio of new radio stations, including Radio Italia, from mid-April 2013, Radionorba and Radio Subasio, at the end of 2013, and Radio Sportiva, from the beginning of 2014);
– advertising sales for the web increased by 24% in a market that was down by 6.3% (Source: Nielsen, February).


The market of reference for the Retail Area was particularly affected by negative trends of the book market and of consumer electronics, which saw a general downturn in the period, with the single exception of e-readers, that saw double-digit growth, but always within strict limits.

In Q1 2014 Retail Area – which as 19 directly-owned bookstores, 315 franchised bookstores, 186 edicolè, 8 multicenters and 21 club bookstores, and the e-commerce activities of – generated revenues of €47.2 million, a fall of 6.9% on the €50.7 million of the same period of 2013.

Of particular note during the period was the market share of Retail Area in the book sector which rose from 13.7% in 2013 to 14.3% in 2014, also as a result of renewed communication and promotional activities.

There was a continuation of the negative trend in the club channel that has seen a fall in revenues of around 20%. And, finally, also the sales generated through the site were down by 4.7%.

In terms of gross operating profit, compared with the same period of last year, the franchise channel remained profitable and the directly-owned outlets (bookstores and multicenters) saw a consistent recovery in margins thanks to the closure of a number of non-profitable bookstores.

In the club channel, the effects deriving from the rationalisation of the network of stores and recruitment efforts made it possible to maintain a level of profitability comparable to that of the previous year.

Also the e-commerce channel benefitted in the first quarter from the reductions in structural costs.

In the context of a generalised recession, a number of activities have already been put in place aimed at the recovery of market share and profitability. In particular:
– the progressive revision of the network and the format of the stores;
– communication activities and advertising aimed at sustaining sales and building market share, in particular for books;
– the ongoing rationalisation of Club recruitment activities (-13%);
– strict cost controls on the management of sales outlets and the renegotiation of rents;
– ongoing reorganisation efforts: the application of solidarity contracts (20% compared with 10% in 2013) at the central offices in Milan and Rimini and the exit from the activities of the business of the management of logistics for the club and on-line channels, now run by the parent company.


After a significant downturn in 2013, the advertising market in Italy started the year weakly, recording a further slide, in February (Source: Nielsen) of 4.3% with all media in negative territory with the sole exception of radio, which grew by 7.5%.

In this context, advertising sales for R101 generated revenues of €2.6 million, in line with the same period of the previous year.

Thanks to a series of actions to review and optimise the structures and the different timing of promotional support and communication, gross operating margins while remaining negative, nevertheless improved.

The end of March, confirming the importance attributed to the radio station within the Group, saw the presentation of the new R101 with a renewed editorial line, a new logo, a new pay off “the Music” and a series of new features for listeners. These changes were accompanied by intense promotional activities in support of the new format, with the launch of partnerships with TV programmes and the reinforcement of links with Italian and international music, thanks to the involvement with tours by a number of internationally renowned artists and groups


During 2013 the Digital Innovation Area was set up with the aim of not only accelerating growth in the digital market, but also structuring the processes of innovation and identifying new business development opportunities. The new structure is engaged in the development of marketing services and e-commerce activities, as well as providing support for the activities of Cemit Interactive Media SpA.

In the first months of 2014, in line with already established programmes, efforts continued to strengthen the various teams with the hiring of new resources dedicated to CRM, the spread of the Mondadori loyalty card, marketing services and the technological development of new projects to provide direct support for existing digital activities inside the book, magazine and retail areas.

During the period, the activities of the recent acquisition Anobii was included in the scope of the area.

In the first quarter of the year turnover remained stable compared with the first months of 2013, as a result, on the one hand, of significant growth in e-books (+57%) and the web sites of the Italian magazine titles (+24%) – including (+23.8%), (+43.5%) and (+5.2%) – and in France (+39%); and, on the other hand, a reduction in the revenues of Cemit and


In a market context that is still not showing signs of improvement, the positive results of the first quarter, the result of actions taken on the products, the reorganisation and cost reductions, make it possible to forecast a higher level of profitability (EBITDA) for the full year than 2012, confirming what was already stated at the time of the presentation of the 2013 Annual Report.


The Board of Directors of Mondadori also approved the 2013 Sustainability Report, prepared according to the guidelines of the GRI standard G3.1, with the application level B+.


The executive responsible for the preparation of the company’s accounts, Carlo Maria Vismara, declares that, as per art. 2, 154 bis of the Single Finance Text, the accounting information contained in this release corresponds to that contained in the company’s formal accounts.

The documentation relating to the presentation of the results for the first quarter of 2014 is available at the company’s registered office, on the web site and on the web site (Investor relations section).

Cemit is the main sponsor of the 2014 Fundraising Festival

13-16 May 2014Cemit Interactive Media, a leading company in the provision of integrated inter-relational marketing services has been a sponsor of the Fundraising Festival since 2009, and this year will be the main sponsor of the event.

The partnership with the Fundraising Festival, the leading Italian event in the world of fundraising and non-profit initiatives, involves Cemit working on an important common objective – encouraging the development of the third sector in Italy – with its specific competencies and professionalism: from direct mailing services to a wide offer of innovative and high quality solutions on the web and social media.

The seventh edition of the Fundraising Festival will take place from 13 to 16 May at the Hotel Parchi del Garda (Pacengo di Lazise, VR): four days wholly dedicated to professionals, volunteers and companies in the sector to exchange ideas and training, creating a community for the sharing of knowledge and experiences related to fundraising and spread the culture of donations in Italy.

Mondadori launches the Flipback

A new format for printed books that are read vertically

Mondadori: new international launch from today Interni is also available in Thailand

From this week INTERNI, the Mondadori interiors and contemporary design magazine will also be published in Thailand. The new edition of the title, the result of a licensing agreement with the publishing company Inspire Entertainment Co. Ltd., will be quarterly.

INTERNI Thailand will join the monthly edition launched by Mondadori in Russia.

Thanks to a successful formula that has enabled the title to become one of the most appreciated observatories of contemporary design at an international level – INTERNI will bring to Thailand the latest trends in the culture of living, and will become a point of reference able to anticipate and select the best of what’s new from the world of creativity and design.

“We are very satisfied to be bringing INTERNI to one of the most dynamic and continuously expanding economies in the world,” declared Zeno Pellizzari, general manager of Mondadori International Business. “Thailand is one of the most prolific countries in Asia in the design sector and we are sure that with this new edition of our brand we will be able to reach a strategic pool of readers, companies and professionals,” Pellizzari concluded.

“I am honoured to have the opportunity to introduce Thailand to a magazine brand that is recognised and established among designers, professional and design enthusiasts in general at an international level,” declared Samutcha Viraporn, editor of INTERNI Thailand.

The launch of INTERNI Thailand was celebrated during the “Thailand Architect Expo 2014”, the country’s leading trade fair for the interiors and architecture sector which was held in Bangkok from 29 April to 4 May 2014.




Inspire Entertainment Co. Ltd.

Inspire Entertainment Co. Ltd., is Thailand’s leading magazine publisher and one of the country’s biggest players in newspaper publishing, television programmes and digital content. The company publishes 14 international magazine titles, including Grazia.

Mondadori launches the new Starbene: the magazine goes weekly from tomorrow

The magazine goes weekly from tomorrow
The Starbene system is being reinforced on the web and across the country with new initiatives dedicated to wellbeing

From tomorrow Starbene, leader in the wellbeing sector in terms of both circulation and readership, will be relaunched with a number of important new features: the magazine edited by Cristina Merlino is going weekly and reinforcing its system with a new approach in digital and a series of initiatives across the country.

“We have decided to concentrate our offer under the Starbene brand by rationalising the other titles in the portfolio in order to maximise the potential of a brand that is already a leader in the sector,” declared Carlo Mandelli, general manager of the Mondadori Group’s Magazines Italy area. “By going weekly we can enormously increase content production, and, as a result, accelerate and strengthen the digital offer, exactly as we have done in cooking and interiors. In fact, over the last year we have reorganised our entire portfolio, concentrating exclusively on the leading brands in the market with high multimedia potential. Only the wellbeing area, one of the fastest growing and most dynamic sectors in the market and one where Mondadori has always had a significant presence, was left out. Consequently, we have reviewed, reconfigured and relaunched all of our products in the area,” Mandelli concluded.

On the strength of an annual average circulation of 194,743 copies per month and 1.3 million readers, the new weekly Starbene will reinforce its role as a practical guide to healthy and dynamic living, with advice about health, beauty, fitness and ecology, as well as tests on products and therapies in order to be even closer to women and their families, in line with the new claim “The habit of wellbeing” (La tua abitudine al benessere).

“Given the great success of Starbene on newsstands it seemed worth increasing our engagement with wellbeing,” claimed Cristina Merlino, the magazine’s editor, “in order to provide the very latest news, as well as offering a faster and more practical selection of what’s new in health, beauty, ecology and be a useful weekly guide for Italian women and families. In addition, we will continue the established practice of Starbene of testing products, therapies and treatments by our experts and the editorial team to check their effectiveness and seriousness. Something that is highly appreciated by our readers to whom we want to offer even more with the new weekly edition,” Cristina Merlino concluded.

The magazine, which also has a new layout, will be even richer in terms of content, more attentive to news and providing useful advice, without renouncing the authoritative scientific detail that has always characterised the title. Starbene has the benefit of a pool of consultants made up of more than 100 experts and contributors from internationally renowned institutions, including the IEO (Istituto Europeo di Oncologia), available to interact with readers every day, also by telephone and on

Diet, beauty, health, ecology

Health is given extensive coverage in the weekly, from prevention to soft therapies, beauty treatments and psychology, as well as sport, ecology and diet.

Every week Starbene will take a look at what’s happening in the world of research with a column dedicated to recognised clinics, recommended for the quality of treatment and cost, city by city. It will also promote general wellbeing and beauty with practical tutorials, products “tested for you” and replies to readers’ questions from dermatologists, cosmeticians and beauticians. As well as promoting a lifestyle based on a healthy diet, that doesn’t overlook the pleasures of the Mediterranean tradition and vegetarian cooking.

But the new Starbene is not only about physical wellbeing, but rather the overall wellbeing of the individual and her surroundings. Alongside the latest trends in fitness, space is also given to the sort of travel and fashion that makes us feel good and respects our bodies, while paying attention to the most comfortable fabrics and the colours that also have a positive impact on our mood.

Plus, there will also be discount coupons for wellbeing travel and beauty treatments, with different special offers every week.

Also the web site is full of new features with an updated layout, up-to-date news and a space for dialogue with readers: every day on wellbeing is within reach thanks to a forum offering live contact with our experts; a special channel dedicated to the Exfat diet, that offers a personalised weight-loss programme supervised by Dr Carla Lertola; videos to learn the latest fitness exercises and a range of other appointments to help you feel fit.

#StoBeneSe is the Starbene initiative on Twitter and Facebook designed to build together with users a map of wellbeing. The first to reply to the question “What makes you feel well?” is the editor Cristina Merlino: “#StoBeneSe Hugging my children every evening before they go to bed”.

Starbene across the country

Starbene will also enhance its presence across the country as part of important events related to wellbeing, starting with Rimini Wellness: from 30 May to 2 June Starbene will offer visitors to the fair an exclusive brand experience at the “Starbene bistrot”, an area where you can regenerate yourself with healthy and natural food, find out ore about wellbeing and take a break in the relaxation zone.

The launch of the new Starbene will be supported by a campaign developed by Hi! Comunicazione on print, radio, TV, web, major retail outlets and outdoor. The first four issues of the weekly will be on newsstands at the launch price of €1.