Month: October 2013

Mondadori at the 2013 ”Lucca Comics & Games”

From 31 October to 3 November, encounters with authors, news and events

Mondadori will propose a large number of public events at this year’s of “Lucca Comics & Games”, the International Festival of Comics, animated film, illustration and games. From today, Thursday 31 October, until 3 November, fans can choose from a series of meetings with authors, presentations, previews and events at the Mondadori Comics Stand (Piazza Napoleone Pavilion E149 ) and the Mondadori-Games Stand(Carducci Pavilion A709 ) and at other festival locations.

Starting today, Thursday 31 October with a celebration of the great George R.R. Martin, an event dedicated to the Game of Thrones with a contest between cosplayers and highly qualified judges such as Sergio Altieri, Matteo Patané and Edward Stoppacciaro, and the screening of a key episode of the TV series broadcast on Sky, at 5.30 pm in the Auditorium San Girolamo.

Friday 1 November is a very full day: at the Mondadori-Comics Stand at 10 am Giancarlo Berardi and Ivo Milazzo, creators of the celebrated Ken Parker, will reveal the details of the re-edition of the Lungo Fucile saga.

At 12 Cecilia Randall will present Millennio di fuoco together with Francesco Millennium Falcons. At 12 midday and at 5 pm, a double date with Gine, the designer of the unpublished Gli scudi di Marte, the twelfth volume of the series Historica. The day continues with a preview presentation of Prima, a new series of bimonthly Mondadori Comics: at 4 pm (and again on Saturday at 5 pm), a meeting with Robin Recht , one of the two extraordinary designers of Elric – il trono di rubino, the first volume of the saga.

And don’t miss at 4 pm, in the Auditorium San Girolamo, the long-awaited Chrysalide Roundtable, featuring Licia Troisi, Leonardo Patrignani, Emma Romero, Barbara Baraldi, Francesco Falconi and Vanni Santoni, with Sergio Altieri in the moderator’s chair.

The first event on Saturday 2 November is at 11.15 am in the Ingellis Hall, where Paolo Barbieri presents Apocalisse with Valerio Massimo Manfredi. At 2 pm there are two events: Valerio Massimo Manfredi presents My Name is Nobody: The Return at the Auditorium San Romano. While the spectacular Cosplay Hunger Games Parade (in partnership with Universal Pictures ) begins, starting from the MOV Area of the Praetorian Loggia in Piazza San Michele ending at the Mondadori-Games Stand. Almost at the same time, also on the Stand, the Cosplayer Hunger Games photo session will start.

And again on the Hunger Games theme, at the Universal stand the public may draw a ticket to win great Hunger Games prizes. While at 4 pm, on the Mondadori-Comics Stand, a special guest Hermann will be available to the public to sign copies of Bois Maury from the Historica series.

The grand finale of the day will take place at 4.30 pm, with the C&G Cosplayer Asterix event, on the Lucca stage: a surprise that should not be missed.

Sunday 3 November, the final day, begins with Vanni Santoni presenting Terra ignota, with Emanuele Manco of Fantasy Magazine, at 11.15am in the Ingellis Hall, and ends wonderfully with the presentation of I regni di Nashira. Il sacrificio by Licia Troisi accompanied by Sandrone Dazieri, at 2 pm in the Auditorium San Romano.

In addition, every day at the Mondadori-Comics Stand, you can browse and interact with Mondadori digital comics (Diabolik, Asterix, Lupo Alberto, Milo Manara, etc.) on the latest generation devices available to visitors.

BookCity Milano 2013

Following the extraordinary success of the last edition, from 21 to 24 November sees the return of BOOKCITY MILANO 2013 an event sponsored by the Culture Department of the City of Milan and the organising committee of BookCity comprising the Rizzoli Corriere della Sera Foundation, the Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Foundation, the Arnoldo and Alberto Mondadori Foundation and the Umberto and Elisabetta Mauri School for Booksellers, with the support of the Chamber of Commerce of Milan and AIE (Italian Publishers’ Association, with the support of ALI (Italian Booksellers Association), LIM (Independent Bookstores Milan) and AIB (Italian association of Librarians). For the second time the project benefits from a partnership with Eni and Intesa Sanpaolo, in addition to a contribution by the Cariplo Foundation and EXPO 2015, and the support of Generali, Swatch, Pan Image, FPE, Alessi, Comieco, Car2Go, Somma, as well as a large group of companies that have collaborated to the realisation of the initiative.

“The first edition of BOOKCITY MILANO confirmed the city’s position as the national capital of publishing, and highlighted the great passion of the Milanese for books and reading and enjoyed a success that has echoed across Italy,” said the Councillor for Culture Filippo Del Corno. “With this second edition, we want to further establish Milan’s vocation to read and enhance its artistic and entrepreneurial ability to innovate, creating and proposing paradigms for a new way of ‘doing culture’ in our country. Also this year’s edition will centre around the Castello Sforzesco, which for the occasion will present one of its most precious treasures: the Trivulziano Codex, the manuscript by Leonardo da Vinci, which will be on exhibition for the three days of BOOKCITY in MILAN in the castle’s Treasury. But this year the programme is branching out across even more of the city, spreading virally to a number of public and private spaces and reaching as far as the Rotonda in Via Besana along an ideal ‘Reading Street’ which will involve new spaces and new proposals. An appointment that will expand and extend across the city.

BOOKCITY MILANO is a collective project dedicated to books and reading featuring a full four-day programme of events with more locations and thematic poles than last year. The Castello Sforzesco will remain the beating heart of BookCity with meetings, readings and animation. Among the many new features will be the ‘Reading Street’, which starts from the castle and proceeds along via Dante (Piccolo Teatro Paolo Grassi), Piazza Cordusio, the Loggia dei Mercanti, Piazza Duomo, the University of Milan, the Sormani Library, and arriving at the Rotonda della Besana.

In addition to the 600 events planned at different spaces across the city, including libraries and bookstores, places for reading and books and unusual spaces, BOOKCITY MILANO 2013 will feature a range of special projects, some of which have been active for some time in the area, such as the articulated BookCity project for schools, involving 940 classes from 200 schools and offering workshops in publishing, ebooks, book trailers and editorial activities. There will also be other important events such as reading/therapy sessions at hospitals in Milan and reading and writing paths in the city’s prisons.

BOOKCITY MILAN will take place at a number of locations throughout the city, many of them providing a thematic focus for dialogue on specific issues: Acquario Civico (World City Forum), Arena Civica (Sport), the Sormani Library, the Grechetto Room, the Conference Room of the Palazzo Reale (book crafts), the Giuseppe Verdi Home for Ageing Musicians (Giuseppe Verdi), Fabbrica del Vapore (Design), the Rotonda della Besana (Children) the Adolfo Pini Foundation (Philosophy), Sesto San Giovanni – Villa Mylius (Work), the Institute for the Blind, Society for the Encouragement of Arts and Crafts (fiction and non-fiction), the Piero Portaluppi Foundation (Economics), the Museum of Natural History (Science), the Museum of the Risorgimento (History), the University of Milan, the State Archives (Justice), Palazzo Greppi (History – World War II), Castello Sforzesco – Sala della Balla (Poetry), Teatro Dal Verme (Music), Palazzo Morando (Noir and Fantasy), Palazzo Reale (American Autumn), Palazzo Serbelloni, the Ferré Foundation (Fashion), the cloister of the Piccolo Teatro Grassi and Teatro Franco Parenti (Theatre – Cinema – Entertainment), the Società Umanitaria (Food & cooking), Teatro Dal Verme (Music), Villa Necchi Campiglio (Green).

During BOOKCITY MILAN the city will also be host to a large number of initiatives dedicated to books and reading, in a reading marathon in the metro, reading groups from municipal libraries will fill the metro, along with in the clowns from the Associazione Culturale La Fabbrica dei Clown; talking streets, featuring an extraordinary company of actors, will propose a way of rediscovering the great Italian poets Ariosto, Petrarch, Boccaccio, Leopardi and Carducci in the streets that the city of Milan has named after them; tales of crime, murder and great mysteries will be “shouted” from newsstands around the city, while for Stories in taxis, writers in a number of taxis, in particular those of the Radio Taxi 4000, will read a few pages of their latest novels during the customer’s trip.

Exceptionally during BOOKCITY MILAN, from November 22 to December 1, at the Treasury of the Castello Sforzesco, the original Trivulziano Codex by Leonardo da Vinci will be on exhibition. The precious manuscript will be visible, and, virtually, also available thanks to a prototype for an interactive installation for the digital study of the Codex, a project that the City of Milan has promoted at the Trivulziana Library with the support of Bank of America Merrill Lynch.

Also at the Castle, Book Men will read and interpret a collective reading of love letters exchanged between figures from literature, art and culture, and the Torre del Carmine will be to open to the public, to host four daily readings programmed for Saturday and Sunday.

Plus guided tours of the Merlate (the castle wall and ramparts) and the Paroliamo initiative, a competition to find many words as possible from the many letters scattered in the middle of the courtyard, while the Castle will resound with poetry, literary fragments, sound effects for passers-by. A video-box will also be installed in the castle courtyards, where participants will be invited to leave a message and there will be a morning press round-up made by well-known journalists live in the BookCity café.

The animated ‘Talking streets’ will include a photographic exhibition with images of great writers in the windows of some of the most prestigious buildings, the Agora Expo space will host a workshop for research, exchange and innovation on one of the key issues for our life and the future of our planet: food. Expo 2015 will be at BookCity with a preview of some of the themes and projects of the upcoming Universal Exposition, which, from 1 May to 31 October 2015, will place Milan at the centre of the world. Inside the Castello Sforzesco there will be a dedicated space and a programme of meetings, workshops and games, for a foretaste of the great issues that will revolve around Expo 2015.

Also worthy of note: the Seat connection game, a treasure hunt played on the web, on smartphones, and in the city, a football tournament between writers, publishers, booksellers and librarians run by with a particular formula for participation: the price of admission will be a book. The title you decide to donate, along with all those brought by the other spectators, will be made into a collection of books to be made available to schools in Milan.

Radio 2 and Radio 3 will be at BookCity with live coverage from the City of Milan’s Urban Centre.

Unless otherwise indicated, all the events of BOOKCITY MILAN are free with admission subject to availability.

web site: | twitter: @BOOKCITYMILANO – # BCM13 | facebook: BookCity Milano

Mondadori Pubblicità launches Top News, on radio a new advertising format broadcast live, at the same time, on R101, Radio Italia, Radio Subasio and RadioNorba

A new communication opportunity for advertising clients in big impact slots, thanks to the inclusion of breaking news from TGCOM24
For the first time live at the same time on four radio stations

Mondadori Pubblicità today announced the launch of TOP NEWS, a new radio format involving an exclusive advertising break, lasting for a maximum of 90”, broadcast at the same time on R101 and Radio Italia solomusicaitaliana and two important local stations Radio Subasio and Radionorba, with an overall audience of 14 million listeners in a planning week.

The offer, which is planned to begin from Monday 21 October, will be positioned in radio time bands with a big impact in terms of audience and next to breaking news from TGCOM24, that for the first time will be broadcast live and at the same time also on radio, as well as on TV and in streaming on the web and mobile. This new advertising break from Mondadori Pubblicità will be on air at the same time on 4 stations, immediately after the TGCOM24 news bulletins at 8 am and 9 am, and 6 pm and 7 pm, guaranteeing advertising clients maximum coverage and an exclusive slot for their campaigns.

“With the TOP NEWS solution,” Paolo Salvaderi, general manager of Mondadori Pubblicità underlined, “our commercial offer will be enhanced by a very high quality product that guarantees clients big audience numbers, same-time broadcast on 4 radio stations and exclusive positioning next to the high quality and extraordinarily well known content of TGCOM24’s Breaking News. Initial reactions from the market have been extremely positive and the slots have already been sold-out for the first weeks,” Salvaderi concluded.

TGCOM24, the Mediaset Group’s All News platform, is the ideal partner for all the radio broadcasters involved in Mondadori Pubblicità’s Top News project. A multichannel, multimedia platform among the most authoritative in the world of news, TGCOM24 is a widely recognised brand in the world of Italian journalism with an All News service that operates 24-hours a day and is characterised by continuous updates and dynamic and professional presentation.

Mondadori: Ernesto Mauri appointed Chairman and Chief Executive of Mondadori Pubblicità

Company expresses its gratitude to Angelo Sajeva, who has decided to leave the Group, for his efforts over the years

The board of directors of Mondadori Pubblicità S.p.A. has appointed Ernesto Mauri as chairman and chief executive of the company following the resignation today of Angelo Sajeva.

Sajeva has decided to leave the company, in full agreement with the shareholder Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A., for personal reasons that the board has accepted with regret.

The board of directors is especially grateful to Angelo Sajeva for the extraordinary job he has done from 2007 to the present, with uncommon enthusiasm and determination.

Thanks to the definition of new targets and areas of interest, the optimisation and, at the same time, the extensive involvement of the sales network and the creation of new formats, Sajeva was able to successfully face very difficult market challenges and keep Mondadori Pubblicità in in a leadership position over these years in an extremely complex situation of publishing in general and advertising in particular.

For these reasons, Mondadori has expressed its deep gratitude to Angelo Sajeva, and offers him best wishes for new and brilliant successes in the future.

Mondadori International Business to sell advertising in Italy for Spain’s Prisa Group

From this month the sale of advertising in Italy for the titles of the Grupo Prisa, including El País and AS, will be exclusively handled by Mondadori International Business, the Mondadori Group company dedicated to international activities in the consumer magazine sector.

This operation is a further step in the company’s development process: in fact, with this acquisition Mondadori International Business, which is already strong in the management of advertising sales in the Italian market for the various editions of Grazia’s Network, will strengthen its role as an international advertising sales company also for third parties, following the inclusion in the portfolio in January 2013 of the American version of the magazine Robb Report.
The agreement with Prisa is in addition to the partnership, announced in July, for the launch this autumn in Spain of the magazine Icon, as a male lifestyle supplement to the daily El Paìs.

Prisa is Spain’s biggest company in media, training, culture and entertainment. With activities in 22 countries around the world, it boasts over 50 million users, thanks to a broad and diversified media offer that ranges from magazines to TV, radio and digital.

El País, launched in 1976 on the model of the French daily Le Monde, is currently published in three editions: one for the Spanish market, with sections dedicated to the different regions of the country, a European edition (in Spanish) and an international edition (in English).

Mondadori Pubblicità to sell national advertising for RadioNorba

The Mondadori Group’s advertising company expands in the radio sector, with an overall daily average of 9.3 million listeners

From this month national advertising sales for the radio station Radionorba will be exclusively conducted by Mondadori Pubblicità.

With this new acquisition the Mondadori Group’s advertising company continues the process of expansion in the radio market that began last April with the inclusion in the portfolio of Radio Italia solomusicaitaliana, followed in September by Radio Subasio.

This new addition will further strengthen Mondadori Pubblicità’s position in the sector with an offer of an overall daily average of 9.3 million listeners and 24.6 million over 7 days, net of duplications, and an extraordinary level of complementarity between the listeners of the different stations.

“Radionorba strengthens our radio offer and consolidates our leadership position in the market,” declared Angelo Sajeva, chairman and chief executive of Mondadori Pubblicità. “Just as Radio Subasio enabled us to increase our presence in central Italy, Radionorba offers an opportunity to reinforce our penetration in the south. This operation proves that our activities as a radio advertising sales company is clearly aimed at offering clients a consistent package to meet their needs, in fact we offer an authentic communication system that guarantees effective and efficient coverage for planning for all targets,” Sajeva concluded.

“Radionorba is one of the leading radio stations in the south of Italy and is continually growing, both in terms of audience and certified listeners, with a daily average of 705,000 listeners in the first half of 2013 (+24% compared with 2012),” declared Marco Montrone, chairman of Radionorba. “Our success is above all the result of the station’s ability to reflect the needs of the area and the credibility recognised by the audience, thanks also to 38 daily news bulletins. We are delighted with this new collaboration with Mondadori Pubblicità and we are sure that it will produce excellent results.”

Donna Moderna along with Trenitalia in support of the Frecciarosa initiative

For the entire month of October, special initiatives for women on trains

Donna Moderna, the weekly that is always on the side of women, is supporting the Frecciarosa initiative for a campaign to build awareness of issues concerning women’s health and rights promoted by the Italian railyway company (Gruppo FS Italiane) and IncontraDonna Onlus, with the patronage of the Ministry of Health.

For the entire month of October, on a number of Frecciarossa trains travelling between Rome and Milan, Donna Moderna will offer three special beauty services: “Fast & beauty”, a beauty consultant, in cooperation with Astra, on board the train to re-touch make-up before arrival; “Fast & Style”, a fashion blogger available to talk to passengers and offer style tips, and “Ritratti in Frecciarosa”, a Donna Moderna photographer will move up and down the train photographing women passengers, the resulting portraits will be sent via email and posted on a gallery on

These activities will take place on the Frecciarossa 9619 which leaves for Rome from Milano Centrale at 10 and the Frecciarossa 9634 departing from Roma Termini at 2 pm for Milan.

The first appointment with “Ritratti in Frecciarosa” will be on Monday 7 October 2013 and will continue every Monday for the rest of the month of October.

The “Fast & Beauty” consultant, meanwhile, will be available to passengers on every Tuesday of the month, starting on 8 October in the Business Salon of carriage 3. Every Thursday, from 10 October, the Business Salon of carriage 3 will be dedicated to style with “Fast & Style” encounters.