Month: December 2019

Disclosure on the purchase of treasury shares from 16 to 20 December 2019

Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. (LEI Code 815600049A1F9AFE6666) announces the purchase on the MTA (Electronic Stock Market), in the period from 16 to 20 December 2019, of no. 56,090 ordinary shares (equal to 0.021% of the share capital) at an average unit price of Euro 2.0663 for a total amount of Euro 115,897.83.

These transactions were made under the authorization to purchase treasury shares approved by the Shareholders’ Meeting on 17 April 2019 (previously disclosed pursuant also to art. 144 bis of Consob Regulation 11971/99, to art. 5 of Regulation (EU) 596/2014 and to art. 132 of Legislative Decree 58/98).

The following table details the purchases made per day in the above period of Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. ordinary shares, ISIN IT0001469383:

16/12/19 11,090 2.0581 22,824.33
17/12/19 15,000 2.0709 31,063.50
18/12/19 15,000 2.0743 31,114.50
19/12/19 15,000 2.0597 30,895.50

The purchases were made through the authorized intermediary Equita Sim S.p.A. (LEI Code 815600E3E9BFBC8FAA85).

Following the purchases made so far, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. holds no. 2,938,293 treasury shares, equal to 1.124% of the share capital and to 0.733% of the total amount of voting rights.

Purchases in detail in the complete pdf.

Mondadori Group: closing of the disposal of 5 magazines

Electa grows in art publishing with the acquisition of Abscondita

Rosanna Cappelli appointed managing director of Electa S.p.A.

Mondadori Store: new opening at the ELNÒS shopping mall

The Brescia area now has 7 bookstores

Mondadori Media S.p.A., the new brand development company of the Mondadori Group

From 1 January 2020, a new organizational setup built on brand enhancement from a multi-channel perspective

Disclosure on the purchase of treasury shares from 9 to 13 December 2019

Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. (LEI Code 815600049A1F9AFE6666) announces the purchase on the MTA (Electronic Stock Market), in the period from 9 to 13 December 2019, of no. 38,500 ordinary shares (equal to 0.015% of the share capital) at an average unit price of Euro 2.0562 for a total amount of Euro 79,164.79.

These transactions were made under the authorization to purchase treasury shares approved by the Shareholders’ Meeting on 17 April 2019 (previously disclosed pursuant also to art. 144 bis of Consob Regulation 11971/99, to art. 5 of Regulation (EU) 596/2014 and to art. 132 of Legislative Decree 58/98).

The following table details the purchases made per day in the above period of Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. ordinary shares, ISIN IT0001469383:

09/12/19 9,000 2.0718 18,646.20
10/12/19 3,500 2.0628 7,219.80
11/12/19 8,236 2.0655 17,011.46
12/12/19 9,764 2.0486 20,002.53
13/12/19 8,000 2.0356 16,284.80

The purchases were made through the authorized intermediary Equita Sim S.p.A. (LEI Code 815600E3E9BFBC8FAA85).

Following the purchases made so far, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. holds no. 2,882,203 treasury shares, equal to 1.102% of the share capital and to 0.719% of the total amount of voting rights.

Purchases in detail in the complete pdf.

LEO, a luminous artwork by Marco Lodola at the Mondadori Megastore in Piazza Duomo in Milan

With an artwork named after the great genius, Mondadori Store continues the city of Milan’s 2019 commemorations of the 500th anniversary of the death of Leonardo da Vinci.

Appropriately in the square that is the symbol of Milan, Piazza Duomo, an imposing luminous installation by Marco Lodola dominates the outside of the Mondadori Megastore LEO, which is the name of the artwork that Marco Lodola has dedicated to “Leonardo, an illuminated man”, features the face of the genius and with its universally recognised characteristics, his beard and, in an abstract manner, the powerful gaze which the artists expresses with luminous bands of coloured light that harmoniously intertwine symbolising the maestro’s infinite skills, the immensity of his work and the great significance of his discoveries.

The collaboration between Mondadori Store and the artist continues also in the collection “st’art. Art for everyone”, a project of the Mondadori Group’s bookshop chain the every month successfully promotes an exhibition of contemporary art.

The work inspired by Leonardo da Vinci leads on to a series of neon sculptures produced by Lodola and on display on the façade of the Mondadori Megastore in Piazza Duomo: from Eden (2015), a luminous dancer, and female symbol of an uncontaminated Eden, holding up a red apple, the colour of life and passion, to the celebrated head-butt by Zidane against Materazzi immortalised in a 3 metre-high installation in plexiglass and LED entitled Mio cugino (2016), in a clear reference to the popular Italian description of the French as “our cousins across the Alps”. And ending with LuminosaMente (2016), a large open book, symbol, symbolising reading, that for months has illuminated the centre of Milan.

Disclosure on the purchase of treasury shares from 2 to 6 December 2019

Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. (LEI Code 815600049A1F9AFE6666) announces the purchase on the MTA (Electronic Stock Market), in the period from 2 to 6 December 2019, of no. 52,000 ordinary shares (equal to 0.020% of the share capital) at an average unit price of Euro 2.1450 for a total amount of Euro 111,538.20.

These transactions were made under the authorization to purchase treasury shares approved by the Shareholders’ Meeting on 17 April 2019 (previously disclosed pursuant also to art. 144 bis of Consob Regulation 11971/99, to art. 5 of Regulation (EU) 596/2014 and to art. 132 of Legislative Decree 58/98).

The following table details the purchases made per day in the above period of Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. ordinary shares, ISIN IT0001469383:

02/12/19 10,000 2.1723 21,723.00
03/12/19 15,000 2.1319 31,978.50
04/12/19 9,000 2.1522 19,369.80
05/12/19 9,000 2.1494 19,344.60
06/12/19 9,000 2.1247 19,122.30


The purchases were made through the authorized intermediary Equita Sim S.p.A. (LEI Code 815600E3E9BFBC8FAA85).

Following the purchases made so far, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. holds no. 2,843,703 treasury shares, equal to 1.088% of the share capital and to 0.709% of the total amount of voting rights.

Purchases in detail in the complete pdf.

Notice on total amount of voting rights at 4 December 2019

Pursuant to art. 85-bis, paragraph 4-bis of CONSOB Regulation no. 11971 of 14 May 1999, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. announces today that, the requirements and conditions laid down by current legislation and the Bylaws being met, the increase in voting rights for 700 ordinary shares of the Company has become effective.

The total amount of voting rights, indicating the number of shares forming the share capital, is outlined below.

Updated situation Previous situation
Number of shares forming the share capital Number of voting rights Number of shares forming the share capital Number of voting rights
Total of which: 261,458,340 400,832,990 261,458,340 400,832,290
Ordinary shares ISIN IT0001469383 (with regular dividend entitlement: 1/01/2019) current coupon number: 21 122,083,690 122,083,690 122,084,390 122,084,390
Ordinary shares with increased voting right ISIN IT0005366684 (with regular dividend entitlement: 1/01/2019) current coupon number: 21 139,374,650 278,749,300 139,373,950 278,747,900

The Mondadori Group to export Focus Junior Play Lab to China

Agreements signed with Chic Investment Group and Xi’an International Fashion Town Construction & Development Co.

The Mondadori Group is exporting to China  in franchising the Focus Junior Play Lab format, the educational and play space for children aged from 3 to 11, developed  by the magazine that is a reference point in the world of kids.

The initiative is the result of an agreement signed with Chic Investment Group and a Memorandum of Understanding with Xi’an International Community Fashion Town Construction & Development Co.

For the first time Focus Junior will deliver, also at an international level, its educational offer and all of the know-how of the Italian brand that is the leader in its sector, in line with the philosophy that characterises the title: an “edutainment” approach, that aims to engage kids and stimulate their skills and capacities through the development of labs and activities to accompany them as they grow up.

The first three Focus Junior Play Labs will open up in China in 2020 in Xi’an, within the High Tech district of the Sino Italian Fashion Town, a new international complex that is being built around the ancient city of Xi’an, and in the cities of Nanjing, in the Kingmo shopping mall and Chongqing, in the Chic World Together shopping centre.

Through the Chic Investment Group, the management and investment company that is working to bring European brands of outstanding excellence to the entire country in the coming years, Focus Junior Play Lab will expand also to other cities in China, with the opening of 12 play labs in franchising within 3 years.

Focus Junior Play Lab will enhance the Asian market for services aimed at families: children and kids will be able to spend their time alternating between recreational activities and educational and learning projects aimed at stimulating manual dexterity, creativity and scientific thinking through numerous labs that will introduce them to topics related to science, art, mathematics and engineering in a fun, engaging and innovative way.

A result preceded by a series of institutional stages that took place in recent months: firstly, a meeting in China in November 2018, an event organised by the Italy-China Foundation at Palazzo Clerici in Milan and the visit of a delegation from the government of Xi’an to Palazzo Mondadori in Segrate in March this year. Cooperation activities in China will continue in the coming years with the introduction of new initiatives currently under development.

The new project is consistent with the objective of the Mondadori Group to  concentrate on its brand leaders with the best multi-platform development potential.

Focus Junior is a magazine dedicated to curious kids that is a brand extension of di Focus, the Mondadori Group magazine that is a point of reference in popular science and entertainment and is the nucleus of a multimedia system able to transform readers into authentic “inhabitants” of the world of Focus, right from the pre-school years. In print and on the web and social networks, and from a TV channels to events like Focus Live, organised around the country, the overall audience of the Focus system is around 6 million (Source: Nielsen MI assessment based on AW Mag 2019 figures, Audipress 2019.1).