Month: January 2018

Mondadori buys Design d’Autore

An international social system leader in design with 3.8 million fans on Facebook and 130,000 on Instagram

With this operation the design brands of the Group will amplify their audience on social media

Design D’Autore, the leading international social system for design is to become part of the portfolio of digital brands of the Mondadori Group, the biggest and most varied in Italy with an overall monthly audience of  around 16 million unique users.

Founded by architect and designer Ornella Sessa – who will continue to oversee the content with a careful search for and selection of international excellence in interior design, architecture, art, technology and innovation –Design D’Autore is made up of a team of designers and experts with a storytelling ability. The signature style is based on the highest aesthetic values, on emotional design and its many faceted aspects: innovative ideas and projects, stories of entrepreneurial excellence, market trends, new talents and much more.

Followed by more than 3.8 million fans on Facebook and 130,000 on Instagram, Design D’Autore reaches some 10 million people around the world and generates 2 million interactions and 5.4 million video views every month.

This operation is further confirmation of the growth path that Mondadori has chosen in the digital market. In fact, the acquisition of Design d’Autore will consolidate the Group’s positioning in the design and interiors sector, in which it is already the leader thanks to a hub featuring a number of authoritative and successful brands, including Icon Design and Interni, and will markedly expand the audience on social media with effective synergies between the upscale brands.

Moreover, with the inclusion of Design D’Autore in the Mondadori Group’s portfolio of brands, the advertising sales company Mediamond, is launching a new native advertising offer for design that will integrate the social system with editorial products, providing partners with new opportunities to increase the effectiveness of their communication and reaching also an international target of professionals and others.

GialloZafferano and leading starred chefs together in a successful project

GialloZafferano, Italy’s most popular cooking web site is celebrating the success of “Le ricette degli Chef” (“Recipes of the Chefs), the section of the site devoted to award-winning Italian chefs, pastry chefs, bread-makers and pizzaioli.

For the first time the biggest names in high-level Italian cooking have joined together in the publishing project of a cooking web site with the aim of sending out a message: the value of traditional Italian food and simplicity.

The chefs take users by the hand and – in video tutorials shot in the GialloZafferano kitchen – guide them through the preparation of a classic dish of Italian cooking, while recounting the stories, emotions, origins and tricks that only a great chef knows, to transform a simple recipe into a gourmet  dish.

Simplicity is fundamental, but it demands technique, study and professionalism, all things that are identified with the GialloZafferano style. A style that is fully reflected  in the “Ricette degli Chef”: dishes that are easy to prepare at home, with simple and easy to find ingredients, that enable everyone to cook with joy and pleasure.

The section “Le ricette degli Chef” already has a number if important contributors:

– Davide Oldani, 1* Michelin from the D’O restaurant in Cornaredo, with his Zafferano e Riso alla Milanese D’O, a lighter and gourmet reinterpretation of the classic risotto alla milanese;
– Iginio Massari, one of the world’s leading pastry chefs and TV personality, with his irresistible Tiramisù;
– Davide Scabin, 1* Michelin form the Combal.Zero restaurant, with a classic mayonnaise and old-style vitello tonnato;
– Alessandro Negrini, 2* Michelin and the creative soul of the renowned Milan restaurant “Il luogo di Aimo e Nadia” with pizzoccheri valtellinesi, a memory from his birthplace;
– Ernst Knam, the “King of Chocolate”, with his Sacher Tort and Red Velvet;
– Cristina Bowerman 1* Michelin, with her recipes for an American-style breakfast, omelette and omelette with vegetables;
– Sal de Riso, Master Pastry Chef, TV personality and the  “ambassador” of all that’s best from the Amalfi Coast, with his torta caprese, delizie al limone and torta paradiso;
– Franco Pepe, crowned as the world’s best pizzaiolo by the prestigious international guide “Where to eat Pizza” with pizzelle fritte and the pizza di scarola;
– The Master Pastry Chef, Alfonso Pepe, with his panettone, a national multi-award winner, a fascinating recipe that is also rather complex;
– Gabriele Bonci, one of Italy’s leading bakers with his secrets on how to create solid and liquid yeasts;
– Paolo Sacchetti, the Master Pastry Chef from the “Nuovo Mondo” in Prato, with mouth watering recipes for savoiardi and zabaione,
– Cesare Battisti, the chef of Ratanà in Milan, with roast pork loin and English roast beef;
– Fabio Abbattista, the successor of Gualtiero Marchesi s the head of the Albereta Relais & Chateaux in Erbusco with orecchiette alle cime di rapa, risotto ai funghi and fiori di zucca in pastella;
– directly from Paris, Denny Imbroisi, for many years the sous-chef of Alain Ducasse and now the owner of the Ida and Epoca restaurants, among the finalists of the TV programme for professionals Top Chef France with profiterol and tarte tatin;
– The chef Claudio Sadler, 1* Michelin for the Sadler restaurant, one of the leading interpreters of Italian cuisine, with the great classic costoletta alla milanese.

Given the positive response of users and the attention of the starred chefs for the GialloZafferano audience, the project will be enriched with more big names from the world of upscale Italian cooking to increasingly enhance the culinary assets of our great tradition.

According to the recent “Food media brands” survey, carried out by Human Highway, GialloZafferano,  the Mondadori Group’s food brand, is considered the “Top Of Mind” brand for 21% of Italians online and held by 39% to be “never again without” in the kitchen and the most used site for cooking.

The site has a monthly audience of 6.3 million unique users (Source: Audiweb Total Digital Audience, November 2017), a community of over one thousand blogs and 9 million fans on Facebook. A new version of the app with a range of new functions was released in December and is available from the iTunes and Google Play Stores, where it has recorded over 6 million downloads and 110,000 active daily users (Source: iTunes – Google Play Store – Google Analytics).

Every month it is also on newsstands with the magazine GialloZafferano.

Raffaele Leone new editor-in-chief of Panorama

Raffaele Leone is to step in on 1° February as new editor-in-chief of the magazine Panorama.

57, from Catania, Raffaele Leone started his career on the news desk of the daily La Sicilia. After that, he joined the editorial staff of the daily Indipendente and then moved to Il Giornale in 1994 where, among other things, he was chief news editor and head of the Rome editorial staff, until becoming central chief editor. In 2006, he was appointed deputy editor-in-chief of Grazia. Since 2007, he has been deputy editor-in-chief of Panorama, and was named executive deputy editor-in-chief in 2009.

The Mondadori Group wishes to extend its heartfelt thanks to Giorgio Mulè – who has decided to embark on a new personal endeavour – for the passion, enthusiasm, outstanding professional qualities and spirit of innovation that has driven his work for 20 years in Segrate.

Grazia is the media partner of Medusa Film for the preview of the film ‘Made in Italy’

Grazia, the Mondadori Group magazine edited by Silvia Grilli, is the media partner of Medusa Film for the preview of ‘Made in Italy’, directed by Luciano Ligabue, in cinemas from 25 January.

Always a supporter to exclusive events linked to the big screen, Grazia will be present at a preview of the film, which stars Stefano Accorsi and Kasia Smutniak.
The event (which will take place at 8.30 pm on Tuesday 23 January at  the Odeon cinema in Milan) will also be attended by the director and the full cast.
This exclusive evening will be introduced by Giampaolo Letta, chief executive of Medusa, and Silvia Grilli.

Appointments related to the world of cinema are part of an extensive calendar of events celebrating the 80th anniversary of Grazia. As an interpreter of Italian fashion and style and the most qualified point of reference for Made in Italy, during 2018, Grazia will celebrate this important anniversary together with its loyal readers, celebrities, the world of fashion and beauty that surrounds the magazine, as well s the advertising clients that have always believed in this historic brand.

Mondadori Store presents “MyStore”

A new digital assistant developed by Mauden provides customised content and advice thanks to augmented intelligence

 Mondadori Store, Italy’s most extensive network of bookshops, presents a new tool to serve customers: MyStore, a digital assistant that can suggest content and provide customised advice thanks to the use of sophisticated analytics.

MyStore is in the form of a totem with an interactive multi-touch screen with which customers can interact rapidly and intuitively in order to receive highly personalised suggestions for purchases and gifts. MyStore uses GetInTouch software, an interactive cognitive content presenter developed by Mauden, one of the most engaged information technology companies involved in digital innovation. This solution exploits the augmented intelligence of the IBM Watson, a cognitive system able to elaborate an enormous quantity of data.

“With MyStore we are the first Italian retailer to introduce a service based on this kind of technology, a solution that will offer our customers a new way of exploring the Mondadori Store catalogue inside the stores,” declaredFrancesco Riganti, marketing director of Mondadori Retail. “The search function has been designed to be as personalised as possible and is based on the preferences of customers, also as reflected on social media, which makes possible new and more sophisticated profiling that can learn continuously learn from the history of interactions. This is why we have decided to partner with two companies like Mauden and IBM that, in recent years, have developed the most important cognitive solutions.”

The three functions on MyStore are MyBook, MyGift and MyFinder.

MyBook helps customers to find the right book thanks to a cognitive analysis based on the customers’ profile. By accessing from your Facebook account, the totem elaborates your preferences through a multichoice function based on books, music and films to identify the users’ tastes. The selection will then be combined with the Mondadori Store lists and data not protected by privacy on Facebook, such as pages followed, date of birth, friends lists, etc. In this way the system generates a “Chosen for you” list, with suggested titles from MyStore.
Users can also add books seen to a list of favourites, in the “Discover products” section, any time they access MyStore.

MyGift makes it possible to find the best book to give as a gift. Also in this case it is possible to profile the recipient by selecting titles and, consequently, also the type of books preferred which, together with the Mondadori Store lists, create a new “MyGift” list with the ideal books to select to give as a gift.

MyFinder enables customers to find products on sale in stores such as books, CDs and DVDs, with information about prices, pictures of the products and the area of the store where they can be found. This function enables customers to search for products by name and fro books a funtion will also be included to search using the ISBN.

The MyStore service, available for the first time in Italy, is active in the Mondadori Megastores in Piazza Duomo and via Marghera in Milan, and at the Mondadori Bookstore in Via Appia Nuova in Rome.


Strategies & technologies for inclusion

Wednesday 17 January 2018 in the Samsung District in Milan a conference to discuss dyslexia in the workplace, with the patronage of AID, FID and the City of Milano.

The weekly Donna Moderna is the media partner of the initiative

In Italy around 3% of children and teenagers are dyslexic. Dyslexia is considered as a Specific Learning Disorder and has been recognised by Italian law (n. 170 of 8 October 2010) which defines the condition, protects the right to study of sufferers and provides guidelines for schools on teaching methods. After years of research, much progress has been made, but after school-age how is inclusion guaranteed in the working world? Are companies prepared to deal with the issue?

In order to create a space to discuss the problem, on Wednesday 17 January, at 4.30 pm, at the Smart Arena in the prestigious Samsung District in Milan, a conference has been arranged with the title “Strategies and technologies for inclusion”, with the patronage of AID (Associazione Italiana Dislessia), FID (Fondazione Italiana Dislessia) and the City of Milan. Donna Moderna, the Mondadori Group women’s weekly, edited by Annalisa Monfreda, is the media partner of the initiative.

The aim is to create an opportunity to promote and spread a culture of inclusion.. Sergio Messina, specialist in child neuropsychiatry and Chairman of the Italian Dyslexia Association (AID) declared: “There is still a great deal of work to do to encourage the educational and social inclusion of dyslexics, but the Association has already done a great deal and, in the last 20 years, achieved important results, including the approval of legislation , the first to recognise and protect the right to study, also through the use of compensatory tools.”

The focus of the conference will be on consolidated experience in education and the workplace in Italy, with a panorama of the international scenario and specific reference to the situation in the English-speaking world.

Examples of virtuous inclusion, in which technology plays a leading role. “The aim of Samsung is to improve the experience and lives of people thought cutting-edge solutions able to inspire the world: our priorities include making all of our technological know-how available to society in order to meet the widest range of needs. We are aware how much technology can be a powerful tool for emancipation and social inclusion, and we have direct experience through many projects that we have developed in recent years, such as our Schools in Hospitals activities,” commented Antonio Bosio, Product & Solutions Director at Samsung Electronics Italy.

But technology alone is not enough. It is “a  tool” to help dyslexics to overcome their difficulties, but the real driver of change is the right information.

This is why  Donna Moderna, a  magazine that has always been sensitive to social issues, covers the dyslexia issue with ad hoc projects (like the longform piece on its website produced in collaboration with Lancôme and AID) and its support for the idea behind the conference. “Dyslexia affects some 2 million people and 350,000 families of school-age children in Italy. The families are often faced with conflicting diagnoses, teachers that often do not have adequate tools to support dyslexic children and the children themselves who suffer also from authentic crises of self-esteem by being misunderstood, not being involved in projects to promote inclusion and not being appreciated,” said  the editor of Donna Moderna, Annalisa Monfreda.

The conference is the result of an idea by Gabriella Schiavone, curator of the “around dyslexia” section of the literary competition “Una Città Che Scrive” (A City that Writes), conceived by Giovanni Nappi. In its 2018 edition, the competition, which was born in Casalnuovo di Napoli, has a special section for specific learning disorders. “The power of writing emerges in all of the stages of our competition. In “Una Città Che Scrive”, writing becomes an opportunity for individual and social  redemption; a form of cultural inclusiveness. With its Special Section for Dyslexia, and separate efforts for our autistic friends and a painting competition reserved only for them, we are attempting to respect the noblest principles of social inclusion, “declared Giovanni Nappi.

Speakers include, Pierfrancesco Majorino, Head of Social Policy, Health and Rights of the City of Milan, IBM Italia and Axia, among the first companies in Italy to have adopted a “Dyslexia Friendly” label. The conference speakers also include the creators and supporters of the EasyReading font that ensures readability for all, including dyslexics. Consequently, all of the material distributed during the conference on Wednesday 17 January will use this highly accessible font.

There will also be contributions from teachers and researchers, as well as direct testimonials from brilliant young students who have entered the world of work.

A limited number of places for a robotics laboratory using augmented communication methods will also be available for children.

Although the event is free, there are a limited number of places. To register please sign up at:

Corporate calendar 2018

Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. today announced – as per Art. 2.6.2 of the regulations governing markets organised and managed by Borsa Italiana S.p.A. – the corporate events scheduled for 2018:

  • Tuesday 13 March 2018: meeting of the Board of Directors for the approval of the Annual Report for the year ended 31 December 2017;
  • Thursday 10 May 2018: meeting of the Board of Directors for the approval of the 1st Quarter Report to 31 March 2018;
  • Tuesday 31 July 2018: meeting of the Board of Directors for the approval of the Interim Report to 30 June 2018;
  • Thursday 8 November 2018: meeting of the Board of Directors for the approval of the 3rd Quarter Report to 30 September 2018.

The Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders for the approval of the Annual Report for the year ended 31 December 2017 will be held on first calling on Tuesday 24 April 2018.

Analysts’ presentations of the results for the full year to 31 December 2017, the interim report to 30 June 2018 and the reports on the first and third quarters of 2018 will be held on the dates, as indicated above, of the respective meetings of the Board of Directors.

Any eventual changes will be promptly communicated to the market.

Mention should be made that Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A., as a company listed on the STAR segment of Borsa Italiana, will publish the interim reports on operations at 31 March 2018 and at 30 September 2018 – pursuant to art. 2.2.3, par. 3, of the Borsa Italiana Regulations – within 45 days after the end of the first, third and fourth quarters of the year (with exemption from the publication of the interim report on the fourth quarter if the annual financial report, together with the other documents referred to in art. 154 – ter, par. 1, of the Finance Consolidation Act, is made available within 90 days after year end). The interim reports on operations will be made available, in accordance with current regulations, at the Company’s registered office, on the Company’s website (Investors section), and through the authorized storage mechanism (, together with the relating press releases.

Darker: Fifty Shades of Black as told by Christian

After Grey‘s success, E L James returns to the bookshop with Darker, the events of Fifty Shades told from Christian Grey’s point of view. A deeper and darker version of the love story that has fascinated millions of readers worldwide, published in Italy by Mondadori.


Their scorching, sensual affair ended in heartbreak and recrimination, but Christian Grey cannot get Anastasia Steele out of his mind, or his blood. Determined to win her back, he tries to suppress his darkest desires and his need for complete control, and to love Ana on her own terms.

But the horrors of his childhood still haunt him, and Ana’s scheming boss, Jack Hyde, clearly wants her for himself.  Can Christian’s confidant and therapist, Dr. Flynn, help him face down his demons? Or will the possessiveness of Elena, his seducer, and the deranged devotion of Leila, his former submissive, drag Christian down into the past?

And if Christian does win Ana back, can a man so dark and damaged ever hope to keep her?

Darker, E L James

“Fire and Fury. Inside the Trump White House”: soon in Italy for Rizzoli

On February 13, Rizzoli publishes “Fire and Fury”, the publishing phenomenon of this beginning of the year.

The book, which was released in the USA on January 5 and initially sold in 150,000 copies, has already reached 1.1 million paper copies sold out – with readers queuing up at night in front of bookshops as in Harry Potter’s day – as well as hundreds of thousands of copies in ebooks and the audio version.

In England, in just a few days and even before its arrival in the bookshop on January 10, the print run reached 400,000 copies and there are already more than 20 countries that have acquired publishing rights. In France the volume, as announced today by Le Figaro, will be released on February 22nd for Laffont.

Lies? It’s all true,”says Wolff, who initially imagined the book as an account of the first 100 days at the White House to be published one year after the beginning of Trump’s presidency and then, unexpectedly, had access to the President and most senior members of his staff, including Steve Bannon, for a total of 18 months (the first interview took place in May 2016), becoming a” constant intruder “.

Michael Wolff, 64, an American author, essayist, and journalist, and a regular columnist and contributor to USA Today, The Hollywood Reporter, and the UK edition of GQ, has already stirred up a sensation with a biography on Rupert Murdoch (2007, The Man Who Owns the News).

Fuoco e furia, Michael Wolff

Grazia “Young since 1938”

The magazine starts 2018 with an issue entirely dedicated to younger generations

Francesca Michielin is the first protagonist of a series of events celebrating the 8oth anniversary of the Mondadori brand

Grazia, the Mondadori Group magazine that is the interpreter of Italian fashion and style and the most qualified point of reference for Made in Italy, this year celebrates its 80th anniversary. In order to mark this important milestone a series of events and projects will take place during 2018 to engage loyal readers, celebrities, the world of fashion and beauty that revolves around the title, and the advertising clients who have always believed in this historic brand.

“We have been young, curious and cosmopolitan since 1938. We have never lost confidence in the power of the printed page,” declared editor-in-chief Silvia Grilli. “We have never thought of the internet and social media as enemies. On the contrary, we have always believed that a combination of print and the web can achieve bigger and cross-generational objectives. The strength of Grazia has been its capacity to be handed down from mother to daughter, from fathers to sons, adding freshness and vitality every week, every day, every moment, “ Grilli concluded.

Young since 1938, with the figure 8 turned to represent the infinite loop, is the slogan chosen to celebrate Grazia’s 8oth birthday. An iconic cross-generational brand, that is both completely Italian and cosmopolitan, with 24 editions around the world.

The first event marking the beginning of the celebrations features Francesca Michielin as the protagonist in an exclusive showcase. The singer-songwriter, born in 1995, who is setting of on tour on 17 March from Fabrique in Milan, will open an evening entitled The Millennials’ Night, on Thursday 11 January, the eve of the release of her new album “2640”.

At the same time, a special issue of Grazia will hit the newsstands entirely dedicated to generations Y and Z, those born between the end of the 198os and the beginning of 2000s: those who are always connected, without borders and that consider diversity an strength. Like the young people who have put together this issue, which begins with an interview with Francesca Michielin and features contributions from Aurora Ramazzotti; Valentina Ferragni, fashion influencer and sister of Chiara; Benji&Fede; Italian champion skier Sofia Goggia; Danish blogger Sophia Roe; YouTuber Sofia Viscardi; and it-girl Luna Bonaccorsi. Plus a behind-the-scenes look at the dancers of Maria De Filippi’s Amici, dressed and photographed by the Grazia editorial team. In the fashion section readers will find the style trends of the fashion influencers and it-girls, .while the beauty pages will outline the beauty trends that appeal to the new generations: sparkling masks, pink hair, crystal manicures and fitness disciplines that mix different specialities.

The freshness, contemporary feel and strength of Grazia are confirmed by the magazines circulation figures (over 164,000 copies), an increase of 7.6% (ADS January-October 2017 compared with January-October 2016); readership data (702.000 readers) up by 2% (Audipress 2017-II compared with 2017-I) and web traffic (1,284,000 unique users) which recorded an increase of 48% (Audiweb TDA October 2017  compared with October 2016).

This enables the brand to reach a total monthly net audience of 3.2 million contacts (Mediamond calculation based on data from Audipress 2017-2 and Audiweb TDA October 2017).