Month: November 2018

Disclosure on the purchase of treasury shares from 19 to 23 November 2018

Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. (LEI Code 815600049A1F9AFE6666) announces the purchase on the MTA (Electronic Stock Market), in the period from 19 to 23 November 2018, of no. 16,000 ordinary shares (equal to 0.006% of the share capital) at an average unit price of Euro 1.3380 for a total amount of Euro 21,408.40.

These transactions were made under the authorization to purchase treasury shares approved by the Shareholders’ Meeting on 24 April 2018 (previously disclosed pursuant also to art. 144 bis of Consob Regulation 11971/99 and to art. 132 of Legislative Decree 58/98).

The following table details the purchases made per day in the above period of Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. ordinary shares, ISIN IT0001469383:

19/11/2018 3,000 1.3667 4,100.10
20/11/2018 3,000 1.3067 3,920.10
21/11/2018 3,000 1.3167 3,950.10
22/11/2018 3,500 1.3351 4,672.85
23/11/2018 3,500 1.3615 4,765.25

The purchases were made through the authorized intermediary Equita Sim S.p.A. (LEI Code 815600E3E9BFBC8FAA85).

Following the purchases made so far, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. holds no. 1,312,700 treasury shares, equal to 0.502% of the share capital.

Purchases in detail in the complete pdf.

Interni at the Salone del Mobile.Milano Shangai

Together with Interni China the design talk “Icon Architects - 100 international stories and visions” and a preview presentation of the book “Icon Architects”

On the occasion of the Salone del Mobile.Milano Shanghai  (22 – 24 November 2018) the brand INTERNI will present the design talk ICON ARCHITECTS – 100 International Stories and Visions.

The event, organised by INTERNI China and INTERNI,  will propose the perspectives of a number of leading Italian and international architects who, as well as designing prestigious buildings around the world, have applied their approach to objects and created some of the most representative of Italian design products.

Icon Architects, the fourth volume in the Serie Oro of INTERNI, dedicated to 100 Italian and international architects, will be presented for the first time in Shanghai and will ideally extend the account of Italian design begun 2014 with the volume celebrating the magazine’s first 60 years, followed in 2016 with the collectors’ edition 500 Italian Design Icons Still in Production and in 2017 by Icon Makers.

The protagonists of the conversation Icon Architects – 100 International Stories and Visions, which will take place on Friday 23 November at 2.00 pm at the Shanghai Exhibition Centre (Dome Hall – Piazza Italiana), will beYang Dongjiang (editor-in-chief INTERNI China and professor at the Academy Art and Design of Tsinghua University) Gilda Bojardi (editor-in-chief of INTERNI), Carola Bestetti (Head of Marketing and Communications at Living Divani), Aldo Cibic (architect and founder of Cibic Workshop), Aric Chen (Curator-at-large of M+ – Museum for visual culture in Hong Kong) and Carlotta de Bevilacqua (Vice President and CEO of the Artemide Group).

 The international guests, representing the worlds of business, publishing and education, will take part in a debate on the role of designers and architects in contemporary society, on the current relationship between the two disciplines and on the new perspectives on the ways in which the culture of design seems to have shifted.

For full details please go

Disclosure on the purchase of treasury shares from 12 to 16 November 2018

Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. (LEI Code 815600049A1F9AFE6666) announces the purchase on the MTA (Electronic Stock Market), in the period from 12 to 16 November 2018, of no. 22,000 ordinary shares (equal to 0.008% of the share capital) at an average unit price of Euro 1.5107 for a total amount of Euro 33,235.10.

These transactions were made under the authorization to purchase treasury shares approved by the Shareholders’ Meeting on 24 April 2018 (previously disclosed pursuant also to art. 144 bis of Consob Regulation 11971/99 and to art. 132 of Legislative Decree 58/98).

The following table details the purchases made per day in the above period of Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. ordinary shares, ISIN IT0001469383:

12/11/2018 3,500 1.5769 5,519.15
13/11/2018 3,500 1.5997 5,598.95
14/11/2018 5,000 1.5456 7,728.00
15/11/2018 5,000 1.4836 7,418.00
16/11/2018 5,000 1.3942 6,971.00


The purchases were made through the authorized intermediary Equita Sim S.p.A. (LEI Code 815600E3E9BFBC8FAA85).

Following the purchases made so far, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. holds no. 1,296,700 treasury shares, equal to 0.496% of the share capital.

Purchases in detail in the complete pdf.

Giovanni Francesio appointed as Mondadori’s new head of Italian Fiction

Giovanni Francesio will today take over editorial responsibility for Italian Fiction at the Mondadori publishing house, reporting directly to the editorial director Francesco Anzelmo.

In addition to Italian fiction, the other areas that report to Anzelmo are Foreign Fiction and Young Adults, Non Fiction, Miscellaneous, Paperbacks and Classics.

Born in Mantua in 1970, Giovanni Francesio graduated from the University of Bologna with a dissertation on Leopardi and Tasso.
He began his publishing career at Piemme in 2004 as editorial director, subsequently covering other roles in the company, including general manager.
From 2012 to 2014 he was editorial director of Piemme and Sperling & Kupfer, while, from 2015 to 2018 Francesio has been editorial director of Frassinelli, a position that will be given ad interim to Stefano Peccatori, general manager of Sperling & Kupfer, Piemme and Mondadori Electa.

BoD approves interim management statement at 30.09.2018

The Interim Management Statement at 30.09.2018 has been prepared in accordance with IFRS 5, presenting the figures for Mondadori France under “Profit (loss) from discontinued operations” [1]

  • Consolidated revenue from continuing operations € 658.1 million[2]: -6.9% versus € 707.1 million at 30.09.2017
  • Adjusted EBITDA[3] from continuing operations € 62.8 million: +3.2% versus € 60.8 million at 30.09.2017
  • Profit from continuing operations € 15.8 million versus € 25.5 million at 30.09.2017, which had included extraordinary gains and lower restructuring costs.The figure grows by 3% in the third quarter versus the same period of 2017. As a result of the fair value adjustment of French operations, amounting to € -198.1 million, the figure at 30.09.2018 drops into negative territory to € -181.5 million versus € 31.2 million at 30.09.2017
  • Group net financial position improves by 18% reaching € -209.3 million versus € -256 million at 30.09.2017


  • High single-digit drop in consolidated revenue;
  • Slight increase in adjusted EBITDA;
  • Profit from continuing operations down by approximately € 7 million due to higher negative non-ordinary items;
  • Cash flow from ordinary operations around € 50 million (€ 55/60 million including discontinued operations)

[1] In 2018, “Profit (loss) from discontinued operations” includes the net result of Mondadori France in the first nine months of the current year, together with the recognition of the fair value adjustment of the assets being sold, in line with the negotiations currently underway, previously measured at value in use. The item also includes intercompany financial expense relating to Mondadori France. The “adjusted result from continuing operations” therefore differs in this amount from the result from continuing operations shown in the financial statements attached to this Statement (€ -193.3 million in 9M 2018 and € 12.8 million in 9M 2017, in accordance with IFRS 5). For the sake of comparison, figures for the first nine months of 2017 have been restated accordingly.

[2] Beginning from 1 January 2018 (and to provide a consistent presentation, also for 2017), the Mondadori Group has adopted the new IFRS 15 – Revenue from Contracts with Customers – revenue recognition standard.

The new IFRS 15 presents revenue and costs differently, with no effect on EBITDA. Beginning from 2018, the result generated by associates (consolidated at equity), previously classified in adjusted EBITDA, is shown under EBIT; for consistency, 2017 has been reclassified accordingly.

[3] This document, in addition to the statements and conventional financial measures required by IFRS, presents a number of reclassified statements and alternative performance measures in order to better evaluate the operating and financial performance of the Group, the definition of which is explained in the section “Glossary of terms and alternative performance measures used”.

Today, the meeting of the Board of Directors of Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A., chaired by Marina Berlusconi, reviewed and approved the Interim Management Statement at 30 September 2018 presented by CEO Ernesto Mauri.

On 27 September 2018, as disclosed to the market, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. began exclusive negotiations with Reworld Media SA, in order to carry out the customary activities aimed at the possible disposal of the subsidiary Mondadori France SAS.

The transaction, which is in line with the Group’s strategy to refocus on the more solid business of Books, will help increase the availability of financial resources and support the strategic lines of development and the competitiveness of its core businesses, also through potential new investments.

At the reference date of this Interim Management Statement, as the activities leading up to the disposal are in progress, and the Directors have considered the requirements of the international accounting standards met, the transaction is classified as a discontinued operation, in accordance with IFRS 5, given that the successful outcome of the negotiations would imply an exit by the Mondadori Group from the French magazine publishing market.

In the first nine months of 2018, the Mondadori Group, net of the French assets held for sale, recorded a 3.2% increase in adjusted EBITDA versus the prior year, in line with the scheduled operating plans, and improving significantly in the performance of the Books Area.

In the period under review, the Magazines Italy Area recorded restructuring and reorganization costs functional to the structural reduction in operating costs, as well as the disposal of non-strategic and non-profitable businesses (including the disposal of Inthera and the Panorama newsmagazine business units).

This trend, together with the enduring positive performance of cash generation from ordinary operations, makes the achievement of the targets set and disclosed for the whole 2018 financial year increasingly feasible.

Consolidated revenue from continuing operations in the first nine months of 2018 amounted to € 658,1 million, down by 6.9% versus the prior year, due mainly to the performance of Magazines Italy, attributable to the persisting negative trends of the relevant markets, in terms of both circulation and advertising.

Including the positive results of Mondadori France in the period under review, consolidated revenue would have amounted to € 884.5 million, dropping by 7.2% versus the prior year, while total adjusted EBITDA would have come to € 78.4 million, increasing by 1% versus the figure at 30 September 2017.

Adjusted EBITDA from continuing operations in the period under review came to € 62.8 million, up by 3.2% versus the prior year (€ 60.8 million) – with a percentage on revenue growing from 8.6% to 9.5% and with different trends reported by the various businesses:

  • the Books Area reported a sharp rise in the period, driven by further operating efficiencies in both the Trade and Educational segments;
  • the Retail Area saw a gradual improvement as a result of the rationalization of directly-managed stores, especially of Megastores;
  • the Magazines Italy Area fell in the first half, while in the third quarter the ongoing actions to cut operating and structural costs, and the disposal of non-profitable businesses, fully mitigated the effects of the decline in revenue triggered by the trend of the traditional markets.

The Group also continued with its effective measures to curb fixed overheads, which reduced their impact on revenue from 8.4% to 7.9%.

Consolidated EBITDA decreased from € 63.2 million in the prior year to € 53 million. The downturn reflects:

  • less positive non-ordinary items versus the first 9 months of 2017, which had benefited from gains of approximately € 4 million from the disposal of a property;
  • a loss (approximately € 2 million) by the Magazines Italy Area, due to the disposal of Inthera;
  • higher restructuring costs in the period for the Magazines Italy Area, functional to the reorganization and revision of the operating and overhead costs structure.

Consolidated EBIT at 30 September 2018 amounted to € 37.5 million versus € 47.8 million at 30 September 2017, due to the dynamics of the above non-ordinary items, and includes amortization, depreciation and write-downs of € 15.5 million, in line with the prior year.

The consolidated profit before taxes came to approximately € 25.6 million and includes:

  • the sharp drop in financial expense (from € 4.9 to € 2.1 million), as a result of an average interest rate that is half the prior year (from 4% to 2.01%), and of a lower average net debt;
  • a negative performance by associates (consolidated at equity), down from € -2.2 million to € -9.9 million, due in particular to Mach2 Libri, active in the distribution of books in the Large Retailers channel and put into liquidation in 2018.

The overall tax burden for the period came to a negative € 9.8 million versus € 15.3 million in 2017.

Adjusted profit from continuing operations therefore amounted to € 15.8 million versus € 25.5 million at 30 September 2017.

In the third quarter, an adjustment of € 198.1 million was made to the fair value of Mondadori France, the company being sold, in line with the current negotiations underway, previously valued at value in use.

Accordingly, the adjusted net result from discontinued operations came to € -195.7 million (a profit of € 7.7 million in the first nine months of 2017, which had benefited from the gains from the disposal of NaturaBuy, amounting to € 3.7 million, net of tax effects) including € 2.4 million from the result of Mondadori France.

The net result of the Group, following the fair value adjustement of French operations, came to € -181.5 million versus € 31.2 million at 30 September 2017.

The Group’s net financial position at 30 September 2018 improved by approximately 18% to end at € -209.3 million versus € -256 million at 30 September 2017, due to the positive cash generation of the Group of approximately € 47 million.

Cash flow from ordinary operations (after outlays for financial expense, management of investments and taxes for the period) – which includes the cash flow generated by discontinued operations – amounted to € 64.8 million (of which € 11.3 million from discontinued operations), confirming the strong path of cash generation and financial improvement of the Group.

Cash flow from non-ordinary operations came to a negative figure of approximately € 18 million, of which € 4.8 million from discontinued operations, and includes mainly restructuring costs and a negative balance of acquisitions/disposals.

At 30 September 2018, Group employees amounted to 2,930 units (of whom 733 from Mondadori France), down by approximately 4% from 3,053 units at 30 September 2017, as a result mainly of the disposal of the subsidiary Inthera, despite the acquisition of Direct Channel, and of the ongoing restructuring and efficiency improvement measures involving each of the Group’s business areas. Net of these discontinuities, the drop would have been around 2.6%.

Consolidated revenue from continuing operations in third quarter 2018 amounted to approximately € 267.2 million, down by 10.6% versus € 298.8 million in the prior year, attributable to both the Magazines Italy Area and the Books Area, whose performance in the quarter under review was affected by unfavourable timing in the Educational segment and by the presence in the Trade segment in 2017 of the publication of the titles by Ken Follett and Dan Brown, bestsellers of the year.

Adjusted EBITDA from continuing operations in third quarter 2018 amounted to € 50.7 million, basically steady versus € 51.1 million in the same period of 2017, despite the different scheduling of revenue in the Books Area versus last year, and reflects the effects of the constant improvement of the Group’s operations.

In the Magazines Italy Area, the lower drop in overall revenue, triggered by the trend of the traditional markets, as a result of the benefits arising from portfolio review actions, and of the reduction in operating and structural costs, helped regain € 0.3 million on the third quarter of 2017 (from € -3 million to € -2.7 million).

At a consolidated level, in the quarter under review, the percentage margin on revenue increased from 17.1% in 2017 to 19% in 2018.

The trend of consolidated EBITDA from continuing operations (from € 51.3 million to € 49.5 million) reflects higher negative non-recurring items recorded in the quarter versus the same period of 2017.

The Group’s adjusted profit from continuing operations in the third quarter of the current year (€ 29.5 million) was approximately 3% higher than in the same period of 2017, due to a further reduction in the tax burden.

In light of the discontinuity produced by the French operations, the current relevant context and operations in the first nine months of the year, estimates for 2018, previously disclosed to the market, show for the scope of continuing operations:

  • a slight increase in adjusted EBITDA,
  • profit from continuing operations reduced by approximately € 7 million over the entire year versus 2017, due to higher negative non-ordinary items.
  • cash flow from ordinary operations in the year of around € 50 million (€ 55/60 million including discontinued operations).

Versus the previous estimate, the consolidated revenue is expected to fall by a high single-digit percentage versus the prior year, due mainly to the performance of Magazines Italy, triggered by the negative trends of the relevant markets.


In the first nine months of the year, the Trade Books market was basically steady versus the same period of the prior year (-0.4%)[1].

The Mondadori Group retains its leadership with an overall 27.4% market share, with 5 titles appearing in the list of the top ten bestsellers in terms of value.

Revenue from the Books Area in the first nine months of 2018 amounted to € 339.6 million, down by 4.9% overall versus € 357.2 million in the same period of 2017, due to the expected decline in the Trade Area, attributable mainly to the drop in the Large Retailers channel and the presence in third quarter 2017 of the bestsellers by D. Brown and K. Follett.

The new titles include the publication from 27 September of Un Capitano, by Francesco Totti with Paolo Condò (Rizzoli), which sold 100,000 copies in October alone.

In the first nine months of 2018, the Educational Area achieved revenue of € 199.4 million, up by 1.2% versus the same period of 2017 (€ 197 million), driven by the positive performance of school textbooks.

Adjusted EBITDA for the Books Area amounted to € 68 million, improving by 9% versus the same period of 2017, due to the ongoing operating efficiencies, and to the different revenue mix of the Education Area.

EBITDA amounted to € 66.8 million, in line with the trend of adjusted EBITDA (€ 62 million at 30 September 2017).

At 30 September 2018, the market share of Mondadori Retail in the Books segment (approximately 80% of revenue[2]) stood at 14.6%.

Revenue amounted to € 129.3 million, down slightly (approximately -2.5%) versus € 132.6 million in the same period of the prior year.

The analysis by channel shows the following:

  • a 2.5% increase by directly-managed bookstores, driven by the positive performance of Books (-2.5% on a like-for-like basis in terms of stores);
  • a positive +1% performance by Franchised bookstores; the channel continued to strengthen in the period (-0.4% on a like-for-like basis in terms of stores);
  • a 10.9% drop by Megastores, due not only to the shrinking sales in Consumer Electronics, but also to the closure of two stores (+0.3% the Books category on a like-for-like basis in terms of stores);
  • a slight drop in the online segment (-3.5%).

In the first nine months of the year, Mondadori Retail’s adjusted EBITDA improved by € 0.6 million to reach € -3.4 million versus € -3.9 million at 30 September 2017, as a result of the project to rationalize directly-managed stores, specifically in the Megastores channel, and of greater management efficiency.

EBITDA came to € -3.7 million, rebounding versus the nine months of 2017 (€ -4.6 million), as a result of lower restructuring costs.

In Italy, against the sharp fall of the market in the first eight months of the year, the Mondadori Group retained its leadership with a 30.9% share[3].

Revenue amounted to € 216.1 million, down by 11.3% versus € 243.6 million in the same period of the prior year, due also to the sharp drop in add-on sales.[4] Net of the disposal of Inthera in May, the decline would have come to 9.7%.

Circulation revenue (newsstands + subscriptions) was down by 10.5%, affected by the rather poor trend of Panorama (sold effective from 1 November 2018) and of the kitchen segment, which had benefited in 2017 from the launch of Giallo Zafferano.

Advertising revenue (print + web) fell by 4.3%: the web grew by approximately 7% (versus the market’s 4%[5]) as a result of a series of co-marketing initiatives, while print advertising sales were basically in line with the segment[6]. The percentage of digital advertising sales on the total increased to 30.5%.

In the period under review, the Mondadori Group retained its position as Italy’s top publisher also in the digital segment, leader in the high-value vertical segments such as women, food, wellness, fashion and education, with a total audience of 27.9 million/month[7], up by 19% versus 2017.

In the first nine months of the year, adjusted EBITDA from the Magazines Italy Area reported a negative trend, dropping by € 3.9 million versus 2017.

The third quarter saw a partial recovery (€ +0.3 million) from the trend of the first six months.

The Area’s reported EBITDA (€ -6.2 million versus € 4.6 million in the first nine months of 2017) reflects higher restructuring costs recorded in the period from the necessary accelerated structural reorganization and cost reduction process and from the loss generated by the disposal of Inthera, in order to improve results in the coming years.

MAGAZINES FRANCE (assets held for sale)
In France, in a continually shrinking market versus the prior year in terms of circulation and advertising, Mondadori France held a 10.7%[8] advertising share in terms of volume, ranking as second top player in the field.

In the first nine months of 2018, revenue from Mondadori France amounted to € 226.4 million, down by -8.1% versus € 246.4 million in the same period of 2017.

Circulation revenue posted a 6.8% drop versus the prior year (-8.2% newsstands channel; -5.1% subscriptions channel).

Advertising revenue (print + web) was down by an overall -9% versus the same period of 2017, with print (88% of total) falling (-8.7%) lower than the relevant market (-10.7%[9]).

Adjusted EBITDA amounted to € 15.6 million, down by € 1.2 million versus € 16.8 million in the first nine months of the prior year (down by € -0.8 million net of the discontinuity deriving from NaturaBuy (sold in May 2017).

Reported EBITDA amounted to € 14.3 million, down versus € 18.2 million in the first nine months of 2017, which had benefited from the gains of € 4.3 million from the abovementioned disposal.

Significant events after the reporting period
Following the authorization to purchase treasury shares approved by the Shareholders’ Meeting held on 24 April 2018, on 25 June, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. launched a share buyback program.

On 8 October, the Group announced the purchase, in the period from 1 to 5 October, of a further 17,500 ordinary shares (equal to 0.007% of the share capital) at an average unit price of € 1.4831, for a total amount of € 25,954.35.

On 15 October, the Group announced the purchase, in the period from 8 to 12 October, of a further 19,500 ordinary shares (equal to 0.007% of the share capital) at an average unit price of € 1.4099, for a total amount of € 27,493.70.

On 22 October, the Group announced the purchase, in the period from 15 to 19 October, of a further 15,500 ordinary shares (equal to 0.006% of the share capital) at an average unit price of € 1.4439, for a total amount of € 22,380.10.

On 29 October, the Group announced the purchase, in the period from 22 to 26 October, of a further 12,500 ordinary shares (equal to 0.005% of the share capital) at an average unit price of € 1.4655, for a total amount of € 18,318.70.

On 1 November 2018, the business units of the newsmagazine Panorama were sold to La Verità S.r.l..

On 5 November, the Group announced the purchase, in the period from 29 October to 2 November, of a further 13,000 ordinary shares (equal to 0.005% of the share capital) at an average unit price of € 1.5272, for a total amount of € 19,853.35.

On 12 November, the Group announced the purchase, in the period from 5 to 9 November, of a further 13,000 ordinary shares (equal to 0.005% of the share capital) at an average unit price of € 1.5785, for a total amount of € 20,520.85.

Following the purchases made so far, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. holds 1,274,700 treasury shares, equal to 0.488% of the share capital.


The documentation relating to the presentation of the results at 30 September 2018 is made available through the authorized storage mechanism 1Info ( and in the Investors section of the Company’s website

The Interim Management Statement at 30 September 2018, approved by the Board of Directors, will be made available by today’s date at the Company’s offices, on the authorized storage mechanism 1info (, and on (Investors section).

The Financial Reporting Manager – Oddone Pozzi – hereby declares, pursuant to art. 154 bis, par. 2, of the Consolidated Finance Law, that the accounting information contained herein corresponds to the Company’s records, books and accounting entries.

Annexes (in the pdf file):

  1. Consolidated balance sheet;
  2. Consolidated income statement;
  3. Consolidated income statement – III quarter
  4. Group cash flow;
  5. Glossary of terms and alternative performance measures used.

[1] Source: GFK, September 2018 (figures in terms of market value)
[2] Store revenue on a like-for-like basis
[3] Internal source: Press-Di, cumulative figures at September 2018 (newsstands + subscriptions) in terms of value
[4] -21.6% versus the first nine months of 2017
[5] Source: Nielsen, cumulative figures at September 2018
[6] Magazines -8.9% (Source: Nielsen, cumulative figures at September 2018)
[7] Source: comScore, average figure January-August 2018
[8] Source: Kantar Media, Juin 2018
[9] Source: Net Index, in term of value, cumulative figures at Juin 2018)

Mondadori Store launches “C’è vita, in un libro. La tua”, a new campaign for the promotion of books an reading

A project that is the fruit of collaboration with the artist Mr. SaveTheWall and the creative contribution of the Action & Branding agency

C’è vita, in un libro. La tua” (There’s life in a book, yours) is the claim of a new book promotion campaign by Mondadori Store, the Mondadori Group’s chain of bookshops, and the fruit of an idea by the artist Mr. SaveTheWall with the creative contribution from the Action & Branding agency.

The initiative, which launches on 15 November, aims to enhance the reading experience through the voices and faces of readers: in other words real people who have taken part in an experimental artistic operation called Bookshot and who are the protagonists of the campaign by offering an unmediated account of their feelings and bring books to life in their own words.

“The result of this creative project is a form of communication that comes from and goes to the heart, because sharing a book is to share a part of your life,” declared Francesco Rigantimarketing director of Mondadori Retail. “Mondadori Store is making itself a spokesman and promoter of a message of social interest: an invitation to read, because we believe that more readers can lead to a more solid society that is focused on development and change.”

During two shooting sessions at the Mondadori Megastore in Via Marghera in Milan, Mr. SaveTheWall, aka Pierpaolo Perretta, the artist known for his situationist work that interprets issues and habits of contemporary society, met one hundred people. Each participant was asked to bring their favourite book with them and what emerged were  profound stories and feelings provoked by reading. Each of which was captured on video and fixed in a photographic portrait.

“An adage that I have made my own is ‘art is in the eye of the beholder’. And in Bookshot, as a work of art, I was able to note that the participants made the books the had read their own and created a  unique reading experience. The authenticity of the feelings of the participants is in itself something quite extraordinary especially if we consider that from a dialogue based on a single object – their favourite book – they were able to draw out a more profound and real synthesis of their life. This is why, for me, Bookshot is such an authentic, powerful and engaging project,” commented the artist Mr. SaveTheWall.

So readers are the exceptional witnesses to an initiative that will take place in the coming months on the web on a site dedicated to the project, which will host he videos and photos produced by the artist. Users will be invited to take part by posting on Facebook or Instagram Stories their favourite book and a phrase the briefly explains why it is their favourite and using the hashtag #condividiunlibro. Alls of this content will be added to the platform, multiplying the sharing of experiences and will be rewarded by Mr. SaveTheWall who will choose the best shots.

“This is an ambitious and extremely valuable project that we are very proud of. A sort of perfect alchemy has been created among the people involved and this has enabled the idea to gather enthusiasm day by day and reach out to all of the touchpoints. The genesis itself of the creative idea was the result of collective intelligence working in harmony, a relationship model that can be taken as an example and that will increasingly find a place in the future.” concluded Alessandro Pedrazzini, CEO of Action & Branding.

The campaign will also benefit form articulated planning across different media and managed by MediaClub: press, with four subjects, on leading weekly and monthly titles and the Mondadori Store Christmas Gift Guide; the web and the social networks Facebook, Instagram and Youtube with di 30’’ and 60’’ videos; leading influencer networks; outdoor metropolitan digital posts, at metro, bus and train stations; and all of the shops on the Mondadori Store network and on


Disclosure on the purchase of treasury shares from 5 to 9 november 2018

Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. (LEI Code 815600049A1F9AFE6666) announces the purchase on the MTA (Electronic Stock Market), in the period from 5 to 9 November 2018, of no. 13,000 ordinary shares (equal to 0.005% of the share capital) at an average unit price of Euro 1. 5785 for a total amount of Euro 20,520.85.

These transactions were made under the authorization to purchase treasury shares approved by the Shareholders’ Meeting on 24 April 2018 (previously disclosed pursuant also to art. 144 bis of Consob Regulation 11971/99 and to art. 132 of Legislative Decree 58/98).

The following table details the purchases made per day in the above period of Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. ordinary shares, ISIN IT0001469383:

05/11/2018 2,500 1.5624 3,906.00
06/11/2018 2,500 1.5793 3,948.25
07/11/2018 2,500 1.6030 4,007.50
08/11/2018 3,000 1.5947 4,784.10
09/11/2018 2,500 1.5764 3,941.25

The purchases were made through the authorized intermediary Equita Sim S.p.A. (LEI Code 815600E3E9BFBC8FAA85).

Following the purchases made so far, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. holds no. 1,274,700 treasury shares, equal to 0.488% of the share capital.

Purchases in detail in the complete pdf.

The Mondadori Group confirms its presence in the top ten of Webranking 2018

Mondadori once again confirmed its presence in the top ten of Webranking 2018, the research carried out by Lundquist in collaboration with the Swedish company Comprend on the level of transparency and disclosure in the digital channels of 111 listed companies, selected on the basis of capitalization.

Compared with the previous edition, our Group has gained a position, going from ninth to eighth place, and a good 8.1 points, rising from 72.9 to 81.

Present in the ranking since 2011 and in the top ten since 2013, the Mondadori Group once again confirms its leadership in the media sector in online corporate communication.

Our non-financial communication and corporate governance are particularly distinctive this year: in the latter category we are second in the top five.

“People” at the centre of the Mondadori Group’s new corporate agreement

Three key principles: simplification, accountability, welfare

Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A., FISTEL CISL, SLC CGIL and UILCOM UIL have signed a new Corporate Agreement that the Mondadori Group will implement from 1 January 2019. The text of the Agreement has been approved by 98% meetings of the staff.

The Agreement constitutes an innovative model in the publishing sector and places people at the centre by recognising the value of human resources, the primary asset of any business, with a cultural approach that moves from a traditional model to one based on performance and accountability.

The parties agreed on the need to draw up a single contract for all of the employees covered by the national contract for publishing workers (CCNL grafici editoriali) in the different companies of the Mondadori Group, while simplifying and harmonising previously agreed conditions.

The Agreement also aims to modernise and experiment with a new approach to work, starting from an industrial relations model that facilitates bilateral discussion of central issues concerning the relationship between the company and its staff.

The approach extends also to processes of innovation and reorganisation, the trial of smart working, with the aim of improving the quality of the professional and personal life of employees, and training. The latter is seen as an indispensible tool for the achievement and maintenance of skills and professional development, as well as a strategic measure for the qualification and enhancement of staff. Opportunities for professional development will be encouraged also through internal mobility and job posting to support and sustain empowerment.

In the overall context of focusing on the needs of human resources, the parties agreed that staff accountability, also through the autonomous management of working hours, that foresees a single “clock in”, to facilitate an harmonious reconciliation between professional and personal needs that will result if greater satisfaction and an increase in the quality of work.

The Agreement signed will also introduce trials for specific tools to reconcile professional and personal life, such as smart working, and measures in support of families, with the aim of providing conditions that are more likely to make it easier to combine the demands of professional life with the needs of the family. Special attention has been given to the protection of maternity, with reduced hours for six months after returning to work and the bringing forward of the full salary for periods of reduced pay, as well as the attribution, for new fathers, of 10 days of paid leave.  Also in the case of serious illness, the Agreement foresees the withdrawal of the limited period job protection.

Despite the ongoing critical concerns that continue to affect the publishing sector, in particular from an economic perspective the Agreement also foresees the introduction for the three-year period, 2019-2021, of a single variable results-based annual bonus for all the Companies of the Group and an expression of this value in the form of a Corporate Welfare System that offers staff a series of services and initiatives aimed at facilitating the wellbeing of all employees and their families.

The “Focus Live” festival at the National Museum of Science and Technology will run until Sunday 11 November

Over 200 debates, conferences and meetings to talk about the great challenges humanity is facing

The event has been organised by Focus, the magazine that is a point of reference for popular science and entertainment

 The official opening took place this morning with Piero Angela,  who received an award for his career

Today saw the official opening of the first edition of the “Focus Live” Festival, an event organised by Focus – the Mondadori Group brand that is a point of reference for popular science and entertainment – in cooperation with the Leonardo da Vinci National Museum of Science and Technology in Milan.

The programme, which will run in Milan until 11 November at the spaces of the Leonardo da Vinci Museum, features over 200 events, including conferences, workshops, debates, shows, labs and interactive installations – run in collaboration with Italian and international universities, institutions, research centres and companies – with the aim of presenting and offering a more detailed look at the current challenges facing humanity and the tools we have to  meet them.

At the official opening held this morning, Piero Angela was presented with a prize for his outstanding contribution to popular science by the editor of Focus Jacopo Loredan.

“For us, Focus Live is the culmination of an initiative that started one year ago together with the National Museum of Science and Technology in Milandeclared the editor of Focus Jacopo Loredan. Focus Live, just like our magazine, is within the reach of anyone who is interested and curious; and we think it will be unconventional, stimulating, fun. This can be seen from the programme that we have pit together: with a rich variety and something for all ages, including events and labs also for young children.”

“We are delighted that at last Milan has a festival of science and we are proud that it will take place at our Museum with an innovative format – emphasised Fiorenzo Galli, General Manager of the  National Museum of Science and Technology in Milan. With the ongoing cooperation, enthusiasm and ambition that we share with the Focus team, we have stimulated each other and developed a target of involving the public in unique experiences, with special personalities, around issues and topics that allow us to imagine the future and to help us to build it together. The result of the combined efforts of Focus and the Museum is an ideal marriage that brings together the  vision, competences, experience, networks and cultural resources of  both.”

Genetics, the environment, immortality, artificial intelligence, space travel, sex, climate change, robotics: these are just some of the issues on which the rich programme of events of “Focus Live” will concentrate, a winning exploration across 5 thematic areas (Earth, Homo Sapiens, Science, Technology, Space), and that will enable the public to explore the various fields of knowledge in a rigorous but fun way, in line with the Focus style.

On the fourth day of “Focus Live” over 100 scientists, presenters, journalists, writers and many other experts, will illustrate the latest developments in a number of scientific and technological fields and offer an overview of the adventure of Homo sapiens from our origins to the present, in order to have a better understanding of the big choices and ethical and pragmatic dilemmas our species has to face.

Tomorrow, Friday 9 November, the main stage will feature a one of many protagonists, climate scientist Luca Mercalli (at 10.30 am), who will touch on the very delicate and current issue of global warming and associated climate change, while at 11.30 am, on the same stage, pharmacologist Silvio Garattini, president of the Mario Negri Institute, will illustrate some of the most recent medical discoveries and talk about the current state of cures for diseases that we still haven’t defeated.

At 12.30 pm,  visitors will be able to explore the new frontiers in astronomy and listen to the “music of the stars” with astrophysicist Marica Branchesi.

On Saturday 10 November, at 1 pm, Salvatore Aranzulla, the popular information technology expert, will reveal many of the secrets for success on the internet, while Guido Tonelli from Cern will take a closer look at a number of issues related to cosmology (11 am).

Finally, on Sunday 11 November, the final day of “Focus Live”, we will examine the future of space missions with astronaut Paolo Nespoli (at 5 pm) and at the present state of the earth as seen by cartoonist Zerocalcare (at 12).

Across the entire events area  there will be a number of installations that will allow visitors to get an hands on experience of some of the wonders of science and technology, such as the transparent bath (in the Homo Sapiens Area) which is two metres long and 1.70m deep, and simulates the conditions of our organism when we are in in apnea. The Technology Area will host the robot Centauro, developed by IIT in Genoa and able to provide support in difficult contexts, such as natural and man-made catastrophes. In the  Earth Area, the Natinla Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology will make available to the audience of Focus Live an earthquake simulator: 6 people can access a platform and feel the sensations of horizontal movement of the kind provoked by a tremor. And then, in the Science Area, it will be possible to try Hyperscanning, a method with which a number of people interact while their brains are being simultaneously scanned, and discovering, for example, affinities between couples.

There will also be a Kids Area, run by the magazine Focus Junior, entirely dedicated to smaller children, where kids can take part in labs on topics such as space, coding, science and diet.

The realisation of “Focus Live” extends also to events the iterations of the Focus brands: an authentic system which in addition to the print and digital magazine includes a range of titles (Focus Extra, Focus Domande e Risposte, Focus Storia, Focus Storia Collection, Focus Storia Wars, Focus Junior, Focus Pico, Focus Wild), the web site with a monthly audience of more than 1 million unique users, the Mediaset TV channel. on digital terrestrial channel number 35, the Facebook page, with over 1,500,000 fans and an app specially created to use the content of the print magazine in augmented reality.

The complete programme of the Festival is a available at

Tickets are available on the site of the del Museo Nazionale Scienza e Tecnologia at this link:



“Focus Live” is supported by a number of prestigious partners.

Main Partners: e-distribuzione, IBM, Volvo

Partners: abmedica, AnnurKap, Candia, Calligaris, Essilor, Fruittella, Genertel, Lenovo, Università Telematica Pegaso, Yakult.

Charity Partner: IRCCS Ospedale San Raffaele

Media Partners: Focus Junior, Focus Tv Mediaset,, R101

With the Patronage of: Asi, CNR, Esa and Inaf


With thanks to: Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Università di Padova, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna di Pisa, Muse di Trento, Aeronautica Militare, Esercito, British Interplanetary Society, Italian Mars Society, INGV, Ris dei Carabinieri, Sony PlayStation, Imra, Jrc, Infn, Asferico, Orto Botanico di Padova and Bloom Project.