Month: October 2012

1962-2012: Panorama turns 50

In the news stand a collector special with unpublished contributions of international caliber and anthology photographs

On the occasion of its fiftieth anniversary, Panorama, the first Italian newsmagazine, treats its readers with a special edition issue which chronicles half a century of Italian and international news that changed people’s habits and lifestyles. Fifty years of hopes, scientific and technological progress, victories of freedom and democracy, but also wars and attacks: all of the above through unpublished contributions by celebrity spokespersons..

“This edition celebrating our 50 years – Panorama’s director Giorgio Mulè declares – could not limit itself to a simple retrospective, but it necessarily had to have the courage to look in prospect. To do so, we selected prestigious names from all over the world, authoritative witnesses from our times who, after having analyzed our past, tell us with autonomy of thoughts what to expect from the future. These articles represent at best the spirit which has always guided Panorama: freedom of ideas” Mulè concludes.

Among the personalities involved for the occasion are some stars of international politics such as Mikhail Gorbaciov and José María Aznar, but also leading figures from the scientific world (Ilaria Capua, John Barrow) and social studies (Giuseppe De Rita, Enrico Giovannini, Luisa Cavalli Sforza), also involving fashion (Dolce e Gabbana) and music gurus (Zucchero), for a trip to the center of current affairs, economy, culture and traditions: every topic is interpreted through the eyes of its protagonists.

In addition to unpublished contributions, the pages of the special issue are enriched by photographs and other anthology materials from the precious archive of the magazine, founded in October 1962: the same year in which the Beatles published their first record, Marilyn Monroe had been found dead in Los Angeles, Enrico Mattei’s plane crashed under mysterious circumstances and in the news stand appeared the first issue of Diabolik.

Since then, the entire Italian social, economical and cultural environment has undergone deep transformations, into which this Panorama special issue delves, comparing stages and numbers of the change: the average number of family components passed from 3,6 to 2,4 and registered foreigners grew from less than 63.000 to over 4 million and a half. Even daily habits have changed: we have almost quadruplicated beer consumption (29 liters a year per person), we go less to the movies (112 million today compared to over 728 million spectators at the beginning of the ‘60s) but much more to the theater (over 22 million spectators today vs. almost 10 in the early ‘60s): a panoramic glance over 50 years of history, also through records, movies, books and objects which have become real cults.

Opera Romana Pellegrinaggi presents “Scrinium”, Mondadori’s new line of box sets dedicated to destinations of the spirit

Opera Romana Pellegrinaggi presents Scrinium, the new line of “BOX FOR YOU” from Mondadori dedicated to Destinations of the Spirit in Italy and around the world: an opportunity, available to all, to live an experience of faith through non-traditional methods. An innovative means of evangelisation that can reach everyone and that can be easily found in the places where people meet and gather regularly, starting from shopping malls.

Scrinium is a response to a widespread demand for spirituality in today’s world,” said Father Caesar Atuire, the chief executive of Opera Romana Pellegrinaggi. “This is a proposal that we can define as a gradual ‘introduction’ to the spiritual experience of the pilgrimage, which makes it possible to go beyond the stereotypes that depict a pilgrimage as a journey to the limits of endurance towards goals with poor facilities and conditions that are at best Spartan and in the company of pilgrims who are uncultured and without means. The reality is quite different. The pilgrim is primarily a man or woman who is trying to find an answer to the question of meaning that has always lain in the heart of man.”

“It is a great satisfaction to have teamed up with a really important and prestigious organisation such as Opera Romana Pellegrinaggi,” declared Renato Rodenghi, chairman and managing director of Mondadori Direct. “With the launch of Scrinium, Mondadori confirms its intention to continue the diversification of BOX FOR YOU, with the aim of reaching new targets,” Rodenghi concluded.

Scrinium contains a series of proposals for Rome, the Holy Land, the Sanctuaries of Lourdes, Fatima and Santiago de Compostela. You can discover Rome through the two thousand year presence of the Church, drinking from the spring of the Spirit and discovering the treasures of these holy places, or you can spend Christmas in the Holy Land. Each destination offers a short but intense stay, a maximum of three days. Also the method of buying these proposals is simple and straightforward: just browse through the catalogue of structures, which is also online on the website, choose your preferred destination, also by calling or writing to the email address to book your experience.

Also in the case of overnight stays, you can call or write to the email address

As a final step, simply hand over the voucher at the destination of your choice. Through this new short but intense way of living the faith experience, Destinations in the Spirit, Opera Romana Pellegrinaggi wants to help people to start or restart on the path towards the answer to the questions that each of us has in our hearts.


BOX FOR YOU” is a line of gift boxes from Mondadori offering leisure activities to all enthusiasts of Taste, Health, Culture, Journeys of the Spirit, Nature, Passion, Fun, Sports and Entertainment. The series consists of 28 different box sets, characterized by a wide selection of facilities all over the country, and enabling the customer to decide the most appropriate destination. For more details please go to

InMondadori: a unique on and offline brand in the retail world from Mondadori becomes in November

inMondadori is the new multi-channel ecosystem that brings together Mondadori Group’s retail activities. In line with a strategy of convergence between online and offline, Mondadori has launched a project for the renovation of its network of stores across Italy and the online bookstore, which are grouped together with all the other retail channels under the brand inMondadori.

InMondadori is a new structure that will integrate all points of contact, both physical and digital, with customers, engaging as they select and purchase goods and strengthening the offer. It is also based on a multi-platform logic that will gradually embrace the entire network of 600 Mondadori stores across the country and trading under the names Mondadori Multicenter and Librerie Mondadori, directly managed and franchised outlets, as well as the Bookclub and Edicolè outlets.

“We are seeing also in Italy a process of convergence between offline and online retail,” said Renato Rodenghi, Chairman and Managing Director of Mondadori Direct. “We want to follow the customer, who is increasingly connected and mobile, from pre-to post-sales and vice versa, under the umbrella of a single strong brand. The digital challenge for a book retailer is therefore to speak to their customers in a more effective way, even on channels that are complementary to the physical, and to understand their habits and expectations,” Rodenghi concluded.

InMondadori will therefore be the brand name that will appear on the network of Mondadori shops and online, on the website, which will fully absorb in November also The new store, dedicated to the purchase of editorial and digital products and launched on the occasion of the arrival in Italy of the Kobo eReader series, is able to offer an innovative sales and distribution system, thanks to synergies with Mondadori’s retail system. A catalogue of over 11 million products: including ebooks in 67 languages, the whole series of Kobo eReaders, books in Italian and foreign languages, school textbooks and a wide range of films, music, games, electronics and gift ideas. also makes reading suggestions and provides information and updates on all events, promotions and activities organised by the bookshops spread across Italy. It is also possible to take advantage of a host of services for customers, including “Punto di Ritiro” (which allows you to choose a product online and pick it up at one of the outlets, or to order in one of the Mondadori shops across Italy and have it delivered to your home) and the annual subscription “inVia Free” which eliminates delivery charges.

From thematic notebooks to new gift box offers, everything that’s new from Emporio Mondadori and Box for You

The “Experience Collection” thematic notebooks
The range of Emporio Mondadori stationary and gift ideas launches its new line of customizable thematic notebooks from the “Experience Collection”, dedicated to all lovers of books, travel, gastronomy and wine.

At the crossroads of passion, experience and memory, these new diaries allow you to collect and organise information, memories and special moments. “Experience Collection” is made up of four notebooks full of sections to be completed and enriched by the contributions exceptional editors.

Gourmets will find in My FOOD Diary ideas and suggestions of the renowned chef Davide Oldani for a natural and refined cuisine without waste.

In My WINE Diary Luca Maroni, a world-renowned winemaker, accompanies connoisseurs on a tour of the taste and quality of wine.

My BOOK Diary meanwhile, is edited by the writer Chiara Gamberale who shares her deep love for reading and shows how books can change your life.

Between the pages of My TRAVEL Diary travel lovers will find an ideal companion for adventure in Licia Colò, who is able to make each trip an unforgettable experience.

With innovative graphics and design, the notebooks are rigorously ecological, with attention to every detail, and enriched with 250 coloured stickers and a special features section that can be removed.

The “Experience Collection” notebooks are on sale in bookshops and stationers at the price of €19.90.

Box Experience Collection
“Box Experience Collection” is the new line of Emporio Mondadori gift ideas dedicated to those who love to cultivate their passions: from a taste for good wine to that for chocolate, and from creativity in the kitchen to eco-gardening and the joy of discovering new travel destinations.

“Box Experience Collection” includes eight subjects, each consisting of an illustrated book and an accessory packed in a decorated tin box.

In Andar per VINO connoisseurs can discover the wonderful world of wineries or simply enjoy the pleasure of a good glass of wine and try new special combinations. The box also includes a wine pourer with a silicon cap and a base.

For those who can’t resist desserts Passione CIOCCOLATO is a must which, in addition to the book, proposes a set of 12 chocolate cups in 4 subjects and colours, and delicious BISCOTTI along with a wooden handled mould and the words, in English, “Made with love”.

Lovers of cake design meanwhile will find a number of ideas to create pastry masterpieces in TORTE d’artista (designer cakes) thanks to the thematic book and set of 6 tools for cake modelling and decoration.

With the recipes in Buono come il PANE (as good as bread) you can prepare homemade bread, from basic to the most imaginative formats, and store it in a wonderful bread bag.

Il VIAGGIATORE curioso (the curious traveller) is a gift idea for anyone who loves to discover new routes or looking for different holiday ideas. Also inside the box is a shoe bag for travel.

L’ORTO in un metro quadro (a vegetable garden in a square metre) with the trowel for gardening is perfect for those who want to test their green fingers, while, thanks to the suggestions of L’ORTO in vaso (a garden in a pot) and two decorations, you can create a beautiful do-it-yourself garden.

“Box Experience Collection” is on sale in bookshops and stationers at the price of €19.90.

Box for You
The Mondadori “BOX FOR YOU” line offers gift ideas and activities for leisure, aimed at all enthusiasts of Taste, Health, Culture, Journeys of the Spirit, Nature, Passion, Fun, Sports and Entertainment.

“BOX FOR YOU” is characterised by a wide range of options to allow customer to decide what is most appropriate.

Each box contains an extensive catalogue of offers with photos, descriptive texts and practical information, also available online ( And inside a pre-paid voucher to benefit from the choice.

New to “BOX FOR YOU”, two boxes to watch live broadcasts on Italia 1, Rete 4 and Canale 5 and find out how it feels to be part of a television programme. With “Vieni in tv” and “Una giornata in tv” you can be a member of the audience of, among other programmes, Amici, C’è posta per te, Uomini e Donne, Iene Story, Mattino 5, Pomeriggio 5, Forum and Verissimo.

The “BOX FOR YOU” range (prices start from €29.90) also features:

  • Delizie del palato”, “Gusto Di-vino”, “Notte Gourmet”, “Viaggiare con gusto” and “La cena è servita” for those who organise trips out of town or a weekend to discover the flavours of Italian food and wine;
  • Coccole per due”, “È ora del relax!” and “Benessere Premium” to pamper yourself when you are tired of the frenetic week at spas, wellness or fitness centres;
  • I percorsi del benessere” and “Trattiamoci bene”, short breaks to relax body and mind at some of Italy’s most enchanting locations;
  • A Tutto Sport” and “Sempre in forma”, for excursions to some of the most beautiful places of the peninsula or home-based personal training;
  • Il fascino della cultura”, “Weekend culturale” and “Vacanze Romane”, to visit the Italy’s most important cities;
  • “Scrinium” to experience unique Journeys of the Spirit: “Nella Roma Cristiana”, “Roma e il Vaticano”, “I Tesori dello Spirito”, “Le Sorgenti dello Spirito” and “Natale a Betlemme”;
  • Oasi di pace” and “A contatto con la natura”, for those who want to get away from the traffic to green countryside and clean air;
  • Il mio amico a quattro zampe” and “Divertimento in famiglia”, for a creative and relaxing break, with activities for everyone to enjoy;
  • Tavolo per due” and “Sogni d’amore”, perfect for a romantic getaway.

“BOX FOR YOU” also provides a “Booking Centre” for customers who choose a trip with an overnight stay, or a box from the Scrinium or Spettacolo lines: by calling or sending an e-mail to, you can submit your request. In the case of non-availability alternatives will be proposed along with all the relevant information. When you choose a single day activity, can contact the selected structure directly.

“Bambino”, a new project from

Families changing the web: mothers, fathers and grandparents, all bloggers, will be the contributors of the channel

Families changing the web: mothers, fathers and grandparents, all bloggers, will be the contributors of the channel is launching Bambino, a new project dedicated to kids and aimed not only at mothers, but the entire family network.

The channel has been designed in an innovative way: the contributors, led by will be a blogger-in-chief and a rolling content team made ​​up exclusively of bloggers. The team, which will change each month, will be made up of five mothers, a father and a grandmother; all bloggers who will be in charge of selecting the topics to be addressed from among the most discussed issues on the net.

There will also be experts, videos, tools and services for mothers and children, who will be able to download loads of free pictures to colour in.

“The ambition of every modern woman is to feel realised at every stage of her life. With this new channel we want to enrich our content offer by also covering the needs of women from pre-conception to the first loves of a teenage son or daughter,” said Daniela Cerrato, Head of “We have involved, with a content co-creation approach, mums who blog as co-authors and the have become the centrepiece of the Bambino section of interacting with the 3.4 million users who visit our website every month. But that’s not all, through social engagement, we are creating a network to further expand beyond the confines of the site, and into the heart of the social scene,” Cerrato concluded. has also set up a permanent online observatory on the needs and desires of today’s mums and dads to find out how and what they can improve their lives. Anyone can express their opinions on the site, by going to the page, or via Twitter and Instagram using the hashtag #iovorrei.

Tu Style: Marina Bigi to be the new editor

Marina Bigi will be the new editor of Tu Style from 2 November.

Marina Bigi, 54, is from Milan, and after completing her studies at the Istituto Europeo di Design (IED) in Milan, she joined Rizzoli as a copywriter. She began her journalistic career in 1985 on the staff of Anna, before moving in 1989 to the weekly Bella. After a number of years at the monthly Pratica, in 1996 she re-joined the staff of Bella as deputy editor. In 1998 she was appointed editor of the monthly Vera and subsequently, in 2003, of Vogue Gioiello and Vogue Pelle. In 2008 she moved to Mondadori as a consultant and head of fashion and beauty for Tu Style and Chi, before being appointed, in 2011, deputy editor of Tu Style, while maintaining her role on the weekly Chi.

Mondadori wishes to thank Maria Elena Viola for the professionalism and enthusiasm she has demonstrated over the years.

Grazia Iinternational Nerwork: in2013 the launch of Grazia Korea with Seoul Cultural Publishers

Mondadori has announced to have signed an agreement with Seoul Cultural Publishers for the launch of Grazia Korea. The new edition, that will be the 23rd of Grazia International Network, will be biweekly and will be launched in the first semester of 2013.

South Korea is one of the most economically advanced countries in the world and a key market for luxury and beauty client, where Grazia – one of the most exciting magazines in the international landscape – will continue the highly dynamic expansion of its network: apart from Italy, the magazine is successfully published in France, United Kingdom, Germany, Holland, Russia, Australia, United Arab Emirates, South Africa, China, Bahrain, Indonesia, India and Thailand, Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Macedonia, to which a Polish edition will be added in the coming months followed by a Spanish version in 2013.

“We at Grazia International Network are really excited about the opportunity to offer our Korean readers their own edition of Grazia”, declared Zeno Pellizzari, Head of Mondadori’s International Activities. “Furthermore, we’re extremely proud of our partnership with Seoul Cultural Publishers, one of Korea’s most prominent publishing groups – and are truly confident that Grazia Korea would be yet another success story in the Asian region, where our magazine already counts editions in Thailand, Indonesia and India – in addition to Grazia China, which is an unprecedented success story already, only three years after its launch.

Mr Kim, CEO of Seoul Cultural Publishers, says that “they’re fully confident in the success of Grazia Korea”. Seoul Cultural Publishers has a well-established weekly publishing system, and thus, full of resources and capabilities and thanks to this experience, a huge influence in distribution channels. He also stressed that “it is time for a speedy and slim fashion magazine in Korea where it boasts of its reputation as the most wired and fast country in the world. Grazia Korea, born from Mondadori’s accumulated know-how and SCP’s local expertise, will open a new market as the first and only fashion biweekly in Korea.”

Seoul Cultural Publishers is part of Seoul Media Group, that is one the biggest publishers of the country. SMG operates in book, comics, magazines and custom publishing businesses. SMG has a portfolio of magazines including Sisa-Journal, Women Sense, Living Sense, Best Baby, Essen, and licensed titles like Arena and Nylon.

Grazia: out every Friday

More fashion, more beauty and live news also on

Grazia, the weekly edited by Vera Montanari, from Friday 19 October is changing.
It will become more ‘weekly’, more feminine, more connected, more surprising. From the ‘new look’ in terms of design to the new formats, to cult interviews (that are also emotional, envious, at home, on the set), true stories (worthy of a film), taboo investigations, and fashion ‘linked’ with beauty. All while retaining the characteristics that made has made it a unique point of reference for style and elegance among women’s magazines, also internationally, with 20 editions around the world.
Fashion and beauty, styles and trends, have always been key strengths of Grazia, and will be enriched, mixed. While shopping becomes ultra shopping: with a multiplication of pages right through the magazine, from news to shop windows, from interviews to dossiers. To inspire, play, change and above all dream. The new Grazia not only connects fashion and make-up but also accessories and design, beauty and current affairs, and personalities and people.

“Three words to sum up the new Grazia?” For the editor Vera Montanari they are: “Energy: we women are full of energy. And we really need it. The second word is ‘Emotion’, because that’s what matters most in life. You have to touch people’s hearts, make a mark, move or entertain, even in the fashion or beauty pages. The last word is a bit classic, but is of great importance for us and it is ‘Style’. Grazia has it, it is its distinctive characteristic.”
Grazia is also news and aims “to become a daily that comes out every week,” the editor explains. In addition to Fast News – with the best of the week – there will be features on the themes that ignite debate, interviews – short circuit, 24 hours with, surveys. As well as films, books, addresses, inspirational homes, gurus. All providing a feminine interpretation of reality.
Video interviews, extras, live surveys and polls live and streamed editorial meetings will create and even stronger link with that with an average of 840,000 unique visitors per month – and its blogs, Facebook (with 78,200 fans) and Twitter (with almost 16,000 followers) profiles, are virtual spaces for non-stop dialogue for the magazine’s community.
On the website readers also become protagonists. By participating, sharing ideas and advice, telling their stories, responding to online surveys or by sending questions to ask their favourite personalities.

The launch of the new *Grazia* will be supported by a four-week communication campaign planned for print, web and radio, inviting readers to discover the new magazine.
The press campaign, developed by the creative duo Franz Degano and Alessandro Omini, art director and copywriter respectively, covers 4 subjects: fashion, celebrities, beauty and news, which represent the different souls of the world of women.
To mark the first issue of the new *Grazia* an online multiple-choice game, *Play Grazia*, has been created by the agency Adverteam and aimed at readers who want to test their knowledge of the world of fashion. To play just click on the banner of the ** web campaign and answer 5
questions from among those posted over the four weeks of the campaign: the person who gives the most correct answers in the shortest time will be elected “Fashion Queen” and will be celebrated on the Facebook page of **.
The *web* campaign will also involve banners on the leading sites for women, news and social networks with intriguing questions the answers to which can be found in the magazine. Also on all major *radio* stations, listeners will be invited to discover the contents of the new issue of the magazine on newsstands. The communication campaign will also involve the newsstand network with posters and branded shopping bags branded, airports and railway stations.

The award-winning Kobo Touch eReader is available starting tomorrow at Mondadori stores across Italy

Kobo Glo eReader and the Kobo Mini eReader - coming in October, offer customers eReader options starting at €79

The Mondadori Group will launch the award-winning Kobo Touch™ eReader tomorrow. Priced at €99, it will be sold at more than 350 Mondadori stores and online at Also coming in October are the newest additions to the Kobo Family, the Kobo Glo™ eReader, for €129 and the Kobo Mini™ eReader at the low price of €79.

Mondadori supports the most extensive network of bookshops and one of the largest online media stores in Italy, with a catalogue of more than nine million products. This makes for the ideal platform to offer the Kobo Family of devices to Italian consumers. Kobo’s open and flexible eReading platform is the ideal solution for consumers to easily read what they want, when they want, where they want.

“Technology is rapidly changing and transforming the world of reading and content distribution. The arrival of Kobo eReaders allows us to share Mondadori’s quality content to an even wider audience,” said Maurizio Costa, Deputy Chairman and Chief Executive of the Mondadori Group. “The challenge is to find a way of reaching customers through all available channels – from physical to online – offering content across as many platforms as possible. Mondadori’s original approach brings together the strengths of our editorial resources, our chain of bookshops and online services,” Costa concluded.

“eReading is growing rapidly across Europe, and while still in the early adoption phase Italian readers are waiting for a superior, easy, eReading solution like Kobo to be offered in Italy.” said Mike Serbinis, CEO, Kobo. “Through our partnership with Mondadori, we are offering the Italian consumer a new and truly exciting way to read.”

The phenomenon of digital reading is a real opportunity for growth: the strength of the Mondadori portfolio coupled with the innovative and open Kobo reading platform provides a real growth opportunity for the Italian market with a cutting-edge digital reading solution and access to great content for consumption across multiple platforms. Readers can search for their favourite titles with maximum flexibility: on the digital devices or in Mondadori’s in physical stores where, in addition to being able to buy the Kobo eReader, they can purchase and download e-books using the Wi-Fi connection. All of which is in line with a multichannel logic, aimed at following readers through all the stages of purchase and use.
This strategy of online and offline convergence, is also reflected in the project for the refurbishment of the Mondadori stores and, which will be grouped under a single brand, in Mondadori. The aim of this project is to strengthen customer service by integrating all points of contact, both in-person and online.

Mondadori and Kobo make accessing one of the world’s largest eBook stores very simple. Customers have access to 3 million titles – of which 1 million are free – directly on their Kobo eReader or through The Kobo platform offers more than a robust catalogue of Italian-language eBooks from leading publishers. In addition, Kobo is an open- eReading platform that allows for reading without restrictions. Customers can read their eBooks with Kobo as well as on other platforms that support file formats such as ePubs and PDFs. Kobo provides free eReading apps fo most popular devices device -from smartphones to desktops to tablets. Readers’ bookmarks are synched across all of their devices, which means they never have to worry about losing their spot in their favourite eBook.

The launch of the Kobo Touch eReader is accompanied by a special promotion allowing customers to download three free eBooks from a selection of nine current bestselling Italian titles: Sveva Casati Modignani, Léonie; Michael Connelly, Il respiro del drago; Pierre Dukan, La dieta Dukan; Sebastian Fitzek, Il cacciatore di occhi; Ken Follett, L’inverno del mondo; Anna Guglielmi, Il linguaggio segreto del volto; Murakami Haruki, 1Q84; Walter Isaacson, Steve Jobs; and EL James, Cinquanta sfumature di grigio.


About Kobo Inc.

Kobo Inc. is one of the world’s fastest-growing eReading services offering nearly 3-million eBooks, magazines and newspapers. Believing that consumers should have the freedom to read any book on any device, Kobo has built an open-standards platform to provide consumers with a choice when reading. Inspired by an open philosophy and a passion for innovation, Kobo has expanded to nearly 190 countries, where millions of consumers have access to localized eBook catalogues and with the recently launched family of eReaders – offers an eReader for everyone. With top-ranked eReading applications for most popular devices, Kobo allows consumers to make eReading social through Facebook Timeline and Reading Life, an industry-first social experience that lets users earn awards for time spent reading and encourage others to join in. Headquartered in Toronto and owned by Tokyo-based Rakuten, Kobo eReaders can be found in major retail chains across the globe.
For more information, visit



The award-winning Kobo Touch, named Wired’s #1 eReader in 2012, and the industry’s first touch-screen eReader is available in stores around the world.. . The Kobo Touch includes Kobo’s latest software with more ways to personalize the reading experience, get recommendations and discover new content. The Kobo Touch is available in seven languages including Italian, English, French, German, Portuguese, Dutch, and Japanese.

Measurements: 114 x 165 x 10 mm
Weight: 185g
Display: 6-inch E Ink Pearl, 16 levels of grey
Navigation: Touchscreen
Memory: 2GB (1GB available to the user, equivalent to 1,000 books), expandable to 32GB with an SD Memory Card
Connectivity: Micro USB, Wi-Fi
Characters: 7 fonts, 24 sizes
Battery life: up to 1 month

The new front-lit Kobo Glo is the next generation in comfortable eReading. It offers innovative, soft, even and adjustable ComfortLight technology to enable consumers to read anytime – day or night. Its durable screen and customizable page-turning features make it the perfect eReader for the booklover. The Kobo Glo uses E Ink technology, customizable fonts and a no-glare XGA high-resolution 6” E Ink screen that is just like reading print on paper, and connects easily to Wi Fi allowing consumers to explore and discover recommendations in the Kobo eBookstore. The Kobo Glo eReader comes in Black or White and a selection of stylish back colours – Pink Sunset, Blue Moon, Silver Star.

Measurements: 114 x 157 x 10 mm
Weight: 185g
Display: 6-inch E Ink Pearl XGA, 1026×768 resolution, 16 levels of grey
Display: illuminated front Comfortlight technology, anti-glare
Navigation: Touchscreen
Memory: 2GB (1GB available to the user, equivalent to 1,000 books), expandable to 32GB with an SD Memory Card
Connectivity: Micro USB, Wi Fi
Characters: 7 fonts, 24 sizes
Battery life: up to 1 month (light and Wi-Fi turned off), up to 55 hours of continuous use with illumination

The Kobo Mini is the world’s smallest and lightest full-featured E Ink eReader available today, offering the full Kobo experience at a great value. Proving that great things come in small packages, the 5” Kobo Mini easily fits in your purse or pocket and is loaded with all of the amazing features Kobo customers have come to know and love. Just like reading print on paper, the no-glare 5” E Ink screen is easy on the eyes – even in bright sunlight. The Kobo Mini comes in black or white and offers a selection of three stylish Kobo SnapBacks in Teal, Ruby Red, and Purple. Perfect for people on-the-go, young adults, and easy for first-time readers to hold and read, the highly portable Kobo Mini holds up to 1,000 eBooks.

Measurements: 102 x 133 x 10 mm
Weight: 134g
Display: 5-inch E Ink, Vizplex V110 display, 16 levels of grey
Navigation: Touchscreen
Memory: 2GB (1GB available to the user, equivalent to 1,000 books)
Connectivity: Micro USB, Wi Fi
Characters: 7 fonts, 24 sizes
Battery life: up to 1 month