Month: September 2011

Mondadori deposits documentation for the merger by incorporation of the wholly-owned subsidiary AME Editoriale Wellness

Arnoldo Mondadori Editore has announced that, under the terms of Art. 70 para. 5 of the Consob Regulation n.11971/1999, the plan for the merger, by incorporation with Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. of the wholly-owned subsidiary AME Editoriale Wellness S.r.l., previously Mondadori-Rodale S.r.l., is available for inspection at the company’s headquarters, at Borsa Italiana S.p.A. and in the Governance section of the company’s web site (, along with an illustrative report and other documentation foreseen by Art. 2501 septies n.3) of the Civil Code.

As per Art. 2505 para. 2 of the Civil Code, resolutions regarding the merger by Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. will be made, within the terms of the law, by the board of directors. the new Mondadori site for all motor aficionados

The popular magazine dedicated to the world of four wheels is now also available on the web

Panoramauto gets its own space on the web with the launch of a site that aims to become a meeting point for all those who want to change their car, keep up to date with what’s new on the market and share their enthusiasm for engines.

The new is targeted at motor enthusiasts who are looking for a point of reference for detailed information and advice. The site takes users through all the different phases of buying a vehicle: discovery, with previews, road tests, prices and a quiz to identify the ideal car; purchase, with a section dedicated to ads for second-hand and 0-km cars; and usage, with tips and suggestions for getting the best from your car day after day. comes to the web as a valuable resource for those who want to keep up with what’s “new” on the market. It provides overviews, previews and detailed tests of new models and concept cars. Other notable sections include channels dedicated to green cars and technologies and female consumers.

The experience of the magazine will underpin the road tests, buyers’ guide and initial contacts. And, completing the new site, will be a number of photo galleries, with a strong visual impact and a selection of, exclusive and free, high-quality videos on road tests and what’s new in the showrooms and at the car fairs.

Of special interest is the readers’ tests, a space where enthusiasts can share their own driving experiences and receive the votes and comments of other users. is also on the main social networks:
– Facebook,
– Twitter,
– YouTube

“The web has become a formidable and extremely valuable source of information. Anyone who is thinking of making an important buying decision, such as a new car, will check the internet for the latest news on new models, fuel consumption and performance. Panoramauto, with its extensive and concrete experience in the auto sector, is starring now on the web too” declared Roberto Sicardi, Head of Properties at Mondadori Digital. “We are sure that will engage not only the readers of the traditional print version, but will also attract new users who want to be informed and keep up to date in a rapid and modern way, in the knowledge that they are accessing authoritative content and background information produced by real experts” Sicardi concluded.

On newsstands from tomorrow Donna Moderna Wellness the first magazine “for the ecology of the mind and body”

A 360° guide for the wellbeing of its readers

On newsstands from tomorrow – 15 September – Donna Moderna Wellness, a new monthly from Donna Moderna.
The magazine, edited by Patrizia Avoledo and Cipriana Dall’Orto, is the first popular magazine dedicated to the ecology of mind and body. In fact, the title will respond to the increasingly common need to find a healthy and harmonious lifestyle to maintain your health and take care of yourself in a gentle manner by exploiting the personal resources that all of us have.

Donna Moderna Wellness is the result of the evolution of Donna in Forma,” explains editor Patrizia Avoledo. “We are fed up with making sacrifices, at the table or in the gym, and the resulting frustrations. Today everyone is looking for an integrated lifestyle, with an appetising but healthy diet, constant and pleasurable movement, sound sleep, the use of non-aggressive therapies and a psychological balance to help us stay well,” Avoledo continued. “We are used to listening to our bodies only when we are not well. We have turned this perspective on its head: we listen to what our bodies and minds are telling us about our wellbeing,” the editor concluded.

Donna Moderna Wellness is divided into five sections: ‘You are what you eat, ‘Get moving, ‘Discover real beauty, ‘Take care of yourself, naturally’ and ‘Create your fashion’.
Great attention is given to advice concerning bio diets, the latest trends in physical exercise and beauty facilitated also by soft treatments. Extensive space will also be given to natural approaches to prevention and health care, once a niche interest but now an authentic market area in expansion.

“Today’s women want the truth, about products, about news, about advice,” claims Cipriana Dall’Orto, co-editor of the magazine. “In line with the new Donna Moderna, which has made this ‘truth’ its rallying call, Donna Moderna Wellness will dismantle commonplaces and bad habits. So we will audaciously swim against the tide, for example, by not talking about diets and calories, or obsessive search for a type of beauty that ends up making everyone the same. Rather, we will help, dare we say we will ‘educate’, women to find a lifestyle that fits them and that takes account of their real needs, without false myths or illusory expectations. And all with the help of qualified experts,” concluded, Dall’Orto.

Donna Moderna Wellness will launch with a very modern design that is essential and where colour is used to highlight the different topics. It will not use stock photos, but candid photos of celebrities in their ‘real moments’ in order to exploit that mischievous game of identification and consolation that women like so much.

“As happened with the evolution of Donna Moderna also with the new Donna Moderna Wellness, the attention and interest of advertisers has been very high and the results in terms of advertising significant, declared Angelo Sajeva, chairman and chief executive of Mondadori Pubblicità.“The first issue will include some 63 advertising pages, 55% more than last year and with double the revenues. We are extremely satisfied also with the results for subsequent issues, which are ahead of our expectations,” Sajeva concluded.

The staff of Donna Moderna Wellness will include a ‘ecopass stamp’ for discoveries and products particularly effective for the mind and body.
Special columns will also be introduced for what’s new and the need to do, in just a few minutes, something “good” for yourself.
The central. Four-page insert, features a quick and useful mini-course to discover how your mind and body react to certain situations, immediately, after a month, after a year; for example, “What happens …”, if you smoke, sleep well, eat too much and many more.

Donna Moderna Wellness will be a monthly supplement to Donna Moderna from Thursday 15 September.
In support of the launch of the magazine a campaign has been planned using various media: Mondadori magazine, the web, social networks and POS.

Mondadori presents: Feed the Hippo Mondadori’s new app game for the iPhone and iPad

The new game enhances the publishing group’s portfolio of digital content and consolidates its role in the market for entertainment applications and in the offer for smartphones and tablets

Mondadori’s digital continues to expand with the launch of a new app game for the iPhone and iPad, Feed the Hippo, an engaging, casual game, now available, in Italian and English, from the Apple Store.

Feed the Hippo is an action game aimed at a broad audience. In fact, the game has been designed for anyone who wants to take a break and have a bit of distracting fun on the move. The app is both dynamically simple and highly engaging: the survival of hippos in a swamp depends on the amount of fruit that the player can throw into the mouths of the hungry animals.
The game offers two play-mode options:
Levels” where users play with an increasing number of hippos, tropical fruits to throw and elements of disturbance such as hummingbirds and crocodiles that make the game increasingly challenging
Blitz” where bolder players play against the clock to feed the ravenous hippos facing a range of difficulties and obstacles.

Players’ personal records are saved on an online list on Apple’s Game Center and on users’ personal Facebook profile, allowing them to challenge others and to share their results.

Feed the Hippo has been developed in collaboration with Applix which has taken advantage of the experience in social gaming of Goods Games. The result is a game that combines an engaging graphic concept, with social features, unusual game dynamics that are appealing to both adult and younger targets.

“Mondadori wants to provide its audience with information, education and now also entertainment products” said Vittorio Veltroni, general manager of Mondadori Digital. “Playing with Feed the Hippo from an iPhone or iPad is a great way for users to amuse themselves during breaks in the day. The cartoon-style design of Feed the Hippo, its colourful layout and immediacy make the game suitable also for parents and children to play together,” concluded Veltroni.

“Feed The Hippo marks the debut Applix in the world of games for mobile devices, a natural development for our company,” said Claudio Somazzi, founder and chief executive of Applix. “In fact, for over a year, alongside our proprietary platforms, we have been developing pure entertainment applications. Developed with Mondadori, Feed The Hippo, opens up the way for a series of new products and we will certainly not stop here. The passions that drives us will lead to the presentation of new and increasingly exciting products for all users.”

The application can be downloaded from the Apple Store and is available in the following versions:
“Light” free
“Complete version” at €0.79 for the iPhone and €1.59 for the iPad

It is also possible to follow news about Feed the Hippo on the Facebook fan page:

Mondadori and Axel Springer: agreement for the acquisition of a majority stake in the French web site

With this operation EMAS Digital, a joint venture between Mondadori France and Axel Springer France, will become one of the leading players in online car sales advertising in France

Mondadori France and Axel Springer France jointly purchase an 83 percent equity interest in the French automotive classified portal The acquisition will be effected by EMAS Digital (Editions Mondadori Axel Springer Digital), a 50-50 joint venture between Mondadori France and Axel Springer France. is an online portal for automotive classified ads with a clear focus on the end customer business (B2C segment). Founded in 2000, this company operates portals that reach about 1.6 million unique users. It currently has listings for more than 100,000 automobiles and some thousands of registered dealers.

“This initiative is a further step in the development of the Mondadori Group’s digital business,” declared Maurizio Costa, deputy chairman and chief executive of the group. “The agreement with Axel Springer is a further demonstration of our commitment to growing in a strategic market like France,” Costa concluded.

Axel Springer France and Mondadori France will each hold a 50 percent interest in EMAS Digital. The two media companies have cooperated successfully in France for many years. Founded in 1988, the joint venture EMAS publishes the three market-leading automotive magazines Auto Plus, L’Auto-Journal and Sport Auto and their digital offerings (online, mobile, tablets), among other titles.

“The acquisition of one of the leading French portals for automotive classified ads” declared Ernesto Mauri, President of Mondadori France, “enables a significant strength of EMAS, especially in realizing synergies in online marketing, with a view to our leading French automotive media brand Auto Plus”.

“AutoReflex makes a perfect fit with our activities in the segment of French automotive media.” said Ralph Büchi, President of Axel Springer International. “The acquisition of the highly profitable French portal for automotive classified ads adds an important online classified ads component to the EMAS portfolio of high-quality media brands.”

The market for online automotive classified ads in France has grown at an annual rate of 20 % since 2006. It reached a volume of approximately EUR 66 million in 2010. The growth has been driven mainly by the B2C segment.

The transaction is still subject to the approval of the relevant antitrust authorities.

You can tell who uses Devoto-Oli

The campaign begins for the ground-breaking Le Monnier dictionary at Mondadori Franchising and Retail outlets

In the Devoto-Oli Le Monnier dictionary you will find the Italian of Dante and digital natives, the latest jargon of economists and the most colourful expressions in dialect: from papello to green economy and from lungi to pescetariano. An Italian dictionary is a meeting point where all Italians ought to be able to recognise themselves, a place where the specialised terminology of the scientist can live with the neologism of journalists, the slang of youth, the formal language of literary tradition, the dialects of the different regions and loan words imported from around the world.

The Devoto-Oli is the ideal dictionary for all those who want to have an appropriate control over how they express themselves and use the language on a daily basis and who want to stand out without showing themselves up. A tool that, when used as necessary, makes all the difference.

This is the start of the promotional campaign for the 2012 edition of the ground-breaking Le Monnier dictionary.

The claim developed by the Turin-based advertising company INEDITHA is The 2012 Devoto-Oli: you can tell who uses it. The three “subjects” use a number of polished expressions (chiedo venia, calende greche, sollucchero), in contexts that are familiar to everyone, for example a jokey message between colleagues on an iPad during a meeting; a graffiti message on a wall to a girlfriend and a note left on a windscreen with apologies for damage caused (Chiedo venia per aver urtato la sua macchina).

The campaign will run at 125 Mondadori Franchising and Mondadori Retail outlets around the country and is aimed at the end-user with a view to encouraging purchase: to teens, students, families, to those who study, read and work with the language and not only professionals, teachers and intellectuals.

100 Mondadori bookstore franchises and 25 Retail outlets will have totems, double-sided flags, change machines and promo-card at cash desks and the windows of the outlets will be dressed featuring the three subjects. At both networks monitors will show the campaign video and inside the Mondadori Multicenter in Piazza Duomo in Milan, there will be a giant panel with one of the three subjects.

The campaign will also run in the specialised educational press (Tuttoscuola), in la Repubblica newspaper, the magazines of the two bookstore chains involved in the campaign and, with banners (leaderboards and skyscrapers) on the Ibs, Libraccio and Mondadori Education websites.

The 2012 Devoto-Oli
The 2012 edition of the Devoto-Oli Le Monnier dictionary includes 350 new words, 150,000 clear and exhaustive definitions; 40,000 locutions and clearly indicated expressions; 3,240 two-colour pages; constantly updated scientific terminology, with neologisms such as Evo-Devo (evolution of development), cisgenico, psicocorporeo and mineralogramma.

The selection of new words – that provides a clear indication of the evolution of the language, and that includes the expressions of digital natives, the jargon of economists and a range of current expressions – great importance is given to dialects and foreign loan words. Among the 350 new items included in the new edition are those related to ecology, from current affairs and politics, the world of business and finance, the jargon of TV and newspapers, and the world of youth, from new technologies, fashion and new trends, as well as advertising.

The dictionary is available with a multi-platform DVD-Rom (Windows, Mac and Linux) – that can also be used on an Interactive Multimedia Board, which as well as containing the entire up-dated version of the Devoto-Oli, also includes a dictionary of synonyms and antonyms – and with an annual licence for online consultation, that provides access to the dictionary from any computer in any location.

Finally, the mobile version is available from the Apple Store with the App universale of the 2012 Devoto-Oli for the iPhone and iPad.

R101 is the official radio of the 68th International Venice Film Festival

On R101 the protagonists, news and curiosities to experience the red carpet like a star

R101 is the official radio of the 68th International Film Festival of the Venice Biennale to be held from 31 August to 10 September 2011.

For the entire duration of the event R101 will meet exclusively for radio, at its Radiocall stand, delegations for all of the films in competition. From 6 to 9 pm there will be live coverage during the programme presented by Tamara Taylor from the studio set up at the Lancia Cafè, inside the historic Hotel Excelsior, all of the emotion of great international cinema. There will also be a range of detailed background and links with R101’s correspondent Guido Bagatta along with curiosities from the festival, news previews and interviews with the protagonists on the red carpet. And on the evenings of 4th and 5th September, R101 will broadcast a 4-hour special night Music special, – I LOVE MOVIES – consisting entirely of soundtracks representing some of the most engaging music in the history of the cinema. All video, images and coverage will be available on the R101 web TV channel at