Month: October 2018

Interni presents a monographic issue United Mexican Design along with the Design Guide Mexico City/Milano

The third publishing initiative dedicated to Mexico City on the occasion of Design Week Mexico

In addition to the Italian/English, also a Spanish/English edition , with a special print run of 10,000 copies distributed in the Mexican capital

The Monography and Guide will be officially presented on 8 October at the Italian Embassy and on 11 October at the Archivo Diseño y Arquitectura

INTERNI, the Mondadori Group’s interiors and contemporary design magazine, has evolved from a print magazine into an integrated international communication system  that this month presents, for the third consecutive year, a publishing initiative on Mexico City, World Design Capital 2018; a monographic issue United Mexican Design and the Design Guide Mexico City/Milano, with the aim of exploring the country’s architecture, design and art sectors and facilitating the penetration of international Italian design in the Mexican market.

“With this issue, INTERNI completes a trilogy of monographic specials dedicated to Mexico and specifically to Mexico City, which has been designated as World Design Capital 2018 by the WDO (World Design Organization) and Ciudad Creativa de Diseño by UNESCO,” declared the editor Gilda Bojardi. “We have brought together a range of high level international guests to better understand the complex dynamics of this great metropolis which has decided to bet on design as a driver of urban and social change and we have developed a radical conviction: the theme of the CDMX WDC 2018 is socially responsible design, in terms of products, but also of processes and services. And, in the context of mutual cultural and commercial exchange, Italian know-how has the capacity to drive comparisons and the effective growth of our manufacturing industry in Mexico,” the editor concluded.

Both the monograph and the guide will be distributed in Mexico City, through bookstores, museums, schools, galleries, showrooms and hotels, with an expected special print run of 10,000 copies, which will be added to the 50,000 copies in Italian/English for international distribution. United Mexican Design and the Design Guide Mexico City/Milano will also be officially presented on 8 October at the Italian Embassy in Mexico City in the presence of the editor of INTERNI, Gilda Bojardi, and the institutional representatives – José Ramón Amieva Gálvez, head of the government, Luigi Maccotta, the Italian Ambassador, Emilio Cabrero, the director of Design Week Mexico – and, subsequently, on 11 October, at the Archivo Diseño y Arquitectura where a round table discussion will be moderated by the director of the archive, Mario Ballesteros, and with the participation of, among others, Luisa Bocchietto (President of the  World Design Organization), Emilio Cabrero (Director of the DWM and the CDMX WDC 2018 programme), Giuseppe Manenti (Director of the ICE-ITA in Mexico City), Gabriella Gómez-Mont (Director of the Laboratorio para la Ciudad), the designer Héctor Esrawe and Italian architect Mario Cucinella, to reflect on the topic of virtuous practices in architecture and design. The event will be open to designers from across the world, companies, foundations and public institutions.

INTERNI United Mexican Design and the “Design Guide Mexico City/Milano”

The 264-page monograph INTERNI United Mexican Design will present the most recent work of some of the leading protagonists of Mexican architecture as well as that of designers, graphic-designer and artists. The principal itinerary of the projects: from hospitality locations to public spaces (museums, cultural centres, parks, schools, shops, workshops, social and eco-sustainable initiatives) that make Mexico City the World Design Capital 2018.  Looking at the current situation, there will be a special section dedicated to products, as well as ideas and trends and an encounter the experience and testimony of leading figures. with a focus on Design Building: from multi-brands to single-brand flagship stores, to meet with Italian entrepreneurs operating in Mexico, large-scale Mexican distributors of Italian design; a detailed examination of the market logic, the most appreciated items, strategies and reasons for success.

Also this year, inside the bi-lingual Spanish/English edition of the monograph, there will also be the Design Guide Mexico City Milano (in support of the irreplaceable FuoriSalone guide for Milan in the context of the INTERNI system). The guide is an integral part of this issue of the magazine with 40 pages and a selection of over 350 unmissable locations in Mexico City – art and design galleries, museums, hotels, restaurants, schools. Extensive space is also give to the Flagshipstore section featuring where both single brand and multistore where it is possible to find the best products from the Italian design sector. A great opportunity for international architects, entrepreneurs and designers to meet and promote their products.

On newsstands the new CasaFacile, the magazine that furnishes with you

The Mondadori Group monthly has a new look and has increased content circularity: from print to the web and social networks

The CasaFacile brand confirms its unique position in the market of reference

CasaFacile, the monthly edited by Francesca Magni, is now on newsstands with a completely new look. The Mondadori Group magazine, a point of reference for furniture and daily home living enthusiasts, has strengthened its lifestyle positioning and integrated it with its service mission, along with a particular focus on content circularity from print to the web and social media.

While maintaining its ‘beating heart’ of simplicity, spontaneity and engagement, the new CasaFacile will be even more qualified and reliable, with a fresh, lively and enthusiastic approach that aims to create a unique style with which all women can see themselves and identify.

CasaFacile, that has always been an authoritative guide, but also friendly towards taste, style and trends, is a magazine that is alive and based on a daily relationship with its readers, which is also the source of its richness,” declared the editor Francesca Magni. “To engage the reader even more, we have developed a design layout that literally take you inside the houses (dream houses!) to capture solutions, details and designs that can be copied (with plans and budgets). There will be a vote for the house of the month and a final survey on the choice of interiors; just two of the new features to be shared. Home lovers have a talent for “possible dreams” and know how to make their home more theirs every day. In fact, one of the things that CasaFacile and its readers have in common is precisely the determination to move from the dream to reality”, the editor concluded.

The new CasaFacile

By remaining loyal to the characteristics that have made it successful over the years, every month the new CasaFacile will offer: more pages (+25%), more homes (5 rather than 4), more style cases (3 homes in 3 styles), more services (8/16 pages in the new Focus section, with planning outlines, how to advice, and a special column on budgeting), more before and afters (with a dedicated section), more décor; more shopping (30 pages of ideas), more trends (‘ideas for the home by…’ bloggers and Instagrammers); more green and more involvement of readers (surveys, vote for the home of the month, call to action and social media sharing). A clean and fresh layout and high-impact visuals, protagonists also on the cover, all contribute to making the monthly both refined and elegant, in step with the times and in line with the evolution of trends in furniture and interior design. and the CF Style community

CasaFacile is now much more than a magazine. After the recent design that has made it even more attractive, with more images and easier to ‘navigate’, has traffic numbers worth a monthly average of 305,000 unique users and an average of 830,000 page views per month (Source: Audiweb AwDatabase average in last 3 months/channel home DM).

In 7 years of active presence on social media CasaFacile has also expanded its team of bloggers and created a team of 64 ambassadors of the CF style, creatives who share the style and actively participate in the magazine’s initiatives. To this should be added the more than 100 CF style professionals (architects and interior designers) all over Italy who have been specially selected to be available to readers and users who want personalised advice; i.e. to those who buy the magazine every month, the over 310,000 fans active every day on Facebook and the 132,000 followers on Instagram.

Special projects and events

There will also be many opportunities to meet and share the passion that unites both the staff and readers: that of homes and their stories. CasaFacile will in fact also organise ad hoc courses, new workshops and labs, as well as special projects. Including the Academy, training days for the more than 60 bloggers on the CasaFacile teams; Meet the Blogger, events to bring together some of the bloggers on the team in workshops and labs, and Design Weekends with activities open to the public in collaboration with leading furniture brands. CasaFacile will also take part in all of the main design, do-it-yourself, décor and gardening events.

The success of CasaFacile

CasaFacile is a unique brand in the market of reference, able to engage clients from different sectors, also thanks to the original project formats it proposes. Projects that are amplified across the different platforms to create new and varied communication solutions.

The launch of the new CasaFacile will be supported by significant communication campaign on the web and social media, as well as a TV commercial on channels dedicated to furniture and design, as well as targeted activities in the large-scale retail area.

CasaFacile is available on newsstands this week at the price of €1.90.

Disclosure on the purchase of treasury shares from 24 to 28 September 2018

Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. (LEI Code 815600049A1F9AFE6666) announces the purchase on the MTA (Electronic Stock Market), in the period from 24 to 28 September 2018, of no. 21,500 ordinary shares (equal to 0.008% of the share capital) at an average unit price of Euro 1.4854 for a total amount of Euro 31,935.50.

These transactions were made under the authorization to purchase treasury shares approved by the Shareholders’ Meeting on 24 April 2018 (previously disclosed pursuant also to art. 144 bis of Consob Regulation 11971/99 and to art. 132 of Legislative Decree 58/98).

The following table details the purchases made per day in the above period of Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. ordinary shares, ISIN IT0001469383:

24/09/2018 3,000 1.4937 4,481.10
25/09/2018 3,500 1.5139 5,298.65
26/09/2018 3,500 1.5069 5,274.15
27/09/2018 3,500 1.4944 5,230.40
28/09/2018 8,000 1.4564 11,561.20

The purchases were made through the authorized intermediary Equita Sim S.p.A. (LEI Code 815600E3E9BFBC8FAA85).

Following the purchases made so far, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. holds no. 1,183,700 treasury shares, equal to 0.453% of the share capital.

Purchases in detail in the  complete pdf.