Month: October 2017

Mondadori Libri: birth of the new Business Unit Ragazzi

Today sees the launch, within the Trade Books Area of the Mondadori Group, managed by Enrico Selva Coddè, of the Children’s Books Business Unit, which includes the publishing houses Mondadori, Rizzoli, Fabbri and Piemme with the Battello a Vapore and Geronimo Stilton brands.
The aim of the new structure is to consolidate, as well as further expand, the company’s leadership in children’s publishing.

The Children’s Books Business Unit, which will be headed up by Lorenzo Garavaldi, aims to enhance the various imprints in response to the challenges of a strategic and continuously changing market.

The new organisational structure, while maintaining the different positioning and characteristics of the individual publishing houses, will facilitate a more complete and coherent articulation of the offer. The skills, creativity and passion of the people of the publishing houses will guarantee the essential quality and innovation necessary to reach excellent results

The Editorial Director of the new Children’s Books Business Unit will be Enrico Racca and the heads of the various publishing houses – Patrizia Puricelli for Piemme Geronimo Stilton, Alessandro Gelso for Rizzoli and Fabbri Ragazzi, Marta Mazza for Mondadori Ragazzi and Enrico Racca (ad interim) for Piemme Battello a Vapore – will report directly to him.
Lorenzo Garavaldi will remain in charge of marketing.
Rights for the whole area will be managed by Laura Casonato, who is already in charge of rights for Edizioni Piemme and Sperling & Kupfer.
Press and Communications for the Children’s Books Business Unit will be overseen by Paola Caviggioli, who remains as head of Communications for Edizioni Piemme and Sperling & Kupfer.

The new, Italy’s leading site for women is now online

A renovated and reinforced vertical offer covering beauty, news and food, with innovative native and branded content solutions

The Donna Moderna web site, a point of reference for Italian women, has re-launched with a new look and feel to offer users a more immediate and intuitive experience that works across all devices.

The new Donnamoderna.comwhich has been designed with mobile first interface, taking it even closer to users’ needs and strengthening its position as Italy’s leading site for women (Source: Audiweb View). Constantly up to speed with the latest digital trends, it allows users to easily identify and access content of interest and to share it on social media.

The new site has been conceived to offer users the most appropriate and useful content at different times of the day and on any device; a video carousel and high-impact visuals making the user experience even more engaging.

The Donna Moderna site also intercepts the “vertical” interests of women, with a special focus on beauty, news and food.

The new features include a section dedicated to beauty secrets with tips on how to use the make-up and adopt the hairstyles of stars, as well as advice and suggestions about new products that are a must in the beauty case of every women and the trends on show at the latest fashion shows.

The news channel, with content produced by the Donna Moderna editorial team become multimedia long-form features that explain, in a clear and detailed way, both current affairs and issues concerning the world of women. Over 50 contributors help to make this channel even more varied and interesting.

The food section on offers users unique recipes that will surprise and are suitable for the family, friends and  even big occasions. Among many convenient functions for digital enthusiasts is the possibility of sending shopping list directly using WhatsApp and thousands of video-recipes that are easy to follow, also on a smartphone or tablet while in the kitchen.

Then there is also a wealth of video content produced by the magazine’s editorial team, with infographics on both news items and health, made with the support of authoritative expert contributors, as well as viral videos and tutorials for make-up and hair styling, to be at your best in no time.

Great attention is also given to social channels with a dedicated editorial team producing quality native content with a rich range of educational and news, as well as online badges, gifs and live contributions from experts.

To mark the re-launch, Mediamond has renewed its native and branded content offer with formats and solutions to meet the needs of clients and adapted to all channels, including social media.

The partners of the new are DIOR for the beauty channel and LAVAZZA for the food channel.


Donna ModernaItaly’s leading publishing network for women, is an ecosystem that through the magazine, web and social channels, embraces an overall audience of 10 million net contacts, between readers and users, with a circulation of 230,000 copies (Source: Audipress 2017) and 7.9 million unique users (Source: Audiweb View May2017), 517,000 followers on Twitter and 628,000 fans on Facebook.

La Triennale di Milano hosts the event “La città dei mestieri”

Organized by Nostrofiglio, Focus Junior and Focus Pico in partnership with Happy Child, the event is dedicated to families and children

On 7 and 8 October in Milan, two days of debates, meetings and workshops dedicated to the development of children's talent

Nostrofiglio, Focus Junior and Focus Pico – the Mondadori Group’s brands aimed at children and young people – are organizing the first edition of “La città dei mestieri. Mettiamo in giorco il talento dei bambini (The city of crafts. Put the talent of children into play “, an event dedicated to families with children from 2 to 13 years of age and their teachers organized in partnership with the educational institution Happy Child.

The event, scheduled for October 7 and 8 at La Triennale di Milano (10-19 hours), is a space for reflection and experience on the talent of children through conferences, meetings with parents, workshops and recreational activities, for a total of more than 40 appointments distributed in three different spaces and dedicated to many topics including science, robotics, coding, journalism for children, drawing and creative work, cooking.

This first edition will guide families to discover the skills of their children through the child’s question-dream “what will I be?” and the many experiences that can be lived in the “city of arts and crafts”.

The detailed programme of “La città dei mestieri. Mettiamo in gioco il talento dei bambini” is available here.


Disclosure on the purchase of treasury shares from 25 to 29 September 2017

Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. (LEI Code 815600049A1F9AFE6666) announces the purchase on the MTA (Electronic Stock Market), in the period from 25 to 29 September 2017, of no. 25,000 ordinary shares (equal to 0.010% of the share capital) at an average unit price of Euro 2.0191 for a total amount of Euro 50,478.50.

These transactions were made under the authorization to purchase treasury shares approved by the Shareholders’ Meeting on 27 April 2017 (previously disclosed pursuant also to art. 144 bis of Consob Regulation 11971/99 and to art. 132 of Legislative Decree 58/98).

The following table details the purchases made per day in the above period of Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. ordinary shares, ISIN IT0001469383:

Date Quantity Average price (€) Amount (€)
25/09/2017 5,000 1.9618 9,809.00
26/09/2017 5,000 2.0220 10,110.00
27/09/2017 5,000 2.0337 10,168.50
28/09/2017 5,000 2.0468 10,234.00
29/09/2017 5,000 2.0314 10,157.00

The purchases were made through the authorized intermediary Equita Sim S.p.A. (LEI Code 815600E3E9BFBC8FAA85).

Following the purchases made so far, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A. holds no. 653,000 treasury shares, equal to 0.25% of the share capital.

Purchases in detail in the complete pdf file


Donna Moderna launches its ‘Dyslexia Project’ on 4 October

An initiative by the Mondadori Group brand that, using the web, the magazine and a talk show, will spread information about the issue of dyslexia as “another way of being intelligent”

The project has been organised in collaboration with Lancôme


Donna Moderna, the Mondadori Group magazine edited by Annalisa Monfreda, – which has a long track record of engagement with social issues– is launching its ‘Dyslexia Project’ (‘Progetto Dislessia’).

The project begins with a talk show on  Wednesday 4 October at the Mondadori Megastore in Piazza Duomo in Milan that will inform the public and clarify some of the false ideas and prejudices that surround this issue. The talk show – that will be available live on the Donna Moderna Facebook page – will feature the magazine’s editor, together with the actor Francesco Riva, the radio and TV presenter Andrea Delogu, journalist and mother Francesca Magni, primary school teacher Antonella Meiani, the neuro-psychiatrist Cristiano Termine and Ulrika Wiskstrom, Brand General Manager of Lancôme, sponsor of the initiative.

“The diagnosis of dyslexia is becoming more common and our readers, mothers of dyslexic children, have to face the incapacity of schools and society to manage this feature of the human brain, which leads to children learning differently,” said the editor of the magazine. “The aim of Donna Moderna is to make it clear that dyslexia, and other specific learning disabilities, are simply another way of being intelligent. Early diagnosis, through signals that some children show from the age of two, can make it easier to bring them up to be confident and serene,” Annalisa Monfreda concluded.

The Talk Show will take place during Dyslexia Week, promoted by AID (the Italian Dyslexia Association, and will begin an awareness building project, organised in collaboration with Lancôme, that, with its initiative “Write Her Future”, supports the mission of AID to help children to overcome difficulties at school.

Donna Moderna will also develop the initiative with a longform essay on the web, which will be online on Wednesday, 4 October ( that will also be published in the magazine in the form of a special dossier. This specially produced feature – with photos by Gabriele Galimberti – tells the stories of both famous and unknown characters who have “come out” as dyslexics and invites readers and users (aged 12 to 74) to do likewise by sending a video of their experience to the editorial team.The longform essay is divided into three sections related to three realities that revolve around the world of dyslexia: the science (in which doctors and experts explain what dyslexia is), the family (in the word of dyslexics, as well as the experience of parents, family members and friends) and school (also involving teachers who explain how they relate to and handle classes).

The Lancôme project is part of a larger programme that every year encourages and promotes the happiness of all women. Every woman can acquire independence and freedom and be the author of her own story, but only if she has, from childhood, the right tools to help her develop. In October, for Lancôme the Month of Happiness, the company will contribute, with a donation to AID, to the organisation of important training sessions for teachers and parents, with the aim of raising awareness and facilitating the recognition of dyslexia.

Donna Moderna, part of the Mediamond advertising portfolio, is Italy’s leading editorial network for women, an ecosystem that through its magazine,  web and social channels, embraces a total audience of 10 million net contacts, between readers and users (Source: Company data based on Audipress 2017.1 and Audiweb May2017), that is able to extend and develop its reach with initiatives like this around the country (4 million monthly readers, a circulation of 230,000 copies.  7.9 million unique users -Audipress 2017.1,ADS Jan-Dec 2016;  Audiweb View May 2017 – and 516,000 followers on Twitter and 627,000 fans on Facebook).