Month: February 2012

Mondadori France, OJD data: excellent performance by the titles in the portfolio

According to the circulation figures released by the OJD (Office de Justification de la Diffusion) for 2011, Mondadori France confirmed its position as a leading publisher with significant successes and excellent circulation results.

“Innovation and editorial quality are our strengths and the drivers of our performance,” underlined Ernesto Mauri, the chairman of Mondadori France. “4 re-launches since 2010 and three new titles in three years: Grazia in 2009, followed in 2011 by Auto Plus Classiques and Guerres et Histoire, which further reinforced our Science & Vie brand,” Mauri added. “These results have also been accompanied by an authentic success in advertising, thanks to which our advertising company has achieved a market share of 10.3% (+0.7% compared with 2011), positioning the company in second place, in terms of volume, in the magazine sector,” Mauri concluded.

Genuine circulation success
Among the haut de gamme (upscale) women’s titles was the continuing circulation success of Grazia France, which reached an average sale of 184,832 copies, an increase of +3.1%.
Meanwhile also the “success story” of Biba has continued, showing the strongest and most significant growth among the competitors in the same segment. In fact the monthly has grown by 80% since 2004 and in 2011 grew by a further 4.5% to an average of 326,339 copies.
Pleine Vie, following a redesign completed last June, saw newsstand sales increase by 54.5% compared with 2010, with an average circulation at 843,647 copies (+1.3%).

Additional leadership
Modes & Travaux, after an extensive reconfiguration is now, after 26 years, the leader in its market of reference with an average sale of 444,228 copies (+5.9% compared with 2010). In two years the magazine has increased average circulation by 70,000 copies (+19,3%), to become the women’s monthly with the highest growth level compared with the previous year (+24,859 copies).
Since 2009 Telé Star has achieved the best performance in the market for TV listings titles (+1,037,954 copies) and in 2011 became the second magazine among the titles in the weekly segment. Despite a general decline in the sector, Télé Star limited its fall to -2.5%.
L’Ami des Jardins is the leading gardening monthly, with an average circulation of 154,736 copies (+3.6%).

Confirmed leadership
2011 saw the confirmation of the success of Top Santé, the main point of reference in the health and fitness area since its launch, which recorded a 5.8% growth in sales to an average of 350,386 copies; while Closer which, with an average circulation of 414,174 copies, maintained its leadership among the “people” titles for women.
In a particularly difficult market, the car titles of Mondadori France continued to perform extremely well. Auto Plus, with an average sale of 297,667 copies, confirmed also in 2011 its leadership among generalist weeklies in the segment.
And once again, Science & Vie, with a circulation of 288,690 copies (+2.4%) and Science & Vie Junior, with sales of 168,533 copies (+2,7%), were the leaders in their respective segments.

Writers speaking

To celebrate the redesign and relaunch of the SIS, Scrittori Italiani e Stranieri series, Mondadori has organised four special encounters, to be held at the Teatro Franco Parenti in Milan, with some of the publishing house’s most important authors.

Taking the stage on 6 February will be Alessandro Piperno, on 27 February it will be the turn of Paolo Giordano, while on 5 March the guest will be Carlos Ruiz Zafon. This series of encounters will close with Margaret Mazzantini and David Grossman on 26 March.
Entry is free though limited to the capacity of the theatre.

After thirteen years, Mondadori is redesigning and relaunching the SIS, Scrittori Italiani e Stranieri series, the company’s most important fiction series that includes the great masters, new discoveries and the most fascinating and interesting voices of international literature.
Making a return of the covers of the titles from the Scrittori Italiani e Stranieri series is the noble and ancient symbol of the rose and a quotation from Dante “in su la cima” (right at the top), a symbol of patience and beauty that, since 1934 – when it appeared for the first time on the frontispiece of the Classici Italiani series – has characterised the books published by Edizioni Mondadori.