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23 Nov 2011 Ti racconto un sorriso: the charity initiative promoted by Mediafriends and Mondadori returns for the sixth year running Books, Sustainability
10 May 2011 The Donabol operation brings writers and the web together to provide an ideal library for four italian schools Books, Retail, Sustainability
13 Apr 2011 Donna Moderna and the Vodafone Foundation: the three winning projects of the “Women & Work” competition collect their awards Media brand, Media Brand, Sustainability
19 Jan 2011 Donna Moderna and Mediafriends present “Bambini rompiscatole. Bambini nelle foto. Foto nelle scatole” Media Brand, Media brand, Sustainability
1 Dec 2010 Mondadori joined the Greenpeace campaign to protect forests Books, Business, Sustainability
13 Oct 2010 Donna Moderna and the Fondazione Vodafone: the launch of the “Women & Work project” Media brand, Media Brand, Sustainability