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18 Feb 2013 / at 10:30 Social Media Week Milano 2013: the Mondadori Group event media partner Corporate, Sustainability
6 Feb 2013 the video story “un’ #azionecoifiocchi” takes 1st place on youtube in the category “Non-profit and activism” with 83,000 views Media brand, Media Brand, Sustainability
5 Feb 2013 / at 13:00 The Mondadori Group media partner of Social Media Week Milano 2013 Corporate, Corporate events, Sustainability
15 Jan 2013 Geronimo Stilton and Edizioni Piemme support the research grants of the Umberto Veronesi Foundation with a book for young readers. Books, Piemme, Sustainability
9 May 2012 Donna Moderna, in collaboration with, presents the “Il lavoro per i giovani” project Media Brand, Media brand, Sustainability
13 Mar 2012 Mondadori Electa and FAI – Fondo Ambiente Italiano together again in 2012: a book and a promotional campaign in support of FAI Books, Sustainability