Smart working in Mondadori Group

Smart working consists of carrying out work in a flexible manner in terms of time and place where it is carried out and presupposes a new organisational-managerial philosophy based on greater autonomy for workers, who can choose when and where to work, in the face of greater responsibility for results and priorities.

In Italy, there are about 460,000 smart workers, with a tendency to grow.
Of a sample of 183 Italian companies with more than 250 employees, 56% already have structured smart working programmes in place, 8% will introduce them within the next 12 months and 21% are interested in the subject.

With the company agreement signed last year, the Mondadori Group has committed itself to the development of a smart working project for all employees of the Grafici Editoriali contract, with the aim of promoting forms of work that combine private and professional life.

More than 30 colleagues from all areas of the company, after having received the necessary training to understand the implications and changes in mentality, but also operational and health and safety requirements, will experience agile work until December 2019: that is, they can work in a different location from the company from a minimum of 2 to a maximum of 4 days a month according to agreements made with their direct managers.

As demonstrated by the many similar experiences in Italian and foreign companies, the expected benefits are many and on both sides: higher productivity and better performance, increasing sense of responsibility and satisfaction, lower transport costs and CO2 emissions, better balance between private and working life, less stress.