Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni confirms its role as the magazine most able to engage and unite readers and fans to artists and celebrities
At a time when television is once again the main source of entertainment for Italian families, as they remain together for long periods during the day, Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni is confirming its role as a point of reference for all lovers of the world of television and show business.
Italy in lockdown has seen a record rise in increasingly younger viewers, tuning in also at previously unimaginable times of the day. There is a boom in generalist TV, but there is also an increase in TV consumption in streaming and updates online, all with social networks as a powerful sharing tool.
In this scenario Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni is seeing record-level growth in its online audience and expanding its offer, confirming its role as a brand uniquely able to maintain a privileged relationship with the personalities from the world of show business and its ability to create opportunities for interaction for its readers and digital fans.
“I am delighted with the results that Sorrisi, thanks to the efforts of the entire staff and digital team, is achieving,” declared Aldo Vitali, the magazine’s editor. “The current situation of social distancing has helped to make us even more dynamic, with an even greater determination to be close to our readers, users and the artistes of the world of television and show business. A renewed demonstration of the strength of our DNA; that of an authoritative brand continuously up to speed with the interests of its readers thanks to exclusive proposals available across a range of channels, from the print magazine to social networks”, Vitali concluded.
A number of initiatives have been developed by the Mondadori Group brand, starting from those on social networks:
#AcasaconSorrisi: two daily appointments on Instagram and Facebook in which the editor, Aldo Vitali, offers a brief guide to the day’s schedules, but above all brings the protagonists of the current issue into the homes of Italians with a live show on Instagram, every day at 4 pm, uncovering the more human and authentic side of celebrities. Guests of the Levante format have included, Francesco Gabbani, Francesca Michielin and J-Ax appearing exclusively for Sorrisi as well as Elettra Lamborghini, Carlo Conti, Vanessa Incontrada, and Stefano De Martino, Benedetta Parodi, Luca Argentero, Nicola Savino and a rich and continuously evolving schedule. These live celebrity slots have each generated up to 100,000 views.
But there are also ne features on the web and in the magazine: from 21 April, with Guida allo Streaming TV, Sorrisi will create every month a special insert for the magazine entirely dedicated to the TV offer in streaming. The insert will focus on what’s new from the major players: cinema, TV series, original content, documentaries, animated films. And to mark the occasion, the web site, will introduce a new section dedicated to the offer in streaming.
In may it will be the turn of Guida ai Film, a special issue dedicated to film fans, a compass to find your way through the increasingly rich offer on all platforms, both free and paid, rental and paid digital downloads, from new releases to the most watched titles, with a vast range of information and suggestions from the editorial team.
Tv Sorrisi e Canzoni is a brand that can remain close to its users at all times and across all available channels: something that is confirmed by the results in terms of audience. In the last week of March, the web site recorded a 70% rise in the daily number of unique users compared to an average day in January and February (Source: Audiweb Daily).
And also, an integral part of the Entertainment offer, saw an increase of 56% compared with last year.
There were also excellent result on social networks where, in the month of March, Sorrisi content reached over 7.5 million people.