Donna Moderna is on newsstands with a special Issue entitled “Un nuovo futuro”
Two exceptional protagonists for two extraodinary covers: Elodie and Federica Pellegrini
Donna Moderna, the magazine edited by Annalisa Monfreda lanches, from Thursday 17 September, a special issue entitled: Un nuovo future A new future (#Unnuovofuturo).
The magazine on newsstands will have two covers, featuring the two great protagonists who talk about themselves: Federica Pellegrini and Elodie, undisputed symbols of strength, courage and tenacity in this historic period of evolution also in their personal and professional lives.
Beautiful and elegant, with different roles but also similar for the grit and determination that Federica and Elodie demonstrate also on the pages of Donna Moderna wearing futuristic clothes and interpreting, also through fashion, the sense of this special issue.
How will our lives change after the pandemic that has turned us upside down? What will our future look like?
Real change has already begun – driven by medicine and politics, culture and the economy – and it is now that we can tangibly see the thoughts that we have has during the months of lockdown.
Donna Moderna offers an response to these questions through 12 important and exclusive conversations with incredible female talents recognised around the world in different disciplines, 9 practical guides produced in collaboration with an emerging illustrator with background detail and targeted advice to better deal with the months ahead: from eco-light mobility to high-tech beauty, and from online shopping to the evolution of homes in the wake of working from home.
“With Federica Pellegrini we discovered what it means to postpone a critical appointment in one’s life, such as the Tokyo Olympics, which for her will be the last. With the scientist Elena Cattaneo we have understood how important it is to re-establish a scientific culture in Italy. With Elodie we explore the intrinsic potential of change. And with Nobel Prize-winner Esther Duflo we investigated the great transformations taking place in the economy. Each of these women have given us a key to interpret the new future that awaits us,” declared Annalisa Monfreda, editor of Donna Moderna.
“Once again Donna Moderna demonstrates that it is a brand in continuous evolution, able to reach an increasingly broad audience thanks to its different channels and multiplicity of initiatives,” declared Andrea Santagata, general manager of Mondadori Media. “Il nuovo futuro is the second of 3 special issues conceived by the Mondadori Group brand The first, published in July, was dedicated to Italian talent and excellence, was widely appreciated and the activities linked to this initiative have further expanded the community; October will see the publication of the third in the series, entitled The New Beauty”, concluded Santagata.
This special issue of Donna Moderna, in addition to having an ad hoc organisation of content divided into three parts, also has a dedicated design and layout, overseen by the magazine’s art director Luca Pitoni. A new logo has been conceived and created, along with a layout that interprets the concept of a “new future”, with iridescent shadings on every page of the magazine and digital and social media content.
In the first part of the Mondadori group magazine readers will find the first-hand experience and conversations with personalities from the worlds of innovation, the economy, fashion, show business and culture, as well as medicine, architecture and politics, all of whom will talk about what they expect from the near future.
From Daria Bignardi to the economist Esther Duflo, winner of the Nobel Prize for Economics in 2019, and from Francesca Bria, one of the top 50 woman in tech (Forbes), to the actress and cabaret performer Michela Giraud. Also include are the epidemiologist Alessia Melegaro, head of the Bocconi University laboratory and Angela Missoni who talks about the new challenges facing fashion, and many more.
The second part of the magazine is an illustrated guide with detailed coverage of the issue of change, that will also be online and on social media, with an interactive Instaquiz in Stories on the title’s Instagram profile @donnamoderna.
The third part of the weekly is given over to the voices of the brand’s readers, followers and users.
In July and August, a Donna Moderna team, made up of a couple, a photographer and a videomaker, on board a campervan made a tour around Italy gathering stories about change that have been featured during the summer on the brand’s social media profiles. The 10 most exciting have been “reached” by the troupe that documented the experiences published in this special issue.
In addition to the Instaquiz to test users’ knowledge of the different areas dealt with in the issue, on Instagram stories there will be a survey where users can vote for their favourite cover.
The storytelling of the special issue continues also on the website where the content of the magazine will be presented, examined in more detail and updated.
The launch of the new issue Nuovo Futuro of Donna Moderna is supported by an advertising campaign developed by Casiraghi, and planned across print, digital and social media, as well as radio and digital out-of-home in the core districts of Milan on the iDD Magazine circuit.
Thanks to a unique mix of practical advice, first-hand testimony, stories and daily live events, Donna Moderna remains always close to its readers and their needs. Through the magazine and its web channels it reaches a total net audience of 14.6 million users each month (Source: Nielsen Media impact, data fusion March 2020), to which should be added over 2 million fans on social media with 1.3 million monthly interactions (Source: Fanpage Karma, August 2020), confirming its position as the point of reference in the women’s segment.