Carlo Mandelli

Managing director of Mondadori Media S.p.A.

Carlo Mandelli, management

Carlo Mandelli has been Managing director of Mondadori Media S.p.A. since January 2020. He has also been Chairman of Direct Channel S.p.A. since January 2017, and of Press-di Distribuzione e stampa S.r.l. since April 2015.

In November 2019 he has been appointed Chairman of FIPP – Connecting Global Media. He has been copyright and competition protection advisor of FIEG (Federazione italiani editori giornali, the Italian newspaper and magazine publishers association) since June 2020. From May 2016 to December 2018 he was Chairman of ADS (Accertamenti Diffusione Stampa, the Italian association that supplies statistics about circulation of newspapers and magazines).

Born in Milan in 1964, Carlo Mandelli joins the Mondadori Group in 1990, where he acquires extensive experience in the magazine and internet activities sector.