Antonio Porro

Chief Executive Officer
Mondadori Group

Management - Antonio Porro

Antonio Porro has been Chief Executive Officer of the Mondadori Group since April 2021.

Additionally, he has been Chairman of Mondadori Libri S.p.A. since February 2018 and Chairman of Rizzoli International Publications Inc. since September 2016.

Porro was born in Milan in 1965 and graduated in economics and business at the Catholic University of Milan. 

He started his professional experience in 1991 in the Business Development area of Fininvest. In 1993, he joined Mondadori as head of Development Projects.

Porro then gained over ten years’ experience at Telecom Italia: from 1995, in the Business Division, he took on positions of increasing responsibility, including Strategic Marketing, and then moved – from 2001 – to the International Division as head of Operations of the subsidiaries.

In January 2009, he returned to Mondadori as head of Group Mergers & Acquisitions; in 2011, he was appointed general manager Educational and in January 2015 managing director of the educational area of Mondadori Libri S.p.A.