
We are the major publisher of books, leader in the magazine area, the top multimedia publisher in digital and social media, and one of the main players in the retail area.

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€ 744 mn

revenues in 2020

€ 98.1 mn

Adj. EBITDA (IFRS16) in 2020

€ 4.5 mn

net result from continuing operations in 2020


employees in 2020






new titles

35 brands

paper and digital




For more than 110 years, the mission of the Mondadori Group has been to foster the circulation of culture and ideas, through a high-profile leisure offer for the widest possible public.

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For more than a century, our calling has been to create innovative, quality publishing products that favour the exchange of ideas and respect freedom of expression.

We direct our actions and decisions towards long-term value creation.

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Together for Education

During the Covid-19 pandemic, the Group's school textbook publishers acted quickly and effectively.

A project to enable and facilitate Distance Learning for everyone.

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Covid-19: our initiatives

Ensuring safety in the workplace has always been one of the core purposes of the prevention and protection service.

In the last year, our activities aimed at countering the Covid-19 pandemic took on a key priority.

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